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Mushroom Catalog

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Everything posted by Mushroom Catalog

  1. The title says most of it. How does Investiture move after being "used"? Not the breathing in for stormlight, or eating metal for allomancy. Like when an allomancer burns it and pushes, or soulcasters soulcast? We don't ever have it described that investiture flowed in a direction, or similar things (at least, none that I can remember). So, how does Investiture do that?
  2. YKYASW as soon as you taking a class on programming you start thinking of all the great cosmere themed stuff you could make. Then I think about it some more and start to appreciate how hard making a tiny, semi-functioning game is. I have a newfound respect for developers.
  3. Just watch when we make it to 999 pages and then a mod posts and locks it.
  4. Granted, the curse is canceled. However, you can't ever put the wifi password in correctly for the sharder party. Sharty? Parder?
  5. Since there was no wish, I wish for the said zombie apocalypse to stop and all zombies to turn back into people. And the nightwatcher's zombie creating powers to go away.
  6. Well, at least the "I win" is now relevant despite the fact that I missed a few pages then double posted then edited both posts.
  7. Never mind why does my computer just not load posts. Sorry, double post on accident. Forgot about that.
  8. Truthless just won for over 72 hours. No longer! I win. Actually not. my computer is strange
  9. Funny. I could have sworn that Chocolate Is Chocolate, Chocolate Is Not Mine, Chocolate Is Not His. However, Baba Is You
  10. Granted, but everytime you try to do anything useful, somebody important to you gets kidnapped, held hostage, and you fail to save them and fail to do said useful thing. I wish for somebody to tell me how to use a set of points to decide whether it's a squiggly line, a circle, a straight line, or something else using python code. Edit: Either that, or that I got an 100% grade on my math test I just took
  11. You get Glados in portal 2 ("Don't think, don't think, don't think...") *inserts a portal gun*
  12. Oh. Yeah, I'm kind of clueless... Granted, they become legal. Your bane is that your neighbor immediately shoots you in the arms. And apparently, something goes boom? I wish that I had a nice person who did my math homework for me every day, does the homework with the correct answers, and doesn't dislike or hate me for it.
  13. And knives I was thinking that if the center of the spike was poking out the tip it would work. Like if you have a hollow point sort of thing, but instead of a hole it's an aluminum spike.
  14. If I wanted to search ONLY for WoBs that contained 2 or more tags (Not just one of the two selected) how would I do that? For example, if my Tags list says "Hemalurgy" and "Allomancy", it shows some that just have allomancy and some that just have hemalurgy, and some with both. How can I get it to show only the ones with both?
  15. So, Aluminum spikes remove all powers if you shoot somebody in the right spot. For somebody like Miles or other overpowered compounders, this could be a huge help. Of course finding the right spot is difficult. But if, and probably when, fast shooting guns are invented, this could solve that. Get 5 guys with big 'ole guns and pump a gold compounder full of aluminum bullets. There's a decent chance one of them will hit the right spot, at which point, they will die from the many bullets flying their way. And maybe eventually, doing this enough will reveal the right spot, and sharpshooters might be able to take out compounders as well. As for the bullets themselves, a good plan could be to put a tiny pure aluminum sliver down the center to actually do the spiking, and a harder aluminum shell that they use in Era 2 to protect the bullet and actually make it to the person. They would also be undetectable allomantically for use against lurchers and coinshots. This could also apply to getting other powers with other bullets, although this is very limited as the bullet with the power will be really hard to find. And entry points would be difficult.
  16. Granted, you wake up one morning and see piles upon piles of million dollar bills laying in your driveway. Your neighbors do to. They each grab a handful. Soon, there are mansions everywhere, then the economy collapses because the money becomes worthless. Then everybody starves in the Great Depression 2.0. Your bane is that everytime you buy something, you sneeze on the money and make it disgusting. You can either bully the poor cashier, or try again. And again. I wish that I could stop breaking things unless I want to break them.
  17. Shardsafetyscissors? Safetyshardscissors? Safety scissors that cut shards? Shard scissors that cut safely? Oh, the possibilities are endless!
  18. Word of Brandon, or Word of Sharder? Basically, this is a game where you either find a WoB and post it, or make up a WoB and post it in a quote box. This is called a Word of Sharder Along with this, place the answer - WoB or WoS - in a spoiler box. The next post tries to guess if it's a Word of Brandon, or a Word of Sharder. They then post their own WoB or WoS. Post the WoB/WoS without formatting. Use "Questioner: " for the person asking, and "Brandon: " for the responses. Paraphrasing is allowed, but keep the the central theme and any intricacies if it's a WoB. This is gonna rely heavily on people not cheating. Don't look up the WoB. Don't look in the spoiler box unless it has been answered. Have fun!
  19. There are many kinds of allomancers. Flashy ones like Coinshots and Lurchers. Subtle Allomancers like Soothers and Rioters. Tactical and varied like Tin-eyes, Seekers, and Smokers. But there is one. One Allomancer who rises above them all. A person who has power greater than any being in the Cosmere, even Adonalsium. The most powerful, the most glorious and the most magical. The Allomancer who can burn stick.
  20. I'll trade a brother for your 3 year necro (You posted on a thread that hasn't been posted on for 3 years.) It isn't a problem, just try do avoid doing it if possible
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