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Aon Ati

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Everything posted by Aon Ati

  1. Hello Penumbra, and don't feel bad about reacting excessively to the plot twists. At the end of Well of Ascension I was literally screaming NOOO! into a pillow and then couldn't stop mumbling under my breath about how wrong the ending was. I was getting weird looks from my siblings.
  2. Hello, Tesh. This description you gave Sanderson's books perfectly describes what drew my into the Rithmatist, the first Sanderson book I ever read, which eventually led me down the path into the Cosmere. Though I read the Rithmatist in one night, not more then two days.
  3. Warbreaker_Weiss, I really like your story. And I hope someday that I will be asked to write an essay on Sanderson books and turn in the longest and most detailed paper ever given in the class.
  4. Yes, Roadwalker! A thousand times yes! I tried reading 'Malazan Book of the Fallen' a couple of months ago and I had to stop because I couldn't make sense of what were the character's motives, the magic system, or the plot. I still plan on reading it but only after I practice with other fantasy novels first.
  5. I completely agree with you about authors who throw in diverse people only because it is a trend. Understand, I do not mind characters who are written with diversity in books, but when I read 'Ready Player One' and the author threw in a lesbian for no purpose other then a "twist", I mentally proclaimed "Oh Come On! There Is No Reason For This!". If there is an author who I think can do this right, it will be Sanderson.
  6. Hello Steeldancer. That is a great way of summing up the way Sanderson's books make me feel, building me up as I read it, instead of wearing my happiness down.
  7. Being quickly turned to dust sounds much less painless then being crushed, so I would go with the Lord Ruler option. Would you rather be forced to become a Hemelurgic construct or a Dakhor monk?
  8. Hi Technovore. I completely agree with you about the twists always getting me. Even when I am looking for it I am always wrong and then blown away by the twist. And you seem to have an author in mind when you made the "intensely hating half the cast" quote. Would you care to tell which author your referring to?
  9. Hello Weltall and thank you for your post. I have actually started reading The Eye of the World and have enjoyed it so far, but it will be a while before I get to Sanderson's books in the series.
  10. Hello Mirahound. I can completely understand this, Vin's trust issues actually helped me understand how to develop relationships in real life. This is one of the main reasons why the original Mistborn trilogy is so important to me.
  11. I love how Sanderson can write something that causes the fandon to freak out and then the next page just destroys all the theories that were made. The golden spren actually creeped me out a little, since this spren seems to be even more 'intelligent' than Syl or Pattern! And finally, I do not trust the Dustbringer at all. Thankfully if she tries anything Dalinar will make short work of her. (Also,we got a little bit more info on what the Ghostbloods are trying to do.)
  12. Hello everyone. I am making this post to find out, as the title says, why we of The 17th Shard love reading Brandon Sanderson's works. I want to discover if there is a common thread between us all, thus making it easier to find others who might like the Cosmere. My reasons for reading the Cosmere books are that the characters and worlds are actually places that I want to exist and interact with. The magic systems are also really cool, my favorite probably being the Metallic arts. And the stories that Sanderson tells are just so good, with plots that are strong and twists that come out of nowhere. But that all that praise I just gave can be applied to several other fantasy series, so I still do not know what it is about myself and others that causes us to have a similar interest with each other through this forum. So if you have ideas as to what that shared trait is, please add to this.
  13. I'm glad that there are other people who like/love Elantris. Raoden is in my top ten list of favorite Cosmere characters, Hrathen is such an interesting person, and while she is no Vin, Serene is still very well written. The magic system is cool, the villains are extremely creepy and the story and message is told in an engaging way. Also, the ending of the tenth anniversary edition with Hoid; just imagine how awesome that would be to see on the big or small screen to kick off a cinematic Comsere.
  14. What if Harmony is letting all the extra Ruin power turn into a shard pool? The Well of Ascension is gone and I'm pretty sure Sanderson said that the Pits of Hathsin were on top of a pool which is where the atium came from. So Harmony could just be allowing a tiny portion of Ruin to condense into a perpendiculary( I probably sppelled that wrong).
  15. Ah nuts, I really liked that theory. Well, thank you for telling me about that.
  16. I have an idea, but not only is it crazy and mostly based on speculation, but it contains major spoilers for both Bands of Mourning and Secret History, so... SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS I think that Kelsier's spike is made out of Lerasium. As far as we have seen, there aren't any spikes which can allow someone to pull themselves out of the Cognitive realm and give them a Physical body. Unless there is a metal which is directly related to a Shard whose whole purpose was to keep things in a state of permanent non-decay. This can also explain how Kelsier could still be alive after all these years. Since his Cognitive self doesn't fade away, he can go in that realm, store whatever attribute Lerasium stores, come back and stay in the Physical realm using that metal mind. I know there is literally no proof of this but it's the only thing I could add to this part of the forum.
  17. I really hope that this not true. Wayne is one of my favorites and this would make me very, very unhappy. Thankfully, I have an argument against it. Wayne is twinborn, meaning that if he was a faceless immortal (and if they operate like the kandra) Harmony would be able to sense that Wayne is not normal. But I can see several arguments made that could debunk this, but that's what happens to theories on the 17th shard. They are destroyed.
  18. Hello everyone! To you who have chosen to refrain from reading Oathbringer till the release date, I come to give hope. I will not spoil anything, not a word. All I will say is that you have chosen a hard path of waiting but one that will reward you better then we who are weak and read the weekly chapters. We must wait for the next part after getting only a small portion of the story week after week, making it even more frustrating when we want more. You brave souls however will get the entirety of it and have a much more fulfilling prize for your sufferings come the end of November. So, continue to be patient and strong while awaiting eagerly for the book.
  19. "...and one of them will betray us." from Way of Kings. STOP SCARING ME! I don't want Kaladin to be the bad guy!
  20. These were some great chapters, with Dalinar being awesome as ever, Kaladin connecting with the parshmen, and Shallan about to confront the two biggest political manipulaters we've seen so far. But there was one thing I noticed that made me stop in my tracks. Sanderson has stated that when someone has knowledge about Investiture, they are aware of the Cosmere. So when Adolin made that joke about relationships needing investment because Shallan needs Stormlight, I thought that this is either a slip up with Sanderson or a deliberate clue that Adolin is more then we know. I hope that I am wrong though and that it is a slip up.
  21. Okay. Thank you for your answers. And even though it probably won't happen, it would still be pretty cool if a kandra turned into something that was insanely large.
  22. I forgot about that part. But in that case the mistwraith was just letting itself ooze all over the ground, while the kandra have to keep their own muscles under control. I just think that digesting a dragon sized corpse would be to much to handle.
  23. Hello everyone. I have had a question on my mind for a while that will probably not be answered in the mistborn books. This question regards how big an organism a kandra can digest and shapeshift into. Probably the biggest thing we have seen them use bones for was in Shadows of Self, where a certain kandra turned into something resembling the Hulk. But I want to know how big we can get; say a dragon. That would be so awesome but I don't know if that's even probable. Please tell me some theories you have about this.
  24. I loved this! The whole sequence when Dalinar is dueling an ardent, arguing theology with him, and negotiating with another country at the same time, I kept hearing the "who's the manliest man?" line from the Lego Batman Movie. And then he absorbs stormlight! And then remembers his wife!?! With Kaladin we heard about Identity and Connection again; the magics are converging! And Shallan's whole chapter...wow! I cannot wait for the next chapters!
  25. I found Sanderson in a rather strange way: a bookmark. A couple of years ago I found myself in a bad rut of nothing to read, everything I picked up was either unimaginative or a bad copy of other much better works. Then one day I was in a library and as I was leaving I saw a strange looking bookmark advertising a book called "The Rithmatist". It was cool looking and had a lot of really positive reviews, so I checked out the book. And finished it in one night. After that I read almost every book he has written and I am hyped for the next Stormlight Archive.
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