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Zephrun’s Imperium

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Posts posted by Zephrun’s Imperium

  1. Bill's power level is... debated. But I really don't think you can "fight" him, not physically anyway. Bill would 100% take full advantage of Kell, I think by the time Kell realized he was being duped, he'd be done for. I want someone to write a fic about it, but it probably won't be me, because I'd have no idea where to start, lol. I really, really, really need some Ford and Marsh chatting in a coffee shop though. Those two would have SO much to talk about. And Stan and Kell OMGGGG. We love the chaotic flamboyance of our scamy bois.

  2. Quote

    Alright, RPers, give it up to Carrie to kick things off! (I'm an hour early, I know, consider it a surprise present I guess) From now on OCC things should be in quote boxes. 

    I've been thinking about how to handle our run-ins with canon characters like Stan, McGucket, Blendin etc. if anybody wants to play one of those characters, or the gnomes or unicorns or members of the Blind Eye, just let me know, I guess. 

    The sun was hastening towards the horizon by the time the charter bus pulled into the hotel. That had not been the plan; the group was supposed to have arrived a few hours earlier, but unfortunately things happened on the road. At least the kids got to see how to replace a tire! That was a plus, right? The kids probably wouldn’t agree with her. They were restless and annoyed, the morning’s enthusiasm stamped out by a painfully uneventful bus ride. Yawns had replaced laughter, leaving the atmosphere heavy with a fuzzy silence. Though the chatter did pick up upon entering the town, it mostly consisted of expressions of disappointment. 

    That wasn’t fair, Carrie thought. The Oregon countryside was gorgeous and there really were some cool things to do here. And even if there weren’t, they all had the opportunity to bond on this vacation. She would have absolutely loved to do something like this when she was in high school.

    Once the bus came to a stop, Carrie got to her feet and took up the microphone to address the bus. “Alrighty, kiddos, we made it! It took longer than expected, but we’re here and we’re gonna have some fun! Here’s the deal-io: once you get your luggage, find the people you’re rooming with and a chaperone will give you your room key. Please, please, please make sure that you take all your stuff with you when you leave the bus and clean up any of your trash; the bus driver doesn’t want to have to pick up after you. Lights off is at 10:30, so make sure you plan accordingly. Chaperones will be around to the rooms before then to give you a run-down of what to expect for tomorrow. I think that’s it… Have fun, guys, try to get some good sleep tonight. We’ve got a fun trip planned!” 

    After replacing the microphone, Carrie made her way outside of the bus and stretched her arms overhead with a yawn. It was good to be in the fresh - if humid - air after a day spent on the road. 

  3. Man, y'all can always post later! There's no time limit. :) I'm currently working on a post to kick things off, so just watch for that and then you can go ham.

    You guys are the best though, seriously. I haven't RP'd on the Shard for too long and I've been dying for more GF content, so this is as perfect as it gets.

  4. Greetings, members of the 17th Shard, forum darling Missus Mystery here; you asked for it, you got it, it’s the Shard’s very own GF RP!! *air horn noises*

    It is the year 2010 and your high school (located in Nevada) has decided to book a vacation to the only place cheap enough to afford: Gravity Falls, Oregon! There’s pine trees, there’s an overpriced tourist shop, there’s a lake, and there’s… somewhat normal people! It’s only a month, I’m sure it’ll go great! 

    I’ll be playing a chaperone and the one and only *Bill Cipher* My character sheets are below, go ahead and post yours if you plan to join!


    Name: Bill Cipher
    Appearance: T r i a n g l e (shade lemon yellow) ft. top hat, cane, and lovely lashes
    Details: You’ve seen the show, whaddya want from me?
    Personality: Charismatic dream demon of chaos
    Skills: Being dapper, mindscape weirdness, general air of menace

    Name: Carrie Thompson
    Appearance: Middle aged lady with straight brown hair in a classy a-line
    Details: Works as a 4th grade teacher, single mom
    Personality: Perpetually tired, but excited to be on vacation. Very Mom; she brings the snacks, she brings the bug spray, and she wields the sunscreen.
    Skills: Enthusiasm and great handwriting

    Name: Zorka Johnson
    Appearance: Pretty average girl, curly brown hair.
    Details: Middle child, likes music.
    Personality: Kind of a too cool for school kind of thing, doesn't want to be on this trip.
    Skills: Sarcasm.

    Name: Gary Stu
    Appearance: 15 years old, popular (very), blonde hair, quite long, 5’11”, buff
    Details: Captain of the football team, captain of the basketball team
    Personality: None

    Name: Maddox Thompson
    Appearance: Fluffy red hair in a bob, round glasses, short-ish.
    Details: Nickname Madds. Lemon Demon and cartoons are their entire personality (i don't care if spirit phone was released in 2016 that is what they will be listening to. and anyway neil did the "it's gonna get weird" song so it's totally gf related). also they like to read but they keep that kind of to themself cause they don't want to seem nerdy (but they already do lol). Likes dogs cats and frogs :D
    Personality: Little unfriendly, but not necessarily on purpose. Pretty funny sometimes, pretty awkward other times.
    Skills: Can play the ukulele.

    Name: Lyle Kalamin
    Appearance: Blond hair, usually a mess, green eyes. Average height. 
    Details: Likes being around people as long as they're his people. Pretty nerdy, loves books. and frogs cus why not
    Personality: Usually tries to go unnoticed. He's really shy, but when you get to know him he opens up a lot.
    Skills: Is good at deciphering codes and (Bill) ciphers. 

    Name: August Elsher (if you call him Gus he will never talk to you again)
    Appearance: um short, but not that short, pretty flimsy in build. Black wavy hair that's always a mess, blue eyes.
    Details: sleep deprived high schooler
    Personality: Cheerful! Optimistic! Happy! Secretly stressed but you don't know that!
    Skills: Good at singing but he doesn't like doing it in front of people, can draw sometimes, knows several languages

    Name: Kristy Olsen
    Appearance: Brown curls, usually pulled back in a poofy ponytail
    Details: Always writing in a notebook, documenting inspiration for things on the speech team
    Personality: Fairly shy, but very passionate
    Skills: Cooking, writing

    And here's what I have of the itinerary!

    Day 1: Get off the bus and get settled - been a long drive
    Day 2: L a k e (ft. townspeople)
    Day 3: Hike through the woods (ft. gnomes? ft. unicorns?) and Mystery Shack (ft. Stanford Pines)
    Day 4: History museum (ft. Blind Eye) and arcade (ft. Blendin Blandin?)

  5. Yes, yes! Make up your own characters! I like to use this format for character sheets here on the shard:


    Important question... When do we want this to take place? I'm thinking pre-GF currently, that way we don't have to deal with resurrecting Bill. Aaaaaand we can potentially interact with some of GF's staple characters. 

  6. Heck yeah. THE DREAM DEMON TRIANGLE IS MINE, PEASANTS. *insert Bill's laughter here*

    After consulting with others and thinking a lot... I have decided that the RPing concept proposed by @Szeth's Facepalm is the best we have and I really can't think of anything better. If you'll give me the rest of the day to think of some directions we can take it, I'll make a thread on the RPing forums and post it here to notify y'all. :) 

    Also... THE AUTHOR OF JERSEY BOY SAW MY ART AAAAAAAGH :lol: I feel like Dipper right now:

    Fordtato: You've read my fic?
    Me: I haven't just read it- I've LIVED it!! :wub:

  7. Marsh: That's rough, buddy
    Ford: Well I didn't know he was a demon, although in hindsight, it was fairly obvious

    Marsh: little brothers, right? 
    Ford: I mean he’s my twin, but 15 minutes isn’t nothing

    Ford: Stanley, where are you going?
    Stan: Hell, most likely

    Stan: C'mon Ford, would I lie to you?
    Ford: Yeah, absolutely
    Stan: ... fair

  8. I will try and think of an RPing premise for us, but in the meantime, I have some nightmare fuel that I have been dying to talk about:

    Imagine Kelsier. Meeting Bill Cipher. 

    (on a side note, Marsh and Ford need to start a support group for People Who Have Been Controlled By Chaos Gods)

  9. Woah! What fun colors, @alder24! I'm planning on doing a whole sketchbook page of just Bill expressions, because he is a friggin' joy to draw and my yellow markers don't see enough use anyway. :P I also plan to draw the young Stan twins and a possessed Ford with Bill's fabulous lashes. Say what you will about Bill Cipher, he knows his eyeliner. 

    Any RP prompt ideas? 

  10. Definitely Pacifica here. XD 

    A r t by yours truly.


    GF fan's first Bill doodle.



    Stan head I never finished



    More Stan I haven't finished





    F o r d. The aUThoR oF tHE joUrnAlS



    Fluffy McGucket, proportions are trash but I don't care.



    Young Ford from Jersey Boy which you should read right now-



    And finally, everyone's favorite sexy murder triangle.




    ... :ph34r: I have an idea and maybe it's a bad idea, but...


    What's the interest level for a GF RP here on the Shard? 

  11. See my previous post ;) Has the link and a synopsis. 

    On 3/17/2023 at 3:46 PM, Zephrun’s Imperium said:

    It's me. Hi. 

    I have a recommendatiooooooon for you gay souls out there who long for gay stories.

    I recently read the most emotionally impactful piece of literature since I read Mistborn back in 7th grade. It’s about an 18 year old Jewish boy going to college and dealing with the trauma of his abusive father and estranged brother. But the meat of the story is him falling in love with his roommate and hating himself for being gay because it's 1969 and homophobia sucks. It is…. Literally, no exaggeration here, the most beautifully written piece I have ever read. There are motifs and themes and pretty formatting and just... so. Many. Feels. If you follow me (y'all, what are you even doing if you don't?) then you remember that big ol' mental health status update I posted a few weeks back? That was something I wrote in response to that story. 

      Reveal hidden contents

    This is the part where I have to tell you that this piece is a Gravity Falls fan fic BUT DON'T LET THAT TURN YOU OFF because I swear you can understand and enjoy it without having seen a second of the show. The story the author had to tell just happened to work with Alex Hirsch's characters. 

    Here's a quote, as proof of the friggin' artistry of this work: “The distance between their pinkies might as well have been the distance between this world’s sun and the next, full of entire night skies they’d never witness, inky blacks and hues of blue untouched by humanity. Neil Armstrong had gone farther than any other man on God’s green earth earlier that summer, but he would never explore such a space if he continued his trek for his entire lifetime.”

    Here's the link, but I will warn you right now that there is the amount of swearing you would expect from teenage boys, drug and alcohol use, vulgar references, and violence. But nothing sexually explicit, woohoo! Oh yeah and there’s an attempted suicide, but like…. It is the most beautifully written part of the whole thing, so. Yeah, please read it, I know all of you have good taste in literature already. 


      Reveal hidden contents

    And for those of you who read this whole post, I reward you with fan art I am in the process of making for this fan fiction dear god what am I doing with my liiiiiiife-





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