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Everything posted by MetaTerminal

  1. I agree TLT/TLPW should be separate, unless they explicitly agree/want us to join. But similarly we’ll want to make treaties or agreements with the ones that want to join. We could petition quite a few groups in the SGC+G section, though! I support the Non-TLPW/TLT(M) Pseudo-Roleplay Unification Act.
  2. Ah, I clearly didn't read as closely as I should have. Stephen Leeds.
  3. I’m checking your post timings, and now I’m absolutely certain you chose that character to make certain that I didn’t get it... It’s only a matter of time. As for other things that will eventually happen, I will join as Jasnah, so that when I embarrass myself on the Shard it will be in a controlled setting.
  4. Jokes on you, these are the first upvotes I’ve received since March.
  5. *Please stand clear. Post necromancy in process.* Hi, everyone! Another competition is right around the corner, so we’ll need to be putting Shard teams (perhaps multiple) for that. There is no team size or team number limit, so we are free to open up membership to anyone who would like to join. If you would like to participate (you do not need prior experience), read this post here:
  6. Hey, everybody! It's the Unofficial Puzzle Team, back again with another competition. We're looking to put together a Melbourne University Puzzlehunt team. We can have up to ten people in a team (though with high demand we could put together multiple teams). The size of the competition is about the same as Galactic, though somewhat less intensive. It runs from the 7th to the 16th of August. If you're interested, or want to know more info, comment in the thread or shoot me a PM. I'll be putting together a PM for people who have already signed up and others that could be interested. You do not need prior experience. We'll be happy to help you get up to speed, and even if you're new you can still be invaluable. For viewing information about what this is and our past performances: (Original Potluck message retained below.) Hello, everyone! For the sake of transparency, here are the signups for the Puzzle Potluck (a non-Sanderson style puzzlehunt) Shard teams. If you want to be on a team that competes to solve puzzles internationally, then this is the best place to sign up. The puzzles are the same style as the Sanderson Puzzle Hunt, and the Potluck is intentionally less intensive than the Galactic Hunt while still being an excellent introduction for people who are unfamiliar with the style but want to see what it’s about. You do not need to have prior experience! But you do need to have commitment for a multi-day competition. Join the Discord for the team here and express your interest: https://discord.gg/cw3TxPt MetaTerminal, Team Captain
  7. And that’s the game, everybody. Team 2 has solved all the Roshar Puzzles. Normally, I would release the metameta, but it appears we have run out of time. Thus, I shall save it for the next round as a bonus, or postpone it. Team 3 is free to continue to work on the last two puzzles. If you would like to participate in the Puzzle Potluck (a non-Shard, non-Sanderson puzzle hunt), join the Discord below within the next 48 hours: https://discord.gg/cw3TxPt I would highly recommend this to anyone who enjoyed these two rounds.
  8. Leaderboard: Places Around The World - Team 3 Places Around The World - Team 2 Spawn That Makes You Ponder Yonder - Team 3 Your Local Library - Team 2 Prices - Team 2 Spawn That Makes You Ponder Yonder - Team 2 Drafts - Team 3 Prices - Team 3 Your Local Library - Team 3 Tidal Patterns - Team 3 Tidal Patterns - Team 2 More Hats - Team 2 More Hats - Team 3 First Impressions - Team 2 Holy Hopscotch - Team 3 Drafts - Team 2
  9. Both teams have agreed to hints. They have been enclosed below, for all puzzles that have been unsolved by at least one team. Holy Hopscotch First Impressions Drafts Walk Around Town
  10. Team 2 has suggested that a few days of break would be conducive to everyone. If Team 3 agrees, we might call a hiatus to the game for a little while, since quite a few people seem burnt out. What do people think?
  11. Both teams seem to have been receptive towards a hint for Local Library, so here it is. Depending on how things go, I may also release a hint for Puzzle 8. EDIT: An additional schematic has also been released for Library. The next wave of puzzles will go up some time soon. EDIT 2: This is your reminder to keep an eye on the clock for Puzzle 3.
  12. Leaderboard: Solves, chronologically: Places Around The World - Team 3 Places Around The World - Team 2 Spawn That Makes You Ponder Yonder - Team 3 Your Local Library - Team 2 Prices - Team 2 Spawn That Makes You Ponder Yonder - Team 2 Drafts - Team 3 Prices - Team 3 Your Local Library - Team 3 Tidal Patterns - Team 3 Tidal Patterns - Team 2 More Hats - Team 2 More Hats - Team 3 First Impressions - Team 2 Holy Hopscotch - Team 3
  13. Roshar Round - Wave 1 This round's puzzles will be released out of order, mostly for convenience for me. Apologies for the late start. Good luck to both teams! Roshar Meta Puzzle 1: Your Local Library Puzzle 2: Prices Puzzle 3: Tidal Patterns Puzzle 4: Holy Hopscotch Puzzle 5: First Impressions Puzzle 6: Places Around Europe Puzzle 7: Spawn That Makes You Ponder Yonder Puzzle 8: Drafts Puzzle 9: Walk Around Town Puzzle 10: More Hats
  14. All people have been added to their new PMs. I have pushed back the round release to first thing tomorrow (I'll get it prepared tonight), to allow for everyone to check in to their new PMs and get settled. If you have not been added to a PM, or are in the wrong team, then let me know!
  15. Of course! Do you have a preference for a team? I’m waiting to hear from others whether or not it looks balanced, so that might inform where you are placed, but if you have a specific team you’d like to be on I can try to accomodate that.
  16. For your consideration: Team 2: @Babilarian Darkeyes @MistCLOAKed Mountains @RShara @Moonrise @Podman @Calderis @ebfritz Team 3: @Ghanderflaffle @xinoehp512 @Furamirionind @Snipexe @Exalted Dungeon Master @NotarySojac @Doomstick Devotary I keep swinging between 'this is unbalanced' and 'it looks fine', so I'd be interested in other's thoughts.
  17. All teams have now solved all puzzles! The first round is therefore concluded. You may freely discuss this round and provide feedback in the thread if you wish. I’m going to allow a little break between this and the next round to allow for a few changes and a team merger - Team 1 will be split and put into Teams 2 and 3, since I know a few players will be going inactive and the round is larger. Signups have been reopened. In addition, if you know you will be inactive for the second round, let me know - you can either drop out or, if you prefer, just let me take it into account for team balancing and be around for however much of the round you can. The second round will likely go up in some 24 hour’s time.
  18. Team 3 has won the Nalthis round! They have just solved the meta and completed all puzzles. Congratulations to them! The round will of course remain open for a few more days, hopefully to allow each team to finish - if people would like to sign up, this would also be an opportunity. Once this round is closed the team merger will occur and the second round will go live.
  19. A little Wayneism of mine, there. All puzzles have now been solved at least partially! I would suggest all teams to try to tackle the meta, even if they do not have all the answers, since it may illuminate what you are stuck on. IMPORTANT CORRECTION: The letter in the bottom left corner of the Tarachin Grid should be J. I apologise to Team 3 in particular for this error that I failed to catch quite a few times. ANOTHER IMPORTANT CORRECTION: A small change has been made to the meta.
  20. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Team 1 has gone from zero to hero and is now in first place! Chop, chop everyone! Make sure to ask for hints if you need them, and especially if you feel stuck.
  21. Storm it all to Ashyn. I just realised I messed something up fairly royally. But you'll find out what eventually. Puzzle 4: Turning Test Puzzle 5: Vertigo By request, a list of solved puzzles chronologically below: Word Pile - Team 3 Footnotes - Team 3 Word Pile - Team 2 Vertigo - Team 3 Footnotes - Team 2 Turning Test - Team 1 Footnotes - Team 1 Word Pile - Team 1 Vertigo - Team 1 Turning Test - Team 2 Tarachin Superstar - Team 1 Tarachin Superstar - Team 3 Tarachin Superstar - Team 2 Turning Test - Team 3 Nalthis Meta - Team 3
  22. Congratulations to Team 3, who has gotten the first solve on Word Pile! The Leaderboard has been updated. EDIT: And Team 3 benefiting from many active players with another solve on Footnotes. EDIT 2: Team 2 beginning to catch up by solving Word Pile.
  23. Nalthis Round - Wave 1 Reminder: the first round will be accessible to hopefully all players. This is the first wave of puzzles. The second wave will be released to teams when certain conditions are met. These puzzles have also been roughly ordered by difficulty. Nalthis Meta Puzzle 1: Word Pile Puzzle 2: Footnotes Puzzle 3: Tarachin Superstar I will be unavailable for answer checking for a few (2-4) hours after this goes live, so your first few guesses will be unchecked for a little while. Sorry about that. Signups are now closed, and the Hunt is on. Good luck to all teams!
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