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Posts posted by Darkwalker

  1. 4 minutes ago, Kidpen said:

    Granted. However, it is immediately burned and you forget all of it after you finish. You have to finish it in 1 week.

    I wish I didn't forget to post a wish.

    granted but you forget something else now what was it...?

    2 minutes ago, AonEne said:

    I don't know you well enough to say whether that's actually a boon or a bane, NBBITL. 

     it will mostly be me reading oblivious to the world

    i wish for a cryptic prophecy given by a cryptic spren 

  2. I will go first

    -Caraval (Stephanie Garber) fantasy


    -The chronicles of the Imaginarium geographica (James a owen) fantasy, note: James once went on writing excuses if you want to know more about him i suggest you find that episode on YT (in one of the novels in this series there is a very subtle/ the best harry potter reference)    

    -The night Circus (Erin Morgenstern) fantasy, note: if you are a fan of american version of the Harry Potter audio book the same guy narrates this one.

  3. Are you bored waiting for the next Brandon Sanderson book to come out?

    Do you have a good book you want to share?

    Is your life slowly being consumed by thoughts of the cosmere leading you into a pit of investiture theories and spike related incidents?

    Have you (re)read JK Rowling’s books recently and thought that her magic system needed some work?

    Are you as elegant as damnation’s own gonads?


    Well we have just the list for you, I present to you…


    Brandon didn't write this... but it will do for now

    (a reading list)


    To add to this list just use this format:

    -title (author) genre, note:*optional*



    -Mistborn (Brandon Sanderson) fantasy note; i'm suggesting the trilogy not just the first book which is often just called Mistborn, but if you're looking for the official title it’s Mistborn: the final empire.

  4.  I wasn't saying that mistborns could start burning Shard plates, what I was trying to resolve was the conflict of where Atium belongs on the table and how there are likely to be many subcategories as metals that we may have to look into, what we consider to be the basic metals maybe just one of two tables that should be considered basic, not to mention that considering preservation was looking to connect his interference with signs a god had interfered that just the number 16 could have been considered an oddity but also having just metals also connects him to a pattern Within the 16 shards also we should be asking why does investiture's solid form have to be metal

  5. Quote

    This metal doesn't quite belong on the table where it has been placed.

     this quote from Brandon suggests something a question I've had ever since I read the hero of Ages and learn that atium was the condensed power of ruin  is that if ruin and preservation have a metal that can be burned in allomancy why don't other shards have metals that can be burned in allomancy and then I read edgedancer and either right before or right after Wyndle turns into a fork he says that spren can change into any form but it always has to be metal and then something clicked what if there are two tables one for all the god medals and their alloys and the regular metals and their alloys 

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