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Indigo Weasel

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Everything posted by Indigo Weasel

  1. Ruin can't shatter Shards. And note I'm not the one lynching you. I voted for Tutara. I think you are probably in the same faction as them, because of Ivory's analysis, but I'm not sure. My contact believes them, as the animal in question has been pretty trustworthy in their opinion. I trust their judgement.
  2. Well, for one, having Odium would put them at a whopping 3 Shards. Also, someone I trust told me that someone they kind-of trust said so.
  3. Maybe we should leave the lynch to the gods of luck and chance. I mean, it puts pressure on all three of them to reveal information, and it also gives us information about the alignment of various vote manip roles.
  4. I'll tell you some of it. You tried to save Axolotl in the lynch. Therefore, you were one of the two factions hoping to get Odium. I know two which weren't, one which was, and the Company is probably too small to affect the lynch much now anyways. You are therefore probably in the last, undisclosed faction. You also said you had a factionmate who knew a lot about Axolotl. Therefore, your faction was working closely with them, and likely has Odium. EDIT: Ninja'd. ... We suspected some of that for different reasons. However, we had decided to not reveal what we knew yet. I wish you were on our team
  5. If all win percentages drop, the percentage would be less than 100 percent total. SOMEONE has to benefit. And personally, unless you're a doc spy, I think I would be one of those benefiting. And maybe even then.
  6. So if revealing all your information would decrease the net win percentage of anyone that wasn't you, wouldn't it be BENEFICIAL for you to reveal everything you know?
  7. I've been in the same situation. But in my case, I didn't openly lie or deceive others. And my role's wincon wasn't nearly incompatible to every other wincon. And we don't know it's only on a lynch. Maybe they target someone, and if they are a Shard, it is stolen.
  8. Yeah. Axolotl is trying to play up the collaboration between people in order to save themself. And if they aren't Hoid and haven't stolen Odium, then tell the truth. There is NO REASON for you to keep stuff hidden when the alternative is being lynched. Plus, if we're wrong, you can always be returned. Death in this game isn't as big of a deal.
  9. Khriss edits the school newspaper. She also won the science fair. Ati and Leras worked together to build a model of the planet. Cultivation's vessel tested whether water or light had a bigger impact on plant growth. Oh, and Uli Da is the weird transfer student.
  10. Yolen High: Ati always smokes up the building in Home Ec. Tanavast is the teacher's pet. Aona is the most popular. Skai is the bully. Frost just keeps to himself in the corner.
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