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Status Replies posted by Merlin

  1. Do you plan on RPing in TKND anymore? 

  2. Happy birthday!!!

    *hands a carton of birthday cake flavored ice cream*

    1. Merlin


      Gracias, fellas! (Though, it may be noted that I find birthday cake-flavored anything a storming abomination, but I'll happily accept some chocolate-raspberry froyo!)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Hello, im a new fan, does anyone know if Brandon is planning any book signings near Utah? 

    1. Merlin


      I think there was one in Orem on March 17th or something. If there was, I"m really storming mad I missed it.

  4. Thanks for the follow! ^_^

    1. Merlin


      Thou art welcome!:lol:

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