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overlord stick

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Everything posted by overlord stick

  1. Furret blinked. "Oh! I'm not talking about Fate the whither-what's-it, I captured Fate the Author. He's right over there in his cage." Furret pointed at a hill, in which a cage rested on.
  2. Furret shook his head. "No, Fate's still in his cage. I don't know which one that is."
  3. "Oh dear lord, my whither-what's-it got out? Why didn't anyone tell me?" Furret asked angrily.
  4. Eyy nice profile pic

    1. AonEne


      My secondborn :wub:

    2. Wyndlerunner
    3. AonEne


      Cody from Paranatural (read, excellent webcomic, joy and humor and worldbuilding) (lol autocorrect capitalized Joy) 

  5. Kendul looked to Sarah. "What was all that about? Please don't tell me we have another secretly thousand year old psycho hanging around." He sighed.
  6. Kendul flinched at her outburst. He blinked. "Okay..."
  7. Kendul looked away, his composure momentarily shattered. "Er, yes. It was a... negative experience." He looked back at Fasi. "Anyways, what is your name, girl?"
  8. Kendul looked down at the young girl. Mr. Kendul? Perhaps I went a bit too far. He thought. "See? Perfect deduction."
  9. Kendul's grin became a wistful smile. "Ah, the greatest, and worst part of life. At times, I think of all I've gained, all that has happened, and I just wonder, how? One moment, you're a normal kid, growing up on a harsh planet, the next you're in a college, learning things beyond anything your parents could have imagined, then you're joining a new guild, building it up, then your being choked, close to death, your life being drained from you. Then, that same person JOINS your guild, and you see them everyday. Life is.. strange. But that's what makes it so amazing."
  10. He shook his head. "With all the stories, It's impossible to tell fact from fiction. I even heard from some drunkard claim that Voidus's long lost brother was establishing a paper army in the tunnels, to take over the world using invested cheese." He said that last part with a laugh, quickly dismissing the ridiculous idea. "The most logical solution was to explore it myself."
  11. Kendul accepted the handshake. "A pleasure to meet you." Firm grip. Assertive, but not forceful. Now this one's going places.
  12. Flid smiled at Jace. "Congrats dude! Man, so much good just is happening. Leona's 3rd Ideal, Your gonna get married and Cassie- Er, nevermind."
  13. "Not quite." He answered. "I'm here to investigate the tunnels. Rumors are running around about mysterious things happening down there, and it is the job of the Scholar's Guild to learn and understand. How about you? What is your name?"
  14. Kendul looked at her and smirked. "My dear, I am Kendul Adeel, an intellectual member of the scholar's guild. And you are?" "Could be Aons, although it's more likely to be a form of lightweaving, probably Surgebinding, which I deduce from your sphere pouch, and yolish can be a bit finicky at times, although it could be a fabrial. Well? am I right?" That last part was a bit too smug, although a little showing off wasn't too harmful everyone once in awhile.
  15. Kendul sat down, with his plate of muffins, cookies, brownies, and other assorted desserts, and started filling out the questionnaire.
  16. *Tries to think of a way to look as cool as everyone else making super awesome posts* *Fails* I agree with DrakeMarshmallow
  17. "That's one way to describe it, it cut clean through those rocks!" Flid sayed excited. "I wonder, if you soulcast air that easily, what else can you do?
  18. "Thank you, if you don't mind I'll head over to the library." Nilrin turned, and left. He had a lot of reading to do.
  19. Kendul nodded, and walked inside. "Thank you, most of what people know seems to be rumors, so it'll be good to get confirmation about some things. How much have the caverns been explored?" He asked, eyeing a muffin.
  20. Kendul Adeel checked his ornate pocket watch as he walked to the ACE building. It read 9:57. He was going to be late. Or well, late to being early. He looked behind him, at all the destruction. Even six months later, the city was a mess. He subconscious started rubbing his neck, thinking back to what had happened. He sighed, and turned back around. He knocked on the office door. "Hello? This is the ACE Office, correct? I has business here."
  21. "Thank you, that'll be very useful." He signed the paper and stood up. "So, I assume we begin the tour?"
  22. He nodded, reading through the contract, and checked the pricing. "Hmm, I'll have to go with half board." Even then, I'll need to find a way to make money, I should have brought more. "How late at night is the library open? I'll need to study up on the Alleyverse, and I don't want to bother anyone."
  23. He frowned, trying to remember where he heard that term before. "Wait, the Dark Alley?" His eyes widened, then narrowed, unsure of whether he could trust him. He decided to give him the benefit of the doubt, the man seemed honest enough, and there was something in his eyes, something Nilrin couldn't identify. "I was trained by a worldhopper, and when he died, I found notes of his talking about this place. I came here to try and help others, although it seems I may be a bit late. Perhaps I can still help with rebuilding though."
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