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Posts posted by Gasper

  1. Maybe those are the Honor spren of some of the squires from Bridge Four? Since they are appearing like Syl, it is likely that they have a connection to the physical realm. Because of the damage the original Radiants did, it is possible that they are being similar to High Spren and checking out their bond partners before continuing.

  2. The drawing of flying ships in Navani's notebook got me thinking about flying ships on Roshar. Then I got thinking about perfect gemstones and their ability to hold stormlight and not let it leak. Add a few windrunners, a soulcaster, earth engineering, and an overactive imagination, let it stew for a few days and out came this idea: Aluminum plated shardships.  


    Using the czochralski process, or crystal pulling(wikipedia link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Czochralski_process) Rosharians could produce large sapphires. facet those gems and turn them into a lifting fabrial. place those gems into a harness inside an aluminum hulled vessel and you have a Fused proof, flying ship that can be used for trade, troop transport, and other missions. Keep a stock of perfect gems on had to fuel the ship and you no longer have to rely on a windrunner or oathgate to get you around the planet in a hurry. Also, you could mount artillery to it and use it to take out ground forces or go toe to toe with the flying Fused.

    Any thoughts? 

  3. I think that what would be more useful right now than a personal shard gun would be a fabrial cannon that can take down things the size of chasmfiends. Surge powered artillery that could take out large amounts of enemies or single large enemies. That would prove very useful. 

  4. I do not think that the wall scene is a good indicator, I mean Wax was able to shoot something like 200 stories in to the air and launch a Wayne's weight a high and long distance.

  5. I doubt that the planet will be destroyed, that would be too much like mistborn. I think that it is likely that Odium will lose, but at a heavy cost for the radiants, but I think Roshar will still be around in Mistborn Era 4. But I do think that many more people are going to die by the end of the series.

  6. Well, its not the color so much as the growing on command part. The Royals can turn their hair black but it is more important that it can grow. When awakening, just grow out a foot or two of black hair, use it, cut off the now gray or white hair and then grow it back.

  7. I think my favorite is just about anything in Wayne's POV. My favorite line is when Marasi (I think) asks him what a certain food tastes like and his answer is so distorted that it has become a meme with my friends. 

    Also, when Wax uses the unkeyed Coppermind and you see the arm and the words "Survive." That gave me chills.

  8. The Made could be the Heralds. In Christian Beliefs, the number seven is a  repeating theme. Six is a number the is considered imperfect and is thus alligned with evil, example:666. I think that the numbers 10 and 9 are similar on Roshar. 10 heralds made by Honor and Nine Unmade made by Odium. The Unmade being an imperfect reflection of the Heralds.

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