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  • Member Title
    Where is "Boldly Go"? And why hasn't any man gone there?
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  • Interests
    Playing piano, reading books, rollerblading, reading well written books, listening to books (I go through books quickly--help!), narrating for LibriVox (check them out, they're cool), SolidWorks (trust me, it's fun), going outside--especially to slot canyons/caves, those are cool, and more...

    I'm also getting into lock picking (the legal kind)... ask me about it...

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  1. If anyone is wondering why I haven't posted more music, I am currently without a piano in my home. This isn't a big problem for most, but for those pianists who are used to playing, practicing, or--quite frankly--"messing around" (like me :) ) on the piano daily, you know that it is depressing not to be able to play for extended periods of time... 

    But don't lose hope! I excitedly await the end of the month where I could (possibly) get my hands on a keyboard! :D 

    1. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      I can't imagine being without a piano for an extended period of time. I only ever play Zelda music with a bit of Hamilton, kirby, and megaman thrown in, but I can definitely relate to not being able to mess around. While you're waiting, might I suggest flat.io?

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