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Everything posted by go_go_gragdet

  1. I highly recommend you check ou the Arcanum (https://wob.coppermind.net/) which is full of WoBs (Words of Brandon). Type "favorite character" (or something like that) in the search box, and you'll get a bunch of instances where he answered that question. There doesn't seem to be a clear cut answer, but I haven't read all of them. Enjoy!
  2. There's "main" and "main"... 1st tier (Dalinar, Shallan, Kaladin) : Kaladin. As Truthwatcher_17.5 mentioned, he's the easiest to relate to (for me too). It'd probably be easier for me if he wasn't so strong/smart/talented/charismatic, etc. He bonded Syl, who happens to be my favorite spren, so it's an easy pick. 2nd tier (Szeth, Lift, Navani, Adolin, Moash, Venli, Eshonai, etc.) : Adolin. I just love the guy's attitude, and none of his chapters are boring. None! 3rd tier (bridgemen, Zahel, Ash, interlude characters, etc.) : Teft. He's very likeable (caring, inspiring), and has a lot of potential, so I hope he can learn to forgive himself and overcome that crippling self-loathing of his.
  3. Hey, MysticLotus! They'll be released every two weeks from now on: https://youtu.be/9LNFRtHSvWg
  4. Do what you must! Hopefully, "permanent overtime" means "permanent overtime pay" as well.
  5. "Where my Shardcast?" by go_go_gragdet in the style of "702": https://youtu.be/U01ln0im_S4?t=41 Where my Shardcast? The News page, it lacks Well, I’m not feelin' that I’m puttin’ my hand up Can you please post that? Before I hit the sack See, Imma need that It won’t post itself Where my Shardcast? The News page, it lacks Well, I’m not feelin' that I’m puttin’ my hand up Can you please post that? Before I hit the sack See, Imma need that Just kidding; take it easy This is more of a love letter to Shardcast (and a testament to my addiction).
  6. Oh, right! I have to remember that I was late to the party; all the books were already out when I picked up TFE. I was pretty much able to binge read all the way up to BoM in Era 2 (it came out like... a week or two after I was done with SoS). Speaking of which: SoS is awesome. None of the books feel like a chore, but getting through the others just to get there is worth it IMO.
  7. But you made me feel Yeah you made me feel Like a 17thsharder Posting for the very first time -------- Any reason why you didn't feel compelled to pick up The Well of Ascension right after you finished The Final Empire? (There are plenty of valid reasons; I'm just curious.)
  8. I'm somewhat disappointed. I'm sure they're both very good, but it really should've been: @Chaos as Kenton @Chaos as Praxton
  9. I feel like Mistborn (especially era 1) is the goriest and most violent of his series. I don't remember there being a lot of "on screen" sexuality, but rape is mentioned and discussed a few times. I'd say in Stormlight, the TWOK prologue (Szeth/"To Kill") is where it peaks (so far, of course) in terms of explicit violence, but it's on par with descriptions of say... Kelsier's actions (let alone the Lord Ruler's or the Steel Inquisitors'). Sexuality and sexual violence are discussed in SA once or twice, but even then, the references are rather implicit. So, if the violence and sexuality in Mistborn weren't a problem, I'd say she's good to go with SA. I do feel like SA is more complex than Mistborn (longer books, larger scale, bigger cast of characters, more subtle foreshadowing), but it would only be a problem if, say, your daughter didn't like to read, had struggled with Mistborn, etc. and you were trying to pick a more appropriate series. But it isn't the case, she loved Mistborn and wants to read SA, so you have the opposite of a problem, really. Rejoice, ha, ha, ha! Welcome to the forums, btw.
  10. No complaint from me, here! I got it early!
  11. I subscribed with Podcast Addict (which, I suppose, is a different app). It's using the Soundcloud RSS feed (don't know if there's another). Got the episode a whole day before it was posted here.
  12. Felt a bit out of sorts yesterday. This episode was a moodsaver
  13. He will kill Odium by throwing him down the Death Star's reactor shaft.
  14. Thanks a bunch, hadn't listened to that one! Clearly, he will have to be hired to deliver Praxton's lines (and Kenton's), if an audio version is made. There is no alternative.
  15. I've been listening to Shardcast, lately, and I've heard Eric aka @Chaos say "KENTON? KENTON?" in a cookie monster voice a few times. The tone cracks me up, but I'm wondering if there's a meme I missed somewhere. An audiobook, maybe? I read the White Sand bit in Arcanum Unbounded, but that's all. Haven't felt like reading more, but I might if it means I'll get more layers of funny.
  16. Started reading through; there's this part in chapter 108 / Honor's Path: Also, in 97 / Riino:
  17. Speaking of @58:11 (in the video version) and the discussion that followed: Shallan's case might help us refine our understanding ot what Identity is. I don't remember how "mentally stable" Shallan is in the Cognitive realm section of Oathbringer (I'll have to read it again and pay attention ot this), but there are parts of the book where Veil and (to a lesser extent) Radiant appear to take over to the point where Shallan isn't there anymore. There are parts where she cycles quite rapidly through her different personas, and there are parts where the other personas "peek through", or make/help her do or say things that are somewhat out of character. If appearance in the Cognitive realm depends on something akin to self-image, wouldn't Shallan literally "shape shift" in the Cognitive realm during such episodes? It would be quite a sight, and I suppose it would yield a reaction from the others. Now if such an episode did happen during the Cognitive realm section, and Shallan's appearance remained stable, then Identity may not depend quite as much on self-image. Either way, it would help make sense of that WOB and Identity. Feel free to chime in if you've just read Oathbringer (or that part of the book). @2:05:44: https://youtu.be/lFeLDc2CzOs?t=48
  18. I knew, I knew! That's the tune I was singing to.
  19. Spiritual mumbo jumbo, spiritual Spiritual mumbo jumbo, spiritual , ayye yo Spiritual mumbo jumbo, spiritual Spiritual mumbo jumbo, spiritual , ayye yo
  20. At 45:10: "The Rhythm of Night?" To all my Listeners out there: https://youtu.be/u3ltZmI5LQw?t=63
  21. 102 minutes into Shardcast and chill and Evgeni gives you this look.
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