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Zephrun’s Imperium

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Posts posted by Zephrun’s Imperium

  1. I have finished my a r t.

    Quote is from Jersey Boy, linked a few posts ago. :) 



    When he got to the door, his hands fumbled with unlocking it, shaking with the cold and the warmth and the electricity, grasping (but not quite grasping) at the doorknob, and he heard it rattle as he twisted it open, clanking with his adrenaline-spiked hold, and he and Fiddleford slipped through the door and he slammed it behind him, much too loud for the silent room, the empty room, where they were alone, and he spun so fast he could have worn his shoes and then —

    Well then, what, except they were alone, in an empty room, and nothing more.

    The earth stopped rumbling.

    Their breath was invisible. It wasn’t seen, it was felt, it was there, it was solid, as solid as the door at Ford’s back. He pressed into it (but not quite pressed into it) and —

    (there was a pause here, the world both frozen and in flux like a cooling lava lamp, where he saw nothing but Fiddleford’s eyes, nothing but the specks of the iris and the constellations within — he softly pondered here if, as a universe could fit in the vast and eternal nothing between a pinkie and a ring finger, an entire future could exist in someone else's gaze)

    — when Fiddleford gently placed a hand upon Ford’s shoulder, he knew they were truly, truly touching, quantum physics be damned.



  2. Three things, first a follow-up to my reading recommendation and then two pieces of g a y in my life.

    For those of you who do end up reading Jersey Boy, y'all better update me the heck out of your reading experience. I've been forcing asking my friends to read it left and right (I read aloud the first two chapters to my roommates on my spring break trip and they absolutely l o v e d it) because that friggin' story has taken over my thoughts and I just cannot get enough of it. I have plans for SEVERAL pieces of art based on it (hey that's good advertising! Y'all, read Jersey Boy so you can see and understand the cuteness I'll be putting out) and I literally re-read moments of it way too often. Also a bit of advice while reading it... take it slow. I consumed the thing in two days (it's currently 110,000 words, which is the size of your average novel) which makes sense because it just leaves you wanting more, but when I read it aloud to people, I appreciate the wordcraft of the author even more than I did on my first reading. 

    I have had TWO (2) non-male crushes recently, so heck yeah my pan-romantic heart. The first was actually last year, before I realized that I wasn't hetero. There was this girl in my lit class and she was just... literally the most aesthetic person I have ever met. And then she gave a book report and I was like this girl has good taste, I must have her. So I gave her my number like the smooth queen I am. Turns out she's straighttttt agh. And then the other one, a non-binary human in my choir class. I got to interact with them on the spring break trip. They were another person that was just... Aesthetic with a capital A at all times. Y'all enby folks really do embody that though haha. No gender, only aesthetic. 

    I got extremely upset about this last night and I know it's something almost all of you on here will be able to relate to so I figured I'd mention it here. So I drew the main characters of Jersey Boy kissing and I was just over the moon about it because if you're an artist you KNOW kissing is hard but is incredibly rewarding to do well. Lemme tell y'all somthin', I had to erase this entire drawing like five times to get it right. It really didn't help that I was drawing most of it on the bus so it was so- friggin'- shaky- gah- *frustration noises* And then I realized that I couldn't gush about it to my parents because homophobia is a thing. When I first read the kiss scene in Jersey Boy, I read part of it aloud to my little sisters and they thought it was the cutest thing ever. But then my mom heard about it and she came down and gave me a lecture. It was especially painful because I've talked to my mom a lot and I really, really thought she was starting to be okay with it. But no, apparently when she kisses my dad in front of us that's not inappropriate, but two men kissing is s e x u a l. Like... Make it make sense. Make it make sense! 

  3. It's me. Hi. 

    I have a recommendatiooooooon for you gay souls out there who long for gay stories.

    I recently read the most emotionally impactful piece of literature since I read Mistborn back in 7th grade. It’s about an 18 year old Jewish boy going to college and dealing with the trauma of his abusive father and estranged brother. But the meat of the story is him falling in love with his roommate and hating himself for being gay because it's 1969 and homophobia sucks. It is…. Literally, no exaggeration here, the most beautifully written piece I have ever read. There are motifs and themes and pretty formatting and just... so. Many. Feels. If you follow me (y'all, what are you even doing if you don't?) then you remember that big ol' mental health status update I posted a few weeks back? That was something I wrote in response to that story. 


    This is the part where I have to tell you that this piece is a Gravity Falls fan fic BUT DON'T LET THAT TURN YOU OFF because I swear you can understand and enjoy it without having seen a second of the show. The story the author had to tell just happened to work with Alex Hirsch's characters. 

    Here's a quote, as proof of the friggin' artistry of this work: “The distance between their pinkies might as well have been the distance between this world’s sun and the next, full of entire night skies they’d never witness, inky blacks and hues of blue untouched by humanity. Neil Armstrong had gone farther than any other man on God’s green earth earlier that summer, but he would never explore such a space if he continued his trek for his entire lifetime.”

    Here's the link, but I will warn you right now that there is the amount of swearing you would expect from teenage boys, drug and alcohol use, vulgar references, and violence. But nothing sexually explicit, woohoo! Oh yeah and there’s an attempted suicide, but like…. It is the most beautifully written part of the whole thing, so. Yeah, please read it, I know all of you have good taste in literature already. 



    And for those of you who read this whole post, I reward you with fan art I am in the process of making for this fan fiction dear god what am I doing with my liiiiiiife-




  4. 43 minutes ago, Friendly Cremling said:

    So I mentioned on here that I thought I was bi (b/c I feel equal attraction to multiple genders) but I am now thinking I’m aroace. I’ve never actually had a crush on someone I just wanted to be friends with them. And then I did some research on different orientations and I really related to the things about being aromantic. Anyway that was a little bit longer than I thought it would be 

    Welcome to the aro/ace community!! Welcome to a lifetime out doubting whether you're lying to yourself about your orientation and having people not realize that your identity is even a thing. I've basically accepted that we don't get any media representation... 



  5. I have... a lot of not-so-nice things to say about the LDS church. (I grew up in it, and the more I look back on things, the more disturbed I am) But I will just touch on one thing I find important:

    It is not a choice to be queer. (I personally don't find the word "queer" offensive at all - in fact I love it because it's very inclusive and it's not a mouthful - so I will use it in this post. Check out this video from gay YouTuber James Somerton "Reclaiming the Q Word" for a more in-depth analysis. He's an incredible creator.)

    I was talking to one of my LDS friends about the queer community and we seemed to be on the same track until I said, "What I don't understand is why God would make people queer and then proceed to preach love and acceptance while also claiming that it's wrong to love people of the same gender." She responded, "I don't think God makes people queer."

    Well, that's an oof, isn't it?

    And, like... man. If I believed that it was a choice to be gay, I would totally get it. But you don't have to dig deep to realize... it is not a choice. You don't choose to be straight, do ya? I recently had a talk with my out gay friend who explained that if he had a choice, he would rather not be gay. In his own words, "men are disgusting" and beyond that, why would anyone choose to be so discriminated against? I'm sure my trans friends would rather not spend so much money on surgeries just to feel comfortable in their own bodies. It's just... *sighs in defeat* The society we live in is messed up. I can wear suspenders and no one bats an eye, but anyone more masculine presenting wears a dress and all of a sudden they're c r i n g e to the heteros. I could go on a tangent about how blived up it is that femininity is seen as lesser and weak, but I will refrain for now. 

    I'm not sure how to wrap this up, so I will just say this: y'all deserve love. I don't doubt that some of you don't get enough of it. But, honey, you are perfect the way you are. Go have a nap, a treat, a break; you deserve it. May you have peace and rest. 

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