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Everything posted by Pammie

  1. This was, by far, the most satisfying thing I've ever read.
  2. I totally agree, AND THAT'S WHAT MAKES THE SITUATION SO INTERESTING. Sadeas was a sociopathic bastard who definitely would've tried to use the situation with the Everstorm and Desolations for personal gain. Adolin's actions saved them a lot of pain in the future, but a lot of characters won't be happy with him, especially Kaladin and Dalinar. (Kaladin because of his new protect-those-I-hate thing, and Dalinar because of his sense of honor/The Codes.) It is kind of weird how Dalinar remembers his 'old friend Sadeas' so fondly, has he forgotten instances like this? Maybe thinking about Sadeas' past crimes remind him of his own?
  3. I thought that the reactions to Sadeas' murder were really interesting, especially since we know that Adolin is just standing there, watching all of it. On one hand, we have everybody agreeing that Sadeas' death was for the best, which makes total sense. Yeah, Sadeas was a strategic genius, but he would've been trying to pry Dalinar from power every chance he got. But on the flip side, we have Dalinar mourning the Sadeas that he used to know. Not only is Sadeas' murder going to cause division in the already divided Alethi armies, but Dalinar obviously disgusted by the murder. There's no way that he'll ever accept Sadeas' death as anything other than a brutal, unlawful murder, which is going to cause problems when he discovers who the murderer is (which I'm guessing will occur in this book, fingers crossed.) And I'm sure that Ialai isn't going to fade into the background, we know that she was just as politically savvy as Sadeas. Maybe she'll frame Dalinar, causing problems for his efforts to unify? If Adolin tries to justify his actions, maybe he'll consider murdering her (or others who are causing problems and distracting from the Everstorm and upcoming Desolations)? So is Adolin going to feel justified because everyone agreed that Sadeas' death was for the best? Or is he going to suffer because the man he respects most, his father, is mourning his old friend and assumes that he was murdered brutally and wrongly? Will Adolin kill again, even if it's a good idea? Not only will Dalinar be upset about Adolin's decision, but Kaladin is definitely going to be against it, especially with that whole 'protecting those I hate' deal. And what about the Skybreakers? Is this something that they'll get involved in? I'm not sure how Shallan, Renarin, or the others will react, but I'm psyched to see how this turns out.
  4. Hey! I just recently joined up and am really psyched to start digging around in this site! Although Brandon Sanderson has been one of my favorite authors for a while, I'm only just now getting into the Cosmere side of things (whoops). I've read the first three Mistborn books and the Stormlight Archive, as well as the Reckoners series and the Rithmatist. However, thanks to our local used bookstore, I own Elantris and Warbreaker and I'm really hoping to finish both of them by the time the Oathbringer preview chapters come out (which I am definitely going to read. I have zero self control. It's better to read the sample chapters than look up spoilers lol). Also, I am 100% new to online forums, so if there are some types of ... unspoken rules? Common courtesies? Things I should do? .... Well, it'd be nice to know! My main reason for joining now is to prep for and then flip out over Oathbringer, which is only 90 days away! There's no time to waste! So excited! Thanks!
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