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Everything posted by Egomere

  1. I just had a horrible vision reading that of Dalinar becoming one of those 'healing preachers' America seems so fond of: Standing on a stage in front of the Alethi nobles with Shallan screaming "And NOW BY the POWAH of UNITY be healed afflicted one", and then slapping Shallan in the head to 'force the three personalities into one'. Whilst muttering about how Unity grants him the power and by his grace she say have the Veil lifted from her mind... hmmm I think I'm going to go awol for while to let my embarresment wear off.
  2. After having thought a little more about this theory and seeing the other replies that slightly expand it I am very much loving it and it's potential. And seriously I don't think Shallan needs to kill Adolin - it's a potential mirror E / D / N not an exact duplicate... It couldbe something just like Veil taking control of the mouth at a few inopportune times to stay something sarky and demeaning to Adolin about his character / or coming out in a fight between Shallan and Adolin - and then a 'veil' comment comes out in one of those 'oh god i really didn't mean that moments' - but in fact you had and X had been bothering you and really got you before exploding due to having ignored it until frustration wins and you deliberatly say whatever will hurt the most (which I can see Shallan doing but blaming it on Veil. - This could happen a lot of times in the year timesink. Add in And we got some really potential conflict and intrigue.
  3. @DimChatz I actually kinda like that theory. Twisty enough and slightly different enough to be untraditional and interesting... hmmm will keep it in mind for my re-read. maybe see things in a different light now the possibility has been mentioned...
  4. But I think that's just it the point of the parallels is just to emphaise how slightly different idea and actions can influence people lives so drastically. To show how 'minor' decisions and attitude changes can change someone's live so much. As well as to create tension and excitement between the two for what people believe to be the Champion grudge match in the making - two people so similar yet so different on opposite sides of the board for the grand finale. (I never said it was necessarily a good reason for the parallel .
  5. except we're comparing Kaladin and Moash and why they are different. They both made the chose to help the bridgemen / parshmen yet after the intial choice to do so Moash just sinks back and doesn't follow through with actually helping them and doesn;t care about them - again he just blames everyone else for the way of things. Kaladin made the choice then followed through and went out of his way to help them, he continued living by the actions of his choice - regardless of whether he would be punished or not. That's why they are mirrors and Moash is becoming Odium's pawn rather than a potential radient.
  6. Maybe it's all 'attached' like Rock has the bow and 1 arrow which are 'tethered' together due to being 1 spren - and the power / direction comes from Rock... not sure how it would work (prob can't) but I feel Rock would be happier with a sprenshardbow rather than close quarters... (and it's the only weapon we know his proficent with as he never trained with a spear like the rest of them.
  7. Well BS could be saying due to his dislike of traditional triangles (poor triangles - does he have something against 3 sided shapes?... well angling away from that tangent) the conflict in the relationship could be the three personalties of Shallan all bickering and dickering with each other about their life with Adolin and the conflict is now internal rather than external... But I'm still unhappy about the journey so far... (bet nobody could tell that though).
  8. I would like to see Rock getting a Sprenshardbow. I mean if you can train to throw a dead shardblade surely it would be easier to train with a living spren to do similar. as for the Spren Cage of Death I imagine more a Green Golem type or armour encasement (from Brent Week's Lightbringer series) - shardplate with masive spikes and a crazy Battlerager dwarf type of mentality to run into a group lashing and bouncing like crazy.
  9. Pretty much this. It would be white on black not to realise.. actually I think we need to petition BS for a Nalthis colour swear / exclaimation chart if there isn't one already so we know exactly what Vash and Vi are talking about when they make claims like that (cos I'm really not sure half the time...).
  10. Well they could rent out military expertise but I think the way things are going money is no longer going to matter as much as the Coalition starts pooling resources and Shards for Radients (now more and more are appearing) But yes Sebariel has plans for trade tariffs and similar for using Oathgates. They also have a flawless gem with an unmade trapped inside (that should be good for any number of collateral.
  11. I subscribe to the theory that Jar Jar Binks is actually a horrendously powerful Dark Sith Lord - thanks to a Robot Chicken episode. And he has been playing everyone against each other for years (and is continuing to do so using Snoke as his proxy) - before which he will reappear and force gungan lightning ball everyone to death before self-imploding and destroying episodes 1 - 3.
  12. Firstly : Nonsense, life is really overrated (and involves having to go outside and socialise with people...) Secondly : the same for @SLNC very brave for both of you to be sharing. You have my respect. Thirdly : As everyone on this thread is heavily involved with fictional characters I deem that means it's perfectly normal (and therefore not bad at all not all not sirree!) and anyone not emotional involved is actually the crazy one as the social norm (on this forum) is to actually be heavily involved. hmm i might have lost myself then but I know how my corkscrew mind works so that's to be expected. @Ailvara Yes I guess you are correct about the cliche macho stuff being what he dislikes but it's just I would have prefered that to the complete lack we actually got.
  13. Except you could argue that although he chose to go back he didn't follow any of those choices through he 'went with them' rather than chosing and then LIVING with those choices - and assisting the parshman slaves lasted for all of 3 sentances before he just upped and went *storm it - ain;t my fault - I saved one from a beating but he didn;t do anything else - didn;t teach them, train them just stopped them being beaten by frightening everyone then left them alone.
  14. I prefer the term differently minded than crazy (which we all could be) 'cos we might be seeing things that aren't there. BS is a master of foreshadowing and subtle hints about all sorts - all of which were seemingly ignored in OB. After that beautifully brilliant Chasm scene we got no development on any front of the 'triangle' except Shallan and Adolin hanging out and occasionally drinking as Veil. Now I am worried about this being the end; because if Book 4 is set one year later if anything monumental had happened we won't be seeing the actual events on the potential fallout (which is bad). Add in BS penchant for arranged marriages turning out super means I fear we're going to be left feeling unsatisfied for good. Maybe I'll feel better after a second readthrough - will def. be checking with toothcomb all Shallan / Kaladin / Adolin interactions (any number of). I will also maintain that 'Shallan popped' could be more meaningful than before (even though it had nothing to do with Adolin or Kaladin and was in scene with Jasnah. edit below BRANDON SANDERSON (he phrased this very carefully) I'm not a fan of the traditional love triangle. However, I am fond of conflict in relationships. In this case he also failed though because other than Shallan / Veil going 'ooooo mr broody eyes so dreamy and solid like wind rock' there was no CONFLICT - not even a macho growling scene between Adolin and Kaladin about who loves her more or whatever.
  15. I agree with this. I had thought Shadolin might have been the true thing it's just again how we reached that conclusion. (and of course the mental of poor Shallan now makes me very very wary and tentative about her future. I was really hoping that Kaladin and Shallan had some more page time to at least become good friends: the ones you can tease the hell out of each other and no one gets stroppy with minor flirtations but nothing 'serious', even if it didn't go further. Yet we missed all the potential for a misunderstanding and a 1 sentance trip. I don't think she was shifting looks via lightweaving - it mentions her eyes and how adolin was 'searching' them - I imagine meaning how her personalities were switching rapidly (driving seat behind the eyes and all that). Adolin searched her eyes. She bled from one, to the other, and back. The arbitary 'feels' of this scene (and the later one of her speech to him) just came across and kitsch rather than BS's usual nuanced subtley of style. Although it could all change by the later books. But until then I will def. be left feeling like we missed a trick.
  16. Well I definatly took 'I am Unity' as a statement of Intent reforging rather than his Ideal Honour splinters he could get his hands on at that time... so I guess it might make more sense that he's a Stronger Sliver / splinter of Immortality (as some of Honour's power is still in the Stormfather / Honourblades and whatever else he lost over time death and being splintered). I would be of the mind that his third ideal was the 'I will take resposibility for what have done...' quote.
  17. Sja-anat being the Glyss' corruptor would make sense as that's what she's supposed to be but it really depends on whether he is a genuine truthwatcher spren (what are they anyway?) or not. She says it took effort to corrupt the oathgate watcher spren but are they below Potential Radient-level spren or the same? Also I was thrown by how Glys claims to have been corrupted before the bond with Renarin. And whilst I think she was talking about Glys as her 'son' that doesn't mean she was and it could have been another spren that we've come into contact with... Just need some more info. Will be re-reading OB in a week or two anyways so might be able to tease something more out then.
  18. hehe well I tried plain boring sanity with no... intresting random and wierd proclivities and decided it was just so damnation boring. I mean Storms if I can't enjoy being crazy theres something wrong with this world.
  19. and I would call us crazy... especially as we don't really have clue how things are going to pan in the next 2 books... Yaep that's a big problem... he's normally so good at foreshadowing stuff to have included so much previously it leading nothing was just a big let down. It's not like I really wanted a Shaladin ship. I was just hoping for a mature interesting triangle that actually progressed all characters in an intelligent manner. I feel that with everything myself and others have said in this topic we have didn't get that at all... and because of that I;m really hoping more of this is developed and resolved in books 4 / 5 (and maybe beyond).
  20. I agree that I think Bridgeman might slowly be transforming into an honorific. (especially as we're now getting Lighteyes and high nayn ranked Darkeyes clamouring to join the Bridge Crews (which are still mentioned as bridge crews despite not having bridges anymore). and in regards to the quote : damnation I must have missed that my read through... Nice to see the Stormfather's paying attention now and seems to be mellowing towards his feelings for humans.
  21. Firstly : (wrong series of books to ask about here - but what do you mean about the Rand fiasco (just that it was made a 4 way love fest? or is there more - I'm curious so PM rather than sidetracking this thread if you don't mind please). Secondly : Yaep love Kaladin and it was the complete lack interaction between Shallan and Kaladin that dissappointed me - not the destination just the journey. Def. Kaladin and Syl forever (romantic / plutonic whatever those two are perfect for each other (especially as Syl I think will slowly mature but keep her mischevious slightly childish nature to counter Kaladins doom and gloom. On a further note: Someone in another topic posted a drawing that included the Ghostblood symbol under a badly drawn person (next to the words see drawing's easy) assuming that the drawing was created by Veil that means Veil really can't draw only Shallan personality can. So along with everything people have mentioned so far then it must have been Shallan that did the perfect drawing and attracting creationspren of Kaladin... only for her to then shunt those feelings (daydreaming of crush) into Veil... just another piece of the puzzle / futher corrobortary info relating to the unsastifying result we've seen so far.
  22. That... that goes without saying right though? I mean I would definately prefer to have a good fairy rather than an evil god influencing me... although being Evil God Pawn X does have it attractions (I hear they have good fitness training, free magical weapons and dental). I think it's more to do with the individual choices people make and how they cope about problems though - and as others have said I think BS wrote them to highlight each other different choices and coping strategies. Kaladin blames himself - deals with issues - becomes fantastic flying superdude with awesome Spren fairy guide. Moash blames others - sinks into blaming others bot doing anything to change his situation - becomes Evil God Pawn X and presumably meets a highly unpleasant end which had being perfectly avoidable if he had taken responsibility for his own actions.
  23. As the title topic. I've been wondering if now Dalinar has reforged some of Honour's power and seemingly overridden the previous intent to Unity does that mean he could now slowly lose his 'personality' into the the pure form of Unity - much like how the Stormfather and others declared that Honour lost the meaning behind making oaths and focussed on keeping whatever oath (Letter of the Oath rather than Spirit). Will he slowly just press for Unity for all without regard for consequences etc...? Much like all the previous Shardholders had happen to them. Ati taking Ruin and no longer being the nice, generous person he used to be, Harmony holding two and balancing between them in order to be able to do anything and even then it's all a balance with like entropy vs growth... The only one that might not fit the formula is Rayse himself - who by all accounts wasn't a particularly nice person before he took up Odium. Or maybe it shows that Strong personalities can control the Shardic Intent and Power for their own purposes (so we need not worry at Dalinar is def. a strong personality; even stronger now he's accepted his pain).
  24. So all Adolin needs is a miracle gemstone pill and a trip to Shadesmar? He can do that... and it;s obvious that Maya is not fully dead anyways - I mean remeber the fact that she actively attacked one of the Fuzed in Shadesmar on her own free will to save Adolin from being cremling chow.
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