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Everything posted by ShardBreaker

  1. But wouldn't everyone technically be an elantrian?
  2. Just wondering, but do all the magic systems coexisting mean that every person there would have access to Aons?
  3. "Oh, nothing much. Just hunting down criminals, dethroning corrupt rulers, that kind of thing." Veil replied. "Also, we should rematch sometime."
  4. "He's in a council meeting," Veil responded. "Sort of offended that I wasn't invited. I am a member of the Ghostbloods after all." Turning to Devaan Veil asked, "Hey, just wondering, but how'd you do that sword thing during our duel?"
  5. "I'm done now. Just wondering what would happen if I stabbed him through the heart." Veil replied " Eh, I'd rather continue to live, so I won't try it. So what's the plan?" "Also, nice to meet you" Veil said turning to Solace. " Just so you know, I have no personal grudges against your master. Or is it the other way around?"
  6. "Yeah, but first I need to do something." Veil said. He than whipped out a glass dagger and stabbed Rhaizen in the arm.
  7. Veil watched as the newcomer grabbed Yzabet. "Finally, some action."Veil muttered under his breath. "See yah later Devaan, nice seeing you again. Veil yelled as he lashed himself towards the mountain with the new comer. Veil, as he approached heard an enormous boom and felt the shockwave of what was probably an explosion. The shockwave accelerated him forward, and he landed on the mountain where the newcomer had just been. Veil, making a split second decision to follow him. Veil, after waiting till the man entered, followed behind him. As he stepped into the main hall he saw, standing there, Rhaizen. Veil rushed over to the man, summoned a shard dagger, held it to the mans throat, and asked "What in the world is going on?"
  8. Veil, hearing what Tevarah had said, immediately lashed himself to the mountain, following Tevarah. As he landed next to tevarah a man appeared out of nowhere, and asked about a cognitive shadow. "That would be Rhaizen," Veil responded. "He just died. Also, how's it going, haven't seen you in a while Devaan."
  9. "Frivolities? I take my job very seriously," Mraize said returning Yzabeth's glare. "Plus, he's Rhaizen. He'll be back somehow."
  10. "Poor Raihzen." Said Veil, "well, since he's not alive anymore, anybody need a personal body gaurd? I was gonna offer it to him, but he had to go and die."
  11. "Veil Stormrise, at your service" Veil responds to Nalizar's question. "Skybreaker of the third ideal, bringer of justice, and some other formal title." "I'm a member of the Ghostbloods and TUBA, so we may have met before, but it's pretty unlikely.
  12. "Hmmm. You probably don't recognize me anymore. It's been such a long time, yet I still claim membership" Veil said partly to Yzabeth partly to himself. " I remember joining TUBA all that time ago. I thought it would be better, I mean, any anti hemalurgic guild is good, right? Apparently not. Corruption is everywhere, even in TUBA. Everyone mostly ignored me anyway, just another random kid. But enough with the past. I needed to visit Rhaizen, I had some an offer for him, but seeing as he's dead, it's going to be significantly harder than normal. So like I said, what in the world is happening?"
  13. Veil had been traveling for a couple of days now and thought he was getting close. He hoped so at least, the horse he was riding we really uncomfortable. As he was thinking, he crested a hill and saw a sight that shocked him. In front of him was a small farmhouse that looked normal enough except for the fact that there was a huge hole in the middle of it. He immediately kicked his horse into a gallop, hoping that everyone in the house was okay. There was a small crowd in front of the house, probably the owners. As he approached he looked at the people and realized that he recognized one. Was that, Yzabet? Realizing he wasn't fast enough, Veil jumped off the horse and lashed himself towards the house. He sped towards the group of people, streaming stormlight, than canceled his lashing, falling to the ground and skidding to a stop. He looked towards the corpse and realized it was the corpse of Rhaizen, leader of the ghostbloods and his old friend. Veil turned towards Yzabet and asked, "What is the world is going on here?"
  14. Veil watched the execution platform from the crowd of people gathered there today.The platform was set up in the place courtyard today, a balcony over looking it so the king could watch. Today, every slave unfit to work would be executed. Mercy, the king called it. Justice. This wasn't justice. It was tyrrany. "Ready?" Veil whispered to his spren, whom he had carefully hidde in his pocket. "Wait" the spren replied. Veil heard the prisoners coming before he saw them. Most of them were elderly, but a few were simply children with deformities. They all had one thing in common though. Fear. Veil returned his gaze to the balcony, and realized that thw king had arrived. A middle-aged man sat, watching the courtyard below, a sneer on his face. The man stood up, and cleared his throat. Everyone in the courtyard be came silent, and turned to look at the king. He nodded to them, and started his spech. As Veil listened his anger at the king grew. The king spoke of his "perfect" kingdom, and how he was doing the people a favor. Veil hated people like this. The people who ruled by fear. They had no concept of honor or justice. People like that had to be stopped. As the king came to the climax of his speech, the spren in Veil's pocket whispered "now". A few days later, Veil sat on the palace walls in the shadows, watching the new king's coronation. He wished he'd had another option, but like all the other times, he didn't. And like all the other times, just like that, he was alienated from society, feared by everyone. Veil turned and lashed himself south, to the outskirts of the city, realizing for the first time that he was truly alone
  15. Kain, seeing as he's pretty much immortal until the bubble breaks, stands up, walks over to Devaan and helps him up. "Could we get a truthwatcher or something to heal us? Cause I would rather not die."
  16. Kain looks at Devaan and smiles. "There's only one way to finish this than" he says "Good game" A glistening shardblade appears in Kains hand. He than takes it, and stabs it through his own chest. (HP =0)
  17. "Storms!", Kain thought as Devaan grabbed him, "That's not what they usually do". Kain, seeing as he couldn't completely dodge the attack, pivoted in Devaan's grasp, the sword puncturing a hole in his shoulder. As he pivoted, a glistening lance appeared in his hands, and he rammed it through his opponents gut. (MY HP: 100 - 30 = 70) (70 HP remaining)
  18. "Impressive" Kain yells from the other side of the arena. He than lashes himself towards Devaan,aiming a kick at his face as he falls towards him.
  19. Kain, expecting some kind of attack from Devaan, quickly sidesteps his attempted punch, and then lashes himself to the other side of the arena.
  20. EVerybody, me and Nohadan's duel is underway, and we need an audience. It's the most recent post on Role Playing, so it should be pretty easy to find.
  21. Kain enters the battlefield, wearing a black cloak that conceals his face. "Nice to meet you Devaan, I look forward to our duel" he say's. "But first, let's find ourselves an audience" (This is the part where you forward the post to the Arena of Valor page)
  22. Hey guys, we need to update our member's list. I looked and was like, where's my username? Or at least my name is missing.
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