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I ♥️ Rashek

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Everything posted by I ♥️ Rashek

  1. A duralumin Ferring can store Connection, and a duralumin Compounder can have unlimited Connection. How can our Compounder use this to become a Mistborn? Lerasium Lerasium, Preservation's godmetal, grants Allomancy. To do this, it rewrites your Spiritual DNA, increasing your Connection to Preservation. For Allomancers, metals are a 'key' that lets them use Preservation's Investiture through the Connection. Duralumin Feruchemy: A duralumin Ferring can store Connection. Since tin and nicrosil Ferrings can store selectively, duralumin Ferrings should be able to do the same. Everyone on Scadrial is Connected to Preservation, so a duralumin Ferring should be able to store this once he knows what he's looking for. Allomancy: A duralumin Misting can burn duralumin. If he's also a duralumin Ferring, he can burn his own metalminds for tenfold return-this is called compounding. It's not really infinite Feruchemy, though-a compounder is still limited by how fast they can burn their metalminds. With just a few flakes of steel, Wax can Steelpush for quite a while, so burning seems pretty slow. It would take a while for a normal compounder to get through a metalmind. Our duralumin compounder is not a normal compounder, though. Duralumin Allomancy burns through metals instantly and releases all the power at once, so our compounder is not limited by burning speed. He can get absurd amounts of Connection to Preservation instantly. Savancy: Using lots of Investiture rewrites your Spiritweb, making you a savant. If you're constantly tapping huge amounts of Connection to Preservation, savancy might rewrite your sDNA to have a permanent Connection with Preservation. If it doesn't, then a duralumin compounder can still be a Mistborn-he just has to tap Connection when he wants to use Allomancy. Other Theories The Set's breeding program: As of Bands of Mourning, the Set seem to have changed their goals. Even if the breeding program continues, a child of two Allomancers should have around the same Allomantic potential as their parents, so where does the Mistborn come from? Hemalurgy: That would take a lot of spikes. Harmony could control them easily, and if he didn't care about it, a regular Soother supported by a Nicroburst would do the trick too. It wouldn't be hard to deal with a Mistborn made this way. Nicrosil Compounding: Unsealed metalminds interfere with each other, but if that's solved, then a nicrosil compounder could become Mistborn with medallions. However, since they can compound the ability to use Allomancy, their Allomancy could be as powerful as the Lord Ruler's. That's too powerful-a serial killer with the Lord Ruler's Allomancy could kill everyone in a city with Rioting alone. Kelsier: He made the Bands of Mourning. He's probably Fullborn, so he can only lose by act of God. Also, removing Kelsier's eye-spike would remove his Connection to the Physical Realm, and that sounds a lot like 'removing the Lord Ruler's bracers means that he ages to dust'.
  2. Where does the 80 come from? By your ranking, I count 85 + 60 + 10 + 10 - 15=150 I won't be using the replaced bone for physical stuff. Considering how strong human bones are, I don't know if it would help. I will change the backstory.
  3. Allri returned her tin to a low burn, noticing the world dull around her. She felt tired-a day spent walking could do that, especially when she wasn't used to it. Her clothes were still streaked with purple sleep spores, and it would be nice to get those out. They might be affecting her now, actually. It was easy to lose track of time in caves like this, and she'd been the one most affected by the spores earlier. Even if her drowsiness was completely natural, she didn't think it was a great idea to confront danger while only half awake. And it was so warm here-what were the chances that the next cavern would be so agreeable? Looking back towards the hot springs, Allri made up her mind. "It's been a long day. Let's go back and sleep."
  4. That is not an absolute description. That is the way Bruce sees it, and it's accurate by his experiences. If I wrote up how Allri sees the AV, it would be very different. You will notice that Bruce didn't instantly shoot in the tavern thread. Again, fighting style is only relevant after a character decides to fight. Allri's fighting style is 'soothe people and run away', but you don't see her doing much of that. I wonder how people get such a strong idea of what police are. It's probably not from firsthand experience-I know exactly how much I interact with police-so, probably political pushing. Not surprising, though Bruce is not supposed to represent a real-world policeman. His purpose actually isn't a character idea at all, so I'm not sure why I wrote this. @kenod, your suggestion is a nice way of making Bruce into a deeper character.
  5. Allri nodded. She wondered what the first expedition looked like-maybe it would be useful in finding their mural. Burning tin, she looked back at the first mural. The figures on the wall were very realistic, once she took out the symbolism. She'd never mistake them for photographs, but it was very clear who they were referring to. Her own painting clearly showed her high cheekbones, her brown hair … no, it was wrong, her hair would never be that messy. Not even after Steelpushing herself into a wall, falling asleep in a cave of sleeping-gas mushrooms, falling into a puddle, and getting hit by coins during practice. Okay, maybe it was that messy. Maybe. With her tin on, Allri couldn't miss the second "Are you in?". This one didn't come from Corette, though. Allri spun around, trying to pick out the voice's source, but in the misty cavern, she could only see shadows flitting across the back of the cave. She turned back to the group, thoughts racing. It was clearly not a normal echo, and in light of the other things they'd found, the odds were pretty good that it was dangerous in some way. Looking to Corette for reassurance, she saw the Seeker put her finger to her lips, then gesture for them to keep their eyes on each other. Allri did. Rig spoke, then. "Northern mountains sure are nice this year, Penrod." Allri waited, watching the other two. Nothing was visible yet, but her heart was pounding anyways. But there was nothing for her to do except wait and watch. Nothing for her to do, when anything at all could be out there. When the voice returned, it was almost a relief. This time, it came from above. Allri saw Corette mouth 'Tin'. She was already burning it, but she flared it for a moment, searching the false sky for signs of trouble. Tree branches and mists were in the way, but they were useless against the flared tin. The flitting shadows from earlier were visible again. This time, with the flare, she could make out their features-they looked like rats with wings. Turning back to Rig and Corette, Allri silent-spoke what she'd seen. 'Bats. Looks harmless.' @TrailRunnin @ZincAboutIt
  6. You're thinking of the real world. For the average person, Alleycity is a horrible place to live. There's DA, body-stealing ghosts, and hemalurgic monsters everywhere. Criminals kill citizens without second thoughts, then never pay for their crimes because "there's a different definition of murder". When guild wars happen, large parts of the city are destroyed, and people take advantage of the chaos. The Alleycity police must deal with all this and more, and every threat that they miss means more suffering for the average citizen. They do not come from a first-world country, where the rule of law is strong and the devastation of war is a distant memory. Criminals are not defined by their Investiture, either. You can take a man's allomancy, but you can't take years of street-fighting experience. Unless you use your stored steel, you're as vulnerable as any other man, and without compounding, that steel can run out very quickly. Living in a city of horrors, dealing with crime day after day, you have to be efficient about it. You have to be very suspicious-if you handcuff and leech this man, what will you do if his friend shoots you from the shadows? You can't leech both at once. Alleycity police are happy when criminals come quietly. They've seen too many deaths because a thug decided to fight, and they aren't eager to see that again.
  7. If the police don't even arrest people for murder, doesn't that make them completely useless? Kill first is his fighting style, not his answer to everything. It's only relevant if he chooses to fight. It's totally reasonable for a policeman to defend himself with lethal force, considering his history and how dangerous Alleyverse criminals can be.
  8. A Kevlar vest, and only one bone. The bone is just there to be a metalmind If this was in the real world, you would be absolutely right. The Alleyverse isn't nearly as peaceful, though.
  9. Allri said goodbye to Wes and walked over to Corette. The scout leader was standing near a wall with cave paintings on it, and from what Allri overheard, they were some kind of prophecy. She found her face in the paintings. It was somewhat unnerving, but since she didn't see anything bad happening to her, she figured it was a good sign. Besides, Corette probably hadn't called her over to interpret the paintings-Allri had zero experience with prophecy. She tore herself away from the paintings-they were actually quite good art, despite their age-and turned to Corette. "Hi, you called?" @ZincAboutIt
  10. If you sponsor me, I won't kill your sponsored tribute
  11. Bruce walked into the bar. He'd been told that one of Mr. Itiah's murderers could be found here, and as he looked around the room, he saw the suspect, one Vio Lin, playing the violin in plain sight. Too easy. He walked over to Lin and flashed his badge. "Mr. Lin, you're under arrest for conspiracy to murder Mr. Itiah. Will you come quietly?" @Oduim’s Chmapion
  12. Are dead characters still included in the 5 characters per era limit?
  13. You'll have to fight at some point, but when making the wrong choice means you die, you want to err on the side of caution. The "real-life" Hunger Games are badly designed because of that-most of the time, fighting actually decreases your chances of victory, and you don't get enough games to know when fighting will be good for you. Of course, since you don't actually die in forum hunger games, I expect we'll see a lot more proactivity from our contestants.
  14. You win the Hunger Games by surviving, so avoiding unnecessary risks is a good strategy.
  15. Have you ever wanted to kill someone? Don't lie, I know you have. We all have those moments, one time or another. There's nothing to be ashamed of. Would you do it? I thought so. You never would. Not when you could be caught, not when you could lose it all. Not in life, perhaps not even here. You're a sponsor, after all. Your life is safe. Your hands are clean. Are they? You will watch us kill each other. You will help us kill each other. Be honest with yourself, and give in to what you really want. Choose your tribute. Pick up your knife.
  16. Why do so many AV characters have parental abuse/tragedy backstories? Does this have something to do with how Sanderson writes his main characters?
  17. Allri shrugged. "Who knows? You'll have to show me sometime." Movies... those hadn't been a thing back on Scadrial. So many things that hadn't existed. But the Alleyverse was no paradise either-she noticed that Wes became uncomfortable when talking about his past here. Not too surprising, considering how brutal it sounded. Well, she couldn't go back now, so she might as well have fun while she was here. "Do you have a favorite movie?"
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