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Everything posted by Jehoiada

  1. Things happened to quick for Tevarah, a big splash of water, a shining object. Tevarah went into a roll then PAIN!! Severe pain in the right side of his lower back. He saw some stormlight leave his bag. "No no!!." Tevarah screamed. He should have closed his aluminum pouch he had been trained better then that. So he promptly took a deep breath of stormlight then closed the bag. No more stormlight stealing. Now on to bigger things. His right leg it wasn't working right, but he didn't heal, he lashed into the air you dont need your leg to work perfectly to fly you just needed direct control. He flew directly toward his opponent drawing his aluminum sword, he gave a quick double lashing charging Nalizar.
  2. Tevarah saw him grinning he had just taken a risk, but it had paid off now he had several reasons why he needed to go to Scadrial. "Ok" Tevarah said standing straighter. "Let's do it, we need to gather supplies then intel." He started to grow excited. "Come we need to go plan do you have a house or an Inn your staying at?"
  3. "I am a high ranking Ghostblood and I wanted to know who my men are and found your situation interesting." Tevarah said, then his face turned dark. "You see my whole family was murdered by rogue mercenaries who wanted wealth, I hunted them down and killed them all, every single one and that made me who I am today. I am willing to offer you the same, I can help you find and destroy them."
  4. "Rashan." Tevarah said. Look at me, Rashan slowly lifted his head. "I know how to find the people who murdered your family." Better to get it out immediately no hesitation.
  5. PM me @BringerofShadows and we will do trials.
  6. Man, I was gonna suggest that. Ug. Hey welcome to the shard. Your gonna love it here.
  7. You should come be apart of the Ghostbloods instead, we are way better and you could have a higher rank than normal (since there's a war) and I've been really nice, so that counts for something right?
  8. "When your not drunk you cover it well, but you've given to many signs as to why you drink." Tevarah answered with his head bowed, he looked up to meet his gaze. "But I won't speak of it any further if you would rather not."
  9. Tevarah smiled. "I cant believe I'm enjoying this conversation with a intoxicated haunted guy and a drunk Rock. This is going to be an interesting night."
  10. Tevarah listened intently. Surprisingly he felt some of the same things as this Rock. "Yeah like everyone expects you to know what to do, but your really just kinda going along with things and somehow getting some of those things right, but waiting for the moment when you absolutely dont know what to do then get a bunch of people killed." Tevarah shook his head. Well that was a outburst he wished he would have kept inside. "So... what kind of spikes do you have?"
  11. Yes!! Those are the best. I think WOR is my favorite so far. Have you read most of the cosmere bools?
  12. Hello, welcome to the shard. Have an upvote and what's your favorite Brandon Sanderson book so far?
  13. "You see that's why I invited you, cause I thought that you would know where you are or is, I think. That and haunted eyes over there is fond of you."
  14. "Well" Tevarah said. "I thought we could have a nice conversation about hemalurgy, but seeing as the two of you." Tevarah paused the Rock where had it gone? then he heard hysterical laughter and saw the Rock on the floor. "Well I can see that's not going to happen."
  15. Even being fore warned of the Rocks mental voice, it still surprised Tevarah especially because the voice was 100% drunk. "Oh well umm thanks" Tevarah tried to mentally project, not sure if it was working he tested again. "Can you hear me?"
  16. "Rashan!" Tevarah said cheerfully. What's that look on your face? it's not against rules to drink, in fact some of my best hemulergic creations have been while thoroughly intoxicated." He turned then to the bar keep. "Yes, that sounds good I'd like that, but mix it with a shot of pure sapphire. Oh and can we get a private table for myself and him." He said pointing to Rashan. "and his rock friend?"
  17. Tevarah new he was going to be ambushed and you know what he was just gonna let it happen. He had figured out throughout this duel that he was at severe disadvantages. He lashed down to the ground where the shed was, looking at the base where the shed was cut(though small) it was still big enough that it must have taken most of his stormlight, where as he has quite a lot left, Tevarah thought for a bit then decided. "Let's have ourselves a chase." Then ran off looking for Nalizar.
  18. Tevarah walked into the room slowly Tessi unusually silent trailing behind. "So this is the new place everyone's been talking about" Tevarah said walking to the bar. He sat down with a sigh then asked. "So bar keep what's good?"
  19. Think of how fun it would be. Welcome to the shard, great to have you.
  20. Tevarah started to lash himself several times backward. Not out of the way, just judging how fast the shed was moving he couldn't have gotten out of the way. Instead lashing himself backward just about how fast the shed was moving. He hit the shed with a grunt, but landed on his feet and immediately cancelled his lashings backward, then lashed himself a quarter lashing toward the shed and leaped of of it heading to where Nalizar was.
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