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Status Updates posted by Spockledorf

  1. I haven't posted music stuff here for a while... I've just been playing around, but not recording anything.

    Soooo, I thought it would be good to do an update!

    Current Projects:

    + Dalinar's Theme (Or The Speech-at the Battle-of-the-Tower-Following-the-Sadeas-Betrayal Theme)


    TWoK Chapter 66, Codes (14:23 - 16:07 in chapter) | (40:53:44 - 40:50:29 Full Book)

    [Dalinar's Speech at the Tower, following the retreat and betrayal from Sadeas.]

    "It is time for us to fight!"

    "And we do so not because we seek the glory of men, but because the other options are worse. 
    We follow the codes not because they bring gain, but because we loathe the people we would otherwise become."

    "We stand here on this battlefield alone because of WHO WE ARE!"

    (*Soldiers Turn*)

    "Death is the end of all men! What is the measure of him once he is gone? 
    The wealth he accumulated and left for his heirs to squabble over? 
    The glory he obtained, only to be passed onto those who slew him? 
    The lofty positions he held through happenstance?
    We fight here because we understand: the end is the same. 
    It is the PATH that separates men."

    "When we taste that end we will do so with our heads held high--eyes to the Sun!"

    (*Begins Summoning Oathbringer*)

    "I am not ashamed of what I have become. 
    Other men may debase themselves to destroy me, let them have their glory! 
    For I will retain mine!"

    (*Shardblade appears*)

    (And yes, I transcribed this. But I don't know if I have the Epic-ness that is this scene)

    + Spensa's Theme or "Skyward Flight" or "Skyward 6"

    Other inspired ideas in the back of my mind:

    + Venli's Theme (Or [Insert Inspired Title Here])

    + Lift's theme?

    + Another Dalinar-Theme from Oathbringer: "You cannot have my pain!!!" (that epic scene)

    + "RoW Spoily" Theme 1


    A piece based on the 108th Chapter (Moments), where Kaladin is pulled into the vision falling from the tower for the 'last' time and Tien says: "I know who you are, Kal" and some other really inspiring stuff... A scene I literally could best describe with music, rather than words.

    I will likely collab with @Channelknight Fadran on this one.

    + "RoW Spoily" Theme 2


    Mayalaran's Theme or "We Chose!!"

    And please, add suggestions or ideas! The above are in no particular order... 

  2. @Knight of Iron


    Mom: "So what did you do today?"
    Me: "Not much, I'm still in quarantine..."
    *My brain*:


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Condensation


      Is this a Discord joke? Explain to me, please.

    3. Spockledorf


      Yeah... @Condensation

      I'd have to read the backlog to explain... If I find it I'll ping you the message link in discord

    4. Condensation
  3. Hey guys, I'm back! :D 

    Status Update: I'm headed to Brigham Young University - Idaho for Fall 2020, studying Mechanical Engineering! I'm super excited for college!

    Regarding Piano, while I'm not going to be a piano major, I will have access to a piano and plan on using it ;). I am continuing to write the sheet music for what I'm working on and hope to post that asap. For the last couple years I've been making a 'video journal' of most of the piano stuff I've done. I've done this using instagram and have shared it with my closest friends and family, though I've started making a Just Playin' series where I post a pattern or new thing that I... just play. :) 

    You can find me at @spockledorf.piano

  4. I sent this in the Discord already, but I just love it soo much!! Enjoy!



    (Please note: this is based off of the Discord, I would not have any room at all to include everyone on the shard that is awesome... the file would break the internet due to its enormous size...)


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      You wouldn´t even see the names. . . It would just be a blank image.

    3. LukeWasTaken


      It wouldn't be blank, it would just be all white, filled with the names of every sharder.

    4. Rosharan A.C.

      Rosharan A.C.

      Blank but not blank. This sounds like a metaphor.

  5. I'm starting the process of writing 'Truthless?' on sheet music...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Spockledorf


      I haven't played the tuba... but I can try writing a melody, I guess. What is a comfortable range for tuba @AmazingGoob

    3. Goob


      @Spock Ha, it's fine- don't bother writing a sheet for something I probably couldn't play anyway.

    4. Truthless of Shinovar
  6. If anyone is interested, I'm premiering my final recording of Truthless? - Szeth's Theme so I can finally write it down... 




    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Spockledorf


      Next week I'll be around my family a lot, so it's possible I wouldn't be able to change it on the right day... 

    3. Spockledorf


      You don't have to! I just didn't want to miss it.

    4. Condensation


      I know, but I'm likely to forget as well, especially during Thanksgiving Break or right before.

  7. If anyone is wondering why I haven't posted more music, I am currently without a piano in my home. This isn't a big problem for most, but for those pianists who are used to playing, practicing, or--quite frankly--"messing around" (like me :) ) on the piano daily, you know that it is depressing not to be able to play for extended periods of time... 

    But don't lose hope! I excitedly await the end of the month where I could (possibly) get my hands on a keyboard! :D 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spockledorf


      flat.io looks pretty neat! I haven't used it before, but I might now!

      For a pianist of any experience, not having a piano to play is an incomprehensible itch that slowly gnaws away at the emotional well-being of the soul--much like the effects of a small mountain stream cutting its way to the lowest point of reference.. (sorry, I was feeling poetic...)

    3. Spockledorf


      But, alas! I HAVE A KEYBOARD NOW! (*melodramatic screams of joy are heard in the distance*) :D 

    4. Channelknight Fadran
  8. Tis been a while.... 

    But here, have a gift!

    Another random piano project, dropping at 4pm MDT (GMT-6)


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