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Master Knapper

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    or master napper, to be more accurate

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  1. It absolutely is possible. There is a person on the planet right now who has done it before. And you are right, a stone ZombieTeft would be badass!
  2. There seems to be a general misunderstanding to how a soul stamps works. It does not actually change the history of the object, it changes the object's concept of what it's history was. You have a tiny box, you put the stamp on it, and it changes size. Was it always the larger size? No, you just convinced it's Soul that it always was, and the Soul changes the physical appearance to match what it believes it should look like. The only thing that can save Fluffy is how fast the transition takes. In TES both the stamping of the mural and the removal of the stamp from the horse take a few seconds to complete, and you can watch the changes occur. If it behaves the same, then fluffy may have a second or two to jump out. Oltux has a point that the reaction may be quicker for the box. the horse and the painting have a large number of intermediate states they could be in: painting is 25 % complete, 50% etc. The horse has been neglected for 1 week, 1 month, 1 year etc. The box is either large or small. If the delay seen in TES is because it has to quickly go through the intermediate states, then Fluffy is in trouble. If the delay is that it takes the object some amount of time to align reality with what the soul believes is reality, then Fluffy has a chance.
  3. Can you please tell me where this is? I must have missed it.
  4. I don't know how he got his body, if he "possessed" a living person, animated a corpse, created a body out of the ether, or something else. We know he has his scars, which like Kaladin's slave brands, are part of how he sees himself. To me, this means that whatever method he used, his sense of self is rewriting the physical aspects of the body. So yes, I do think he looks the same. Well, the spike in the eye will make him look a little different.
  5. During a conversation between Wax and Bleeder, Bleeder makes a statement about someone being a pawn. Wax replies, but Bleeder says "I wasn't talking to you that time, Waximillian." Are there any theories as to who she was talking to, and who she was talking about?
  6. Weltall, I think you are making my point. I am saying that the Shards cannot directly speak to a normal, healthy individual in the physical realm. They need some way to create a link first. You describe a number of those links: Honor's Heralds and links (through a spren) to the KR, Ruin's Spikes, Kelsier picking people with a severely cracked spirit web, Odium's control of the army at Thaylen City was managed through the Unmade that Dalinar captured at the end of the battle, Autonomy's avatars (which are separate from her, otherwise she would not need to train her newest one with an intense dislike {or was it distrust, can't remember} of Hoid) are another. We don't know what method Bavadin has used, but I expect it was through some intermediary, link, or avatar. Dalinar talking to Cultivation is the only occasion I can think of that comes close to direct conversation. However it does occur in nightweaver's location, which is found in a different place by each person who finds it, and is with Dalinar when he is wracked with guilt, loss, and pain, probably resulting in some cracks in his spirit web. Finally, I don't think we can use Hoid's letters as evidence of this type of communication. Hoid is hardly a normal individual. He spends a great deal of time in the cognitive realm, and probably has access to the spiritual realm, and we have no information how the letters are sent or received, but it is very unlikely that it happens in the physical realm.
  7. If anything, communicating with a species that you helped create should be easier than a species with which you are not connected in any way. Look at the methods that we've seen that we've seen the shards use: 1) Endowment can apparently only communicate with a dead person. She gives them the information that they need, then sends them back as a returned. Really sounds like a convoluted method to get the changes you want to make, unless that is the only way she can do it. 2) Honor, through Stormfather, can only communicate with Dalinar and Kaladin through dream/visions during a highstorm, at least until Dalinar binds with him. Again, it is a shard (or part of a shard) that is very motivated to communicate. 3) Kelsier, when holding Preservation, is very motivated to communicate with Vin. He can only do it by dealing with half-mad individuals, or Spook, after he was more than half dead. 4) Ruin is very motivated to whisper to Vin, and can only do it when she has her earing in. 5) Sazed is also motivated when searching for Bleeder, but can only communicate with the Kandra or Wax (when his earing is in). 6) Odium is very motivated to seed discord, but only seems to be active with things like the Thrill, which he manages through intermediaries: the unmade. He is later able to hijack the Stormfather's visions, but again it's indirect. The only direct interaction is with Dalinar during the big battle, and there is obviously a lot we don't know going on there. 7) The only other somewhat unlimited interaction is Dalinar with Cultivation, during the OB flashback. Even that one was at a very unusual location (Nightweaver's locale) which may be associated with Cultivation's shard pool. Too me, it really looks like it is difficult for a Shard to communicate directly, even when they want to.
  8. They may also be limited, although we don't know how limited. We know Harmony has the ability to both hear and project thoughts, at least to someone with a spike or cracked spirit web. But didn't he say that the ability to hear thoughts came from Preservation, and the ability to project came from Ruin? The spikes/cracked spirit web is also key, judging from the difficulty Kelsier had communicating with humans while holding preservation. What would be the equivalent to spikes that would allow the other shards to communicate with people? Honor (through the Stormfather) required dreams that were at least initially tied to the storm. Cultivation was able to talk to Dalinar, but his Spirit Web was pretty cracked at the time.
  9. On the other hand, what can a highest level Awakener do, and how does that compare to a Knight Radiant with two surges? Outside of the creation of Nightblood, what has an awakener done that couldn't be countered or outdone by a KR? Vasher uses breaths to awaken clothing to protect and fight for him. A KR has shardplate and shardblade that would be far more effective. If injured, a KR can use stormlight to heal. Breath may help healing, but we see with the injuries that Denth gives to Vasher that this healing isn't quick or automatic. This isn't even bringing the surges into it. When we see what Kaladin and Szeth can do with the gravitation and adhesion surges, it is hard to imagine breath keeping up. Not that that is a bad thing. Per Sanderson's second law, that make Awakening the more interesting magic system.
  10. Most Limited: Awakening. - There are a finite number of breaths available: 1 per person minus 1 per week per returned minus the number held by people who die without passing it on. You would have a portion of the population that would be unwilling to sell their breath, either due to religious reasons, or due to the negative effects (reduced resistance to disease, loss of life-sense). Unless you are very rich, it is very difficult to gather enough to do anything. - Awakening is a very difficult art to learn. Vasher has been studying and awakening for centuries, and he admits that they only know the commands for a fraction of the things that could be done. You have to know the right command, and be able to hold the correct visualization to do even the simplest tasks. - Requires a third component. So even if you have enough breath, and know the exact command, you need to have color available to complete the task. This is an easy component to acquire, but does limit the magic. Allows method for controlling an awakener (see Vahr's cell).
  11. Vathi is someone important on her planet, somehow directly tied to the ruling class. This is pretty clear in the treatment she receives when they reach her people. She is not someone important in the Cosmere sense (at least not yet). If she was a worldhopper, her reactions at the end of the story would not make sense. Even if she was trying to manipulate Dusk somehow, they still don't make sense. She appears genuinely afraid, and is not suggesting any action or direction. It is Dusk that first realized the risk, recognized the threat, and decided that they could fight back.
  12. I have a problem with the basic assumption that you can't use awakening people. As The One Who Connects mentioned, there is the memory thing. This has every appearance of being a type of awakening. The key to all awakening is knowing the right Command. Vasher tells Denth he can make him forget, that he knows the Commands. Vasher uses those Commands on the kidnapped child. If you can heal a mental wound, I don't see why you couldn't heal a physical wound. You just need to know the right Commands. No evidence to support, but I don't think it would work like the OP suggested, where you awaken the wound and then Command it to heal itself. I think that since the person is already "Awake" you are using breath to fuel the Command to heal. I guess I kind of contradict myself in the second paragraph, but if we consider "Awakening" to be the basic magic of the system, then I think both paragraphs are correct.
  13. Hope of Elantris is a sweet little story, but does not have any Cosmere significance that I could see. It will not answer any questions that may be weighing on your mind after Elantris.
  14. Could Aluminum be Adonalsium's God Metal? It seems like it has an impact across all of the magic systems.
  15. This is the second reference I've read in the past few days to Miles' dying words being a death rattle. Based on John203's response, it wouldn't surprise me if this was part of an ongoing discussion. Personally, I don't see it. We never hear too much about the Trell belief system that Miles is now following. Based on his words, he is a convert to this new religion. His words to me sound more like a curse. "You may have killed me, but my religion will prevail!" I see it as his beliefs, not a vision of the future.
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