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Undead Wookiee

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Everything posted by Undead Wookiee

  1. Step 1) Webcam Step 2) Google Hangouts Step 3) ??? Step 4) Profit Edit - final Stretch Goal already reached
  2. passed a lays chips truck on the way in to work - had mmmm written on the side, and I immediately hear pattern buzzing about deliciousness in my head
  3. Reminder - the Kickstarter is in its final 70 hours for those that were wanting to get in on it.
  4. I thought Atium was in the base 16 metals - since 16% got sick/died - and 1 in 16 got sick longer and those were the Atium Mistings.
  5. I can see it now... hey Brandon can you sign this bookshelf for me? I totally made it myself. It would be something I would have to take one of the shelves and a picture of the assembled thing. I am working on pricing it out on how much it is going to cost me - i get a discounted hourly rate for his burner but there is still a cost to it.
  6. I found out today after a brief set of text exchanges that he would be certainly willing to try to create the beast as his laser can work with the sizes I need and would let me use. I am now trying to come up with design and layout for this glorious majestic shelf that is to eventually hold my prized signed hardcovers, leather-bound editions, and other collectibles. Those puny mass market paperbacks I abuse can go on the normal shelves, this is for the collection. Things I have to work with, since I assume these are ok to use for personal use only, this shelf is not to be sold . Allomancy - 8 basic metals + atium symbols Feruchemy - 8 basic metals + atium symbols AonDor - 5 various Aon's Ashe, Dio, Ela, Ene, Rao Knights Radiant Glyphs - all 10 orders Misc Bridge 4 badge glyph Cosmere Symbol Ghostbloods glyph Kholin Crest Nightblood Knights Radiant glyph (Stormlight glyph) White Sand sun Oh course I plan to incorporate quotes [These most likely would go on 2x2's that would be the lips on the front of the shelf boards] "Life before Death, Strength before Weakness, Journey before Destination." - Stormlight Archive “My life to yours. My breath become yours.” - Warbreaker “There were books involved.” - Mistborn “That's exactly the problem. Everyone's convinced that their lives are over just because their hearts stopped beating.” - Elantris The wood would most likely be pine or poplar since a) it is cheap and sturdy and b.) easy to work with and c) access to other woods are somewhat hard to come by where I live. I can precut all the boards and sand them prior to having them engraved with the laser and assembling. Afterwards it can get a nice cherry stain or something close. Now the question is, I wonder how daunting this task would be. Edit - this shelf thing was originally meant as a joke, but now I am seriously considering building the thing because it would be amazing. Now only if I could get Brandon Sanderson to sign it if I do
  7. I just might have to try one first - i am not sure what sizes his wood burning laser will take - do something like (2) 2x6's for sides and 1x10' for shelves.If successful I will have to post pictures. Now votes for the wood type. Maybe one side with Allomancy/Feruchemy Symbols and the otherside with Knights Radiance glyphs. Edit: And on the shelves various Aon's
  8. that's why i just have my friend who has an automated wood burning laser do engraving on my wood before I assemble stuff. So I should totally have him engrave some shelves for me see my cherry dice tray [see attached]
  9. When shopping for bookshelves you ponder how much weight they can hold, but instead over build your own out of 2x4 hardwoods.
  10. I was browsing bookdepository and Amazon.uk for some of his various books, mainly because I love the sexy white covers. I noted that there are some editions that are up for pre-order such as Alloy of Law and Mistborn: Secret History. Are these new editions? 10th Anniversary or what not? I have been buying US versions of hardcovers, but I am looking to buy the paperbacks in the UK white editions which look really sharp.Like the ones in this guys collection (shameful steal from Reddit). The only thing that sucks about discovery Brandon Sanderson so late, as I only just read the first book of his this last March and have been on a binge since then, is now catching up on buying the entire collection.
  11. Mine is the wookiee version of Soft Kitty from The Big Bang Theory
  12. well not strictly dice based but there are many table top war games that use miniatures - like Warhammer 40k among many of them. May be some sort of hybrid - you can use simple cardboard stand-ins for troops and the like.
  13. Bah i didn't even get to some of my more creative clues - gj
  14. So this is held every memorial day weekend? This would be fun to go to next year but yikes at that 15 hr drive to get there.
  15. If anything I may just buy it to stick on my shelf in my man cave.
  16. don't forget also - Mistborn RPG - https://www.crafty-games.com/shop/mistborn-adventure-game/ and also the tabletop game - https://www.crafty-games.com/shop/mistborn-house-war/
  17. Here is the link - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/brotherwise/call-to-adventure-featuring-name-of-the-wind - In the project updates they talk about this coming as an expansion next year.
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