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Paalm Tree

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Everything posted by Paalm Tree

  1. If it has to start with the same first letter as my name then Callsign: Crazy or Cerulean If not, Callsign: Storms or Nobody
  2. Thanks for all the ideas! I combined the fried marbles and the goblet of spheres and it ended up looking pretty cool. Both my friends really liked the stormlight, but I had to tell them not to try and eat the spheres
  3. Shallan's backstory- if we find out the logistics of how and when she bonded pattern, we would get to find out about her mom's association with the sky skybreakers and probably more about the ghostbloods. I love Maya and want her to be revived, but I think it would be good to have some main characters that aren't Radiants(if adolin has to become radiant to revive Maya).
  4. THATS AWESOME How did you make it? Do you have the design? I also wanted to make one for Halloween
  5. Wow! That's really awesome, good luck. Oh, that's tough, Stormlight four will probably come out while you're gone.
  6. I lost the game In my marching band we also play the game and yell at anyone who says anything about it
  7. I'm also a self proclaimed nerd. I read addictively and pretty fast, so I go through a lot of books. I also LOVE musicals even have gotten to go to Hamilton. I'm also pretty smart and 2 years ahead of most of my grade in math, but I tend to try and not talk about these things because it makes people around me feel uncomfortable. I've always down played my intelligent and have acted more dumb to try to not freak people out or scare off friends. At this point I'm not completely sure what is me just being dumb or me trying to be. This school year I have joined our schools book club and it is honestly the best part of my week. We don't read assigned books, but talk about what we've read and play games. There are 4 other cosmere fanatics and we are trying convert the rest of the club to the fandom. @Tesh I really hope you are able to find good nerdy friends you can talk about books with, but if you can't there is always the 17th shard and we always be here.
  8. There's also the part when he talks to Kaladin and he is talks about how perfect pitch makes making music easier than it had been. Meaning that he at least at the second heightening.
  9. I have a two friends whose birthdays are coming up and they are both huge Sanderfans. I want to get them some cosmere stuff, but I'm broke. Does anyone have any decent cheap ideas for birthday presents??
  10. YKWYASW you are reading something by David Sedaris and you keep saying David Sadeas
  11. I kinda want Moash to go kill Roshone, the person ACTUALLY responsible for his grandparents death, then gets smacked down by Kaladin Taln would also be awesome I would also would be satisfied if Jasnah revenged her brother by soulcasting Moash into dirt, after being paralyzed by Navani and her attack fabrial.
  12. Moash- so I could slap him(he would then probably kill me but its fine) HOID- does this need explanation Lift- she's awesome and I would go steal food with her.
  13. YKYASFW you only choose Sanderson books to do book reports on
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