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Salmon Meerkat

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Posts posted by Salmon Meerkat

  1. After it was revealed that Naihar had been an Odium Sympathizer, things began to fit into place. As a recruit for the Ghostbloods, it was extremely difficult for someone to provide new valuable information to such a secret organization that had been running for years. But that was the only way to become more than just a simple recruit.

    The Ghostbloods obviously knew that Naihar was an Odium Sympathizer. All Cadamum had to do was determine why they would have wanted him of all people killed. Naihar did not have any extremely important role. Plus the notes found with his belongings seemed to suggest that there was a much more important person who was also an odium Sympathizer. If the note could be taken at face value, it would be a woman. So the question remains, which high-ranking official who is female is also an odium Sympathizer.

    Perhaps this is what the Ghostbloods are attempting to determine. Or perhaps they simply wanted to make the Radiants aware of the infiltrators in their ranks. Ghostbloods motives were so difficult to determine.

    Cadamum had decided if he wanted to get that emerald broam of information that would make it so the Ghostbloods would accept him, it was time to start investigating the high-ranking female officials, as it seemed one of them was an infiltrator.

    Perhaps that would also help him gain favor in the eyes of Dalinar and the other high-ranking Radiants. Being high in the Radiants would surely be good for his place in the Ghostbloods.


    I'll start off stating that I think I disagree with magenta with regards to the presence of a dustbringer. It is certainly possible, however, I would almost expect there to not be any dustbringers, but 2 or 3 worldhoppers, who would then have the option to become a dustbringer. But then again I don't remember the last game where there was a role like the dustbringer. So that means it's been at least a little while. So it could happen.

    I think there will only be 1 or 2 skybreakers though. There's probably about 2 lightweavers, and also probably 2 willshapers.

    Right now I don't really have the energy to do any more analysis other than a rudimentary possible role distribution. I'll try to do more later.

  2. 1 hour ago, Pearl Chameleon said:

    I have not been as active as I had hoped, and catching up seems a daunting task. Why exactly are we wanting to lynch Weasel?


    44 minutes ago, Magenta Albatross said:

    Because he had the poor form of not dying to the lynch D2, and probably his team hasn't lost anyone yet.


    Furthermore, Weasel's been saying a lot of very peculiar things, but in my personal opinion, none of this is criteria for death, IMO. Why can't we just let the guy (OR GIRL! SORRY TO ASSUME!) be weird?

  3. 5 minutes ago, Onyx Flamingo said:

    I’m curious. Why swan?

    Anyway, for the most part I agree with Falcon. As for Autonomy and how Odium found them. People in the Sel doc will know we were discussing how Amber Vulture could bea Shard due to how they erratically worldhopped. That’s why we think Odium, or a faction member of Odium, was at Sel at this time. The Sel doc was also inactive, and only two other people than me had even coloured their names in the doc, Saffron Iguana and Salmon Meerkat. To to discussion with Saffron, this gives me some reasonable suspicion on Meerkat, who would be my next target for the lynch. (Edit: due to doc conversation, not anymore)

    Regarding Chartruese. It seems it was either a Dakhor, Mistborn, or Ruin just targeting random people.

    I’ll edit this with RP if no one else posts later.

    Well now that everyone knows where I am (:(), would anyone from Scadrial mind telling the thread if Amber being Autonomy was discussed there, after they Worldhopped away? I personally don't think Odium or a faction mate is necessarily on Sel.

  4. 37 minutes ago, Indigo Weasel said:

    Does anyone have any suspicions on which Shards are aligned?  I think it will divide based on the books: Odium and Autonomy, Honor and Cultivation, Preservation and Ruin, ect.

    If I were a GM and this game shared factions with past iterations, I might try to work things based on how those ended or at least establish some kind of narrative that dictated which ones ended up where. Alas, I am not the GM (:P), and thus have no idea, and I don't really think anyone has enough information at this stage to try determining if the shards are aligned in any specific way, let alone issued non-randomly. This is a better subject to bring up a few cycles later, I think.

    1 hour ago, Amber Vulture said:

    I have to say, of all the major candidates, I'm not particularly inclined to lynch any of them. If I had to pick someone, I'd probably choose Axolotl, but that's a fairly weak leaning even for Day 1 (well, 2, but you know what I mean).

    OK, I've gone back over, and a few people have not yet posted.

    Amethyst Scorpion - 1 single line post
    Azure Mouse - 1 single line post
    Amber Vulture - 1 multi line post (mostly RP) - something I intend to amend from now on.
    Charcoal Hyena - 2 posts, 1 mostly RP
    Chartreuse Penguin - Active, mostly through RP. Expressed suspicion of Toucan's neutral claim (which I don't agree with, but I'm not inclined to view as particularly suspicious in isolation.)
    Coral Swan - Quite active. Expressed suspicion of Toucan, but softened after Joe's clarification, which struck me as genuine. In an ordinary game, I'd have a soft trust read on them - shame this is a faction game.
    Cream Tuatara - Quite active. I just saw they did exactly the same thing I did (calling out inactives), which means I don't need to look through the rest of the list anymore. It wouldn't make me trust them anymore, but it does make me relieved - I was going to see how I felt about each of the candidates, but in a faction game, I'm less sure about what the point of that is (there's Odium, Autonomy and Ruin, but when I read through the thread the first time, I didn't see anything in particular that seemed like their kind of actions, particularly without knowing their wincons, and I doubt I will over a second reading, either.)

    So... the people who hadn't posted as of a day ago were Emerald Falcon, Fuchsia Ostrich, Mint Heron, and Pearl Chameleon. All four of those accounts have been logged into since the start of the game.

    Emerald Falcon and Fuchsia Ostrich have both logged in, but not posted. Mint Heron was about to go on that list, but they posted just this second.

    @Emerald Falcon, @Fuchsia Ostrich


    I just want to say I appreciate this effort, Vulture. It's something I'd do if I had more time to spare.

    • 3 Indigo Weasel: Indigo Weasel, Violet Axolotl, Fuchsia Ostrich,
    • 1 Scarlet Octopus: Magenta Albatross,
    • 2 Magenta Albatross: Scarlet Octopus, Onyx Flamingo, 
    • 1 Sapphire Elephant: Quartz Zebra, 
    • 1 Emerald Falcon: Amber Vulture, 

    Regarding the lynch options, I really liked Indigo's posts on Day 1 (while reading them, I often found myself agreeing or having a similar mindset). It seems I liked them enough that while he's being exceptionally weird this turn, I'm unwilling to vote for him. I am tempted to vote for Dr. Octagonopus since I jokingly did D1 for something that legitimately bothered me, but I'm a little suspicious that Magenta coming into this turn with that vote was because he thought it'd be an easy lynch to rally for (my support + Toucans, I presume he would presume). I may still vote for Scarlet anyway but I want to consider it more. As for Magenta, I think Scarlet's vote is fair at best, silly at worst, but lynching Magenta doesn't have any merit outside of that. On that note, I don't really get Onyx's follow up vote. I think voting for Magenta there is essentially hypocritical. Finally, regarding Sapphire Elephant and Emerald Falcon... I have 0 intention of targeting inactives this game. Not while there are pinch hitters on the sidelines who I'm sure are eager to join us. I also don't feel very inclined to lynch anyone at all since my faction's win condition doesn't require killing anyone.

  5. 31 minutes ago, Magenta Albatross said:

    It comes with risks though. Sure, you could go to Yolen to get a particular power you could get elsewhere, but that'd place you on the same world as people picking up the voidbringer role. Personally, I'd not go there unless there was some kind of benefit I really needed that I could only get there.

    Problem is people can gain the researcher role as well, allowing them to target anyone. No one is really safe given enough time.

  6. 25 minutes ago, Opal Lion said:

    But once Yolen is created it benefits everyone, not just the shards that invested in it. I'm guessing that whoever invested in yolen is probably an independent player and not part of a faction since it makes more sense for the shards to invest in a teammate at this stage in the game. If it indeed is an independent player, I could see this potentially being a contributor to their wincon.

    I don't personally think it benefits everyone. In fact, I would prefer Yolen never get created because it invalidates a rather large part of what makes this game unique.

  7. 38 minutes ago, Seonid said:

    Shardworld Tracker:

    Yolen: 1/8 charges

    Huh. I didn't expect Shards to organize this fast.


    Creating a Shardworld: A group of Shards working together can create one of the following Shardworlds: Nalthis, Braize, First of the Sun, or Yolen. In order to do so, a Shard must use their action during the Day Turn to add a charge of investiture to the Shardworld. At the end of the Night Turn, if one of these Shardworlds has at least 6 charges of investiture (8 for Yolen), and that investiture has come from at least 3 different Shards (4 for Yolen), the world has been created and is available to worldhop to. Created Shardworlds also offer unique Shardworld roles.

    Never mind that, I misunderstood how this worked. It looks like a single Shard used their day action to charge Yolen while the rest likely invested in someone. The fact that a Shard made that choice is actually fascinating.


    Yolen: Actions taken by a player on Yolen cannot be redirected or roleblocked. A player may use their action during the Day Turn to gain any one of the following roles: Researcher, Truthwatcher, Elantrian, Feruchemist, Mastrell, Awakener, Voidbringer, or Aviar Controller.

    Whoever they are, they've clearly got the end game in mind. 

  8. 4 hours ago, Scarlet Octopus said:

    I prefer to think that we are all eliminators :P.

    Oh, well then, in that case Scarlet Octopus.


    The following text was edited in after its original posting:

    This vote isn't entirely a joke. On the subject of neutrals, I'm willing to give Toucan the benefit of the doubt, and feel pretty skeeved out by some players reactions, Scarlet being the foremost on my mind. Granted there isn't a ton else to discuss, but neutrals have been the main focus of Scarlet's posts so far and in a heavy lean towards "KILL IT WITH FIRE". I really don't agree with or enjoy that kind of mindset so if I was being forced to kill someone right now, it'd probably be them.

    Also, there's about 25 minutes left in the turn so get your orders in, people.

  9. Hey everyone. I don't know what to say other than it's a travesty I can't upvote anyone's posts. All this RP is practically begging for it! I think I know why these accounts are like that but it's a shame all the same.

    OH! There is one thing I'd like to request, though. For any role that can create PMs, I hope you consider putting me in some. If I had the ability to I'd be speaking with everyone right now hahahah.

  10. Everyone who's decided to bandwagon against me: please reconsider. Especially those of you whose reasons are purely because of bandwagon.

    53 minutes ago, Mint Heron said:

    I agree with Rhino and all the others who've said Meerkat is likely evil. When I read Meerkat's post saying that they had deliberately added bogus reasons to their argument to lynch Elyle, it was a big red flag, but as I was still spectating the game then I couldn't do much about it. 

    Now Heron, if I were an Elim, would I really admit that I was making things up just to convince more people?

    @Chartreuse Penguin, you had no other motive than the bandwagon. Please actually put some thought into your decision.

    @Plum Rhinoceros, you mentioned you might reconsider later. Is now such a time?

    To everyone else who based their evidence on my past voting patterns and evidence: I see clearly the fault of my actions, and why you have gotten so worked up over them. I'll allow the next hour until rollover for everyone to make their decisions, then I will see what needs to be done. The choice is yours.

  11. @Onyx Flamingo Regarding the lynches I did not vote: unfortunately, any action I could have taken would have been futile. I would not have been able to convince five or so different people to change their minds, especially with only a few hours left in the cycle (since most bandwagons this game have developed to full power towards the end of the cycle). Having no useful option, I simply did not vote. One exception: I crashed after church on Sunday (D3) and slept through rollover, and by then it was too late to do anything.

    As for Swan, I was very specific in my explanation D1 that I had nothing specifically against Swan, and afterwards I began to lean more village with Swan, having seen more posts. 

    As for everything else you said, I can see no fault, other than you misinterpreted my actions as suspicious.

    @Mauve Crocodile, is that your entire defense? 

  12. This is an... interesting turn of events. Three villagers dead, among them all of my suspicions. I suppose that its time to start throwing darts in the dark.

    The Elims have successfully avoided our attentions for 4 days now, which means that they are obviously hiding in plain sight.

    Mauve Crocodile. I've gotten the impression that you're shifting around without real input. You joined the Dingo bandwagon D1, then laid low for a day, then joined the Tuatara bandwagon. You've had an off feel in the back of my mind for a while, and now that I'm just grasping at straws, it's a good enough time as any.

  13. My dearest apologies, but I have been quite busy today with a variety of activities, and I have not been able to get much time on the Shard. So let's take a look at what's happened.

    The current leading lynch is Tuatara, followed by a tie between Beagle and Vulture. Tuatara has been mainly targeted, from what I've been able to gather, for minor inactivity and certain suspicious posts. However, the key posts referenced are a bit of a stretch to say suspicious. Vulture has been mainly targeted because of past inactivity and only a recent return to posting, which had "suspicious timing." As for Beagle, the accusations I've seen pretty much are a retaliation vote from Tuatara and insinuations that Beagle is a bit "mayory" a statement derived from Beagle's PM connections and alleged actions. I believe another underlying factor is Beagle's role in Swan's lynch and that whole fiasco.

    Unfortunately, my impression of Beagle is really starting to sour. At first, I thought that Beagle was all well and good, a nice active player. However, starting at about the Swan bandwagon, it seemed like Beagle was becoming manipulative and slyly swinging lynches. Dragonfly is very trusting of Beagle, perhaps because he wants to believe that Beagle can be trusted. However, I would not like to lynch Beagle without further evidence, especially since it is such an active player.

    Vulture is a strange lynch to me, and I'm not so sure about Tuatara either.

  14. With Opal dead, I see two possibilities for it. The Dustbringer is a villager, who thought Opal was highly suspicious from the bandwagon yesterday, or an Elim (Leras Preserve us) who wanted to prove that Opal was a villager to scramble our suspicions. 

    Of the two, I reckon that the Dustbringer is a villager, because the Elims would more likely leave Opal alive so that we could waste a lynch on it.

    Depending on how many Elims there are, suspected 4-6, there is most likely one or two Elim(s) among the more active players, and the rest are in varying states of activity. Given the amount of strongly active players we actually have, there should be more Elims among the fringe-actives, as previously noted. Unfortunately, its hard to get a target on fringe-actives based on how many posts they make, and the one active Elim will be influencing the vote through analysis.

  15. Well, Beagle? And Swan, I suppose I need to remedy some of this, for soiling your image D1...

    There was a highstorm that evening.

    Fierce, unforgiving, the harsh mother that Nature is. The rain was unrelenting, soaking everything through. The town shut itself into its homes for the night and prayed to the Almighty that a stray boulder would not crash through their roof.

    And then it passed, leaving crem and puddles in its wake. A soggy reminder of the destruction.

    Durthu walked the dark streets, carrying a small sphere, recently infused, for light. The stars above were briefly obscured by passing clouds. Water dripped from rooftops, dimly reflecting the sphere's light. His boot splashed in a puddle. Ironically, he felt safer walking the dark streets than mingling with the village during daylight. A lot had changed in the past two days. So surprising how the hearts of people could change.

    Durthu paused. Besides the gentle plip plop of the runoff, he heard a softer sound. A sniffle, a whimper. A feeble cough. He looked around him, scanning the dim road for the source of the sound. He took a tentative step, straining his ears. A shuffle, in an alley. Quietly, he crept towards it, sphere held aloft. As he approached the neighboring building, he noticed scorch marks on the walls, side by side with fresh planks. The inn... 

    He turned back to the alley and peered in. The light of the sphere was just not enough to see, so he stepped closer.

    Someone inside scrambled back and slipped, splashing down in a puddle. A child's gasp cut through the darkness. Durthu froze. A child? Where was its mother? And why is it out after a highstorm? He held the sphere higher and reached out his hand.

    "Don't... don't worry. I won't hurt you," he said. He took another step forward, now close enough to see the child. It was a young boy, rather damp, with reddened eyes from crying. Durthu leaned over, dropping to his level. He held out his hand.

    "You can come with me. I have a dry house, you can stay a while," Durthu offered. The child stared at him for a moment, studying him with his young eyes, before slowly placing his hand in Durthu's. Durthu smiled and stood, guiding the child out into the street and back towards his own home.

  16. Now that I'm actually available, I need to process all that just happened. If Swan turns up villager, I feel I should accept some responsibility for actually putting it in everyone's radar D1. I'm leaning village for Swan.

    Thank you to everyone that came forward and posted since my last post. Mission accomplished.

    What irks me a little is how quickly this bandwagon on Swan formed. What is even more concerning is how little the subsequent players had to back up their votes. Behold:

    54 minutes ago, Magenta Albatross said:

    Take a pinch hitter if you think so or rest up and carry on playing if you think it will be better.

    I have some doubts on toucan. Out of swan and onyx, I'll go with swan for now so that it at least clears day 1 up.


    52 minutes ago, Onyx Flamingo said:

    Well... I don't think Gecko is ever going to show no matter if he has votes or not, but I agree with Weasel and Elephant that Swan voting logic and timing feels off.


    50 minutes ago, Opal Lion said:

    Since everyone seems to be hopping onto the Swan bandwagon, I suppose I will too. The more of us there are, the smaller the chance that Willshapers or Bondsmiths will be able to sway the vote. 

    However, Beagle's reason for moving its vote to Swan left something to be desired, given how active Beagle had been. I would have suspected more evidence to back it up.

    1 hour ago, Oxblood Beagle said:

    axolotl Swan  . Swan, you made me uber suspicious with your last post. I was going to hold out on trying to lynch you until day 3, but given Axolotl, I'm inclined to just go after you now. 


    2 hours ago, Coral Swan said:

    I'm going to put my vote on Flamingo. Maybe I'm wrong, but it looks like Beagle and Albatross are trying to switch the lynch off of Flamingo, and taking advantage of a fairly minor statement to do so. While I am definitely suspicious of Axolotl, I think that it is a legitimate question to ask why someone is emphasizing a tie for second place in the lynch rather than the current leader. I read that vote as a sort of poke vote, since it specifically asked for an explanation. I would rather lynch Taupe for not giving us the analysis they promised, but nobody else seems willing to buy that and if Flamingo flips elim this will give us a good place to go next.

    ^This is the post Beagle was referencing. And why was Beagle planning on lynching Swan later? "I was going to hold out on trying to lynch you until day 3" That sounds very suspicious. If Swan flips village, I would definitely keep an eye on Beagle.

  17. Current vote tally:

    Chameleon (1): Beagle, Axolotl

    Gecko (1): Swan

    Flamingo (1): Weasel

    Rhino (0): Beagle

    Weasel (1): Scorpion

    Heron (1): Dragonfly

    I didn't post anything earlier, because I didn't have my thoughts laid out and I didn't want to post some half-baked slew of words.

    Impressions on the votes so far: Despite Flamingo being quite active and verbal about the lynch and suspicious, it has not actually cast a vote. I find this interesting, because most of the other active players this cycle have already voted. That isn't alignment indicative, but I just thought that was an interesting bit of data. Both Heron and Chameleon have not posted yet/barely posted this cycle. @Opal Lion mentioned it wanted to sit back until the lynch progressed to vote, though was leaning towards voting on Flamingo, if anyone. 

    There were quite a few players who posted once, but have not posted since. I technically fall into that category, but this post breaks that. @Sage Kangaroo, @Sunburst Toucan, @Mauve Crocodile (though you've posted a few times, they were small) @Cream Tuatara, @Amber Vulture@Scarlet Octopus, and @Pearl Chameleon. I suggest you come out and say a few things.

    Of the individuals with votes on them, I'm interested to hear what Gecko has to say. It said that it had a large analysis coming up sometime in the next hours. @Mint Heron should actually say something, but otherwise, I'm not sure what to think of the other candidates.

  18. 59 minutes ago, Ivory Dragonfly said:

    The other player is Meerkat. I’m suspicious of him for similar reasons to Flamingo: weird posts that sometimes state the obvious, such as his “oh no we lost a light weaver” post. Again, it’s obvious, and feels to me like he’s saying the opposite of what he means. Also, his argument for Coral Swan was fairly bizarre, seeming as if he was trying to redirect the lynch toward someone he perhaps knew was a villager? I’m not saying Swan is cleared, but she seems villager-y and a lynch on village!Swan would only help the Elims. Again, an explanation would help mitigate my fears, @Salmon Meerkat.

    I understand your concern, and I assure you that there is a reason for my behavior. I tend to reiterate past events to provide a base for what I'm going to say. As for that post you referenced, "We lost a Lightweaver", I was short for time and couldn't really say much more than that. Now, I'll explain that its clear that Iguana did not have much of an opportunity to make use of her ability, which could have been quite beneficial for the village if used wisely.

    As for your concern regarding my vote on Swan D1, you seem to have overlooked much of my explanation when I put forward the vote. We did not know anything for sure D1. As you can clearly see, looking back, that my intent in voting on Swan (generating discussion and hopefully providing new lynch candidates) was fulfilled. Do you mean to say that I was attempting to shift the lynch from Gecko to Swan? If you look back again, I was not the only player who expressed feelings that the Gecko lynch was not particularly helpful, since Gecko was purposefully cryptic and would not provide much information if it was lynched. I selected Swan as an option because she was a more active player, and her voting patterns were slightly suspicious. I left the rest of the lynch to the rest of the village, whether they agreed or not.

    By saying that a village!Swan lynch would only help the Elims, yes it would, but so would any other village lynch. We had no way to know if Swan was an Elim or not, and it ended up that we lynched Dingo, who was also a villager. Though you mean well, many of your arguments could be applied to a variety of players, not just me.

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