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Everything posted by whattheHoid

  1. To be clear, it was Nale's idea as Ark stole his book of Lawful Revenges.
  2. Ok! Beanboy, you were a great Sharder. Your presence got us that much farther; To work that much harder. To become the best person and Sharder. For that, we salute you, Beanboy, And hope that one day, you will be back And than we won't lack, The presence of the wonderous, Beanboy. (ب_ب)
  3. Nale decided to take his revenge, within the law of course. He embarked on a journey to find all the loopholes.
  4. That sounds amazing, Ash! A gossip columnist on the Shard! I didn't even know we needed that! Also congrats Ene on 2,000 posts!
  5. Nice! @Shard of Thought. Sounds like an interesting day! Better than a boring one! And Ene! It's not so bad swallowing metal! But I probably wouldn't do it.
  6. Globbing double negatives! See this is why irregardless grinds my gears!
  7. Nope I win and I'm going to sleep so I'll probably lose my win!
  8. No the prefix "ir" is a negative prefix, so irregardless literally means without without regard. It's a double negative.
  9. What I found....Some words in the English language are so overused that we don't notice that they are incorrect or don't even exist. A perfect example is irregardless. Many scholars maintain there is no such word as irregardless because regardless already means “without regard.” The -ir prefix is redundant.
  10. But no ordinary squirrel as this particular squirrel was a Skybreaker up to the 4th Ideal and was about to say the 5th, but alas no more.
  11. Storm you Ark!!! No Ene! That is a grammatically incorrect word!
  12. Ene! Thanks for sharing you and Ap are adorable! And yes we finally have documented proof of black holes! To be clear and I quote, "The image of the black hole shows a bright ring with a central dark spot. That ring is a bright disk of gas orbiting the supermassive behemoth in the galaxy M87, and the spot is the black holes shadow." They have been trying to snap a picture of our own Galaxy's black hole, but haven't been able to yet. Black holes are fascinating. And disclaimer.... I'm no scientist, just Hoid.
  13. HEY I was semi close! I got the 3 words right, just not the order! *Je gagne !*
  14. Butt was sad that Uncle Brandy was picking on him again and called up Elend Venture to vent.
  15. Oh, got it. I only know French. I have German ancestry among others, but bite zwei bier? I probably butchered that....I was trying to say my German is limited.
  16. Happy Birthday @I think I am here. May you have an awesome birthday and try some guac!
  17. Are you German @BringerofShadows or you just can speak German?
  18. I too enjoy fromage, queso, käse, cheese, formaggio!
  19. How is reading about the tantalizingly scintillating Kaladin, Renarin, Adolin, and Dalinar boring!!! I couldn't put the book down even while rereading it!!!! Blasphemy! Yeah Warbreaker will be the first Cosmere novel she has ever read. Hopefully she'll delve into Arcanum Unbounded next!
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