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Indigo Weasel

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Everything posted by Indigo Weasel

  1. The thing about lying a lot Axolotl is it makes people less likely to believe you. Though I half-believe you at this point. Do you propose an alternate lynch target?
  2. Yeah, sorry about that. We attacked you because we got word that you stole Odium, and we wanted to get it back to hidden garden before you had a chance to invest in someone and make it pass to them instead. Now there's not as much of a reason to kill you anymore. A shardstealer is still scary though.
  3. By doing that, you will be ensuring that Odium will pass to another member of their faction. And not go back to a faction we KNOW doesn't have a killing wincon.
  4. No I didn't! Or at least, I only told it to people I thought could help you. If Axolotl is Hoid, that is scary, as Hoid is a role that we have NO information about. Violet Axolotl.
  5. Oh, dang it! I forgot to tag you! Good thing you got my message anyways! Also, @Emerald Falcon, because it didn't work last time. I hope my factionmate is online in time...
  6. Something important has come up. I really need one of my factionmates to check the doc, so I'm going to tag a whole bunch of people to hide who I'm tagging. Sorry everyone else. @Saffron Iguana, @Onyx Flamingo, @Mauve Crocodile, @Turquoise Gorilla, @Pearl Chameleon, @Magenta Albatross, @Charcoal Hyena, @Plum Rhinoceros, @Quartz Zebra, @Fuchsia Ostrich, @Mint Heron, @Taupe Gecko, @Ivory Dragonfly,@emerald falcon.
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