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Everything posted by Voidus

  1. "We tend to get a little overloaded at times." Laurelai admitted, at least somewhat truthfully. "Not always time to worry about where the best expenditure for resources is. Plus a Forger is typically a good choice for document review, a lot of our training goes into making patterns and understanding causes." She tapped the page with the pen a few times, looking over a few lines and making a quick correction to some misspelled pharmaceuticals before noticing that she was receiving a reply from Lita and switched back to absently twirling the pen. She flipped over the new page and pretended to read it while mentally translating the message. Lita's reminder that this could be attempted later was encouraging, but had the encouragement to leave been because that was the best course of action? Or because Laurelai was still untested and Lita was not confident in her ability to conceal her activities? "But thank you, it is a fair reminder." She conceded regretfully. "I should check that there's nothing urgent first, files won't go anywhere." She closed the file and began stacking them together, clicking her pen close though not before she absently smeared a little ink onto her thumb and from there onto the sides of the files as she picked them up. A little crude, but an easy way for her to tell on her return if any of these had been picked up since she left them. "Excuse me." She said with a polite nod to the well-dressed administrator as she reshelved a few files near him, pausing for the barest of moments to scan the files he was looking at, and then another moment to appreciate the suit again. "Well." She said, turning back to the woman dressed in a lab coat. "Good luck, I'll probably be back in a bit but if you're done by then I'll see you around sometime doctor..." At the very least I can try to pull a little information out of her. Laurelai thought as she waited for the woman to respond to the prompt for her name.
  2. Sudiov followed the shadow's gesture towards glimpses of the world and frowned. True enough, the number of incidents had been increasing exponentially, enough that there was now some collateral effects as well from those that could not be remedied fast enought. But still... "We knew there would be problems." He said. "Gluing back the pieces of a fractured world into a different shape was bound to create some gaps. But they are still in hand." For now. How much longer though? Even with all the assistance they could provide, Aylitha could not be in all places at all times. Not unless they wanted to alert the entire world to this most grand of conspiracies. That would only cause reality to fracture even faster. "Fragmentary cognitive dissonance can be dealt with until we remedy the underlying cause." He said, filling his voice with surety. "There must simply have been some flaw that was overlooked, we can remedy it. Reforge it." His voice grew increasingly desperate at that, eyes wandering to glimpses of those below, children in a street, a couple enjoying a quiet dinner. They could preserve this peace. They had to. But he couldn't meet the Shade's eyes. @Fatebreaker
  3. Well there goes another earth.
  4. Neverthere gave a delicate laugh at that, letting the sound echo around the chamber for a moment before covering her mouth and stifling the rest. Thankfully her companion in conversation was not a complete fool, Epics who were also idiots were some of her least favourite conversations. Much better to find someone with at least half a brain and have them deal with the more troublesome individuals. "Oh I never expected you to serve under me." She said with a smile. "As I said, I'm not interested in taking up a direct position of rulership myself. No matter what you do to discourage it, someone is going to come along thinking they can take the position from you by force." She gave a pointed look at the crystalline structure, presumably another Epic that Crystallix had decided to usurp. "As for why I'm asking questions, I like to know what's happening in the city. And to know whether or not somebody is going to be a problem for me, or an opportunity. I do so love to make new friends after all." She shifted slightly to look to one of the guards, giving them a smile sweeter than sugar. His deep discomfort at it was very satisfying. A good reminder as always, that violence was not the only tool that could be used to keep underlings inline. Something that all too many would-be rulers would do well to keep in mind. "But I've taken enough of your time for today. Perhaps some other time we can discuss these matters further, but as ever there is work to be about." She gave a mock curtsey, thin hands grasping at the misty, immaterial fabric of her dress and drawing it wide. And with one final smile she vanished from the room.
  5. Yeah the Quota was introduced in the middle of Reckoners so we suddenly had to deal with it and someone made an Epic about it I think there were even fewer available back then too.
  6. Just gotta say how much I love this. World: Begins to end as reality itself is tearing apart at the seams and causing mass psychosis. Laurelai and Lita: Uh-huh, I get that that's important and we should definitely deal with that. But can we all stop to take a second to appreciate how well this guy is dressed?
  7. The place with a bunch of labcoats, crazy people and the legalized practice of stabbing people with sharp metal implements? Can't imagine what would draw the DA there. EDIT: I should really stop aiding in the derailment of the character thread
  8. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the DA outlasts all other guilds
  9. Whisper could feel the anxiety building, not something as unreadable as a facial expression or tone of voice. But the feeling in the room changed immediately, a dozen imperceptible signs that added up to a single sensation. But in the next moment she discarded all attempts to dissect that sensation. There was another, far more important and far subtler. Subtler and yet perhaps the loudest she had ever heard it. The whispers had returned, one of the few times that she had ever heard them in the Alleys. She couldn't make out the words still, couldn't quite see the plan but there was something, something from her gods was at work here. For a moment Whisper thought she could almost see a flicker of something in Lita's emerald eyes but it was gone in an instant, little more than a flash of light. She memorized it nonetheless, tried as best she could to capture everything about this feeling. The straining sensation of gods telling their plans to the world. She had no proof it was Them, but she had never needed any. Who else could it be? Who else could make the entire universe dance to their tune? She locked eyes with Lita, not mentioning the flash though undoubtedly it was visible in her fervent attention. ”What you have noticed,” Lita continued without addressing the issue “has been corroborated by several others in the field. There has been a dramatic and unprecedented increase in mental phenomena throughout the City, all having to do with some form of retrograde amnesia.” A scowl at that. Retrograde amnesia? Such mundane terminology to describe such widespread and near-perfect execution of silence. Perhaps technically accurate in a medical sense but it conveyed none of what it actually was. Lita continued, unaltered by Whispers disagreement. As she mentioned people coming to the Alleys in search of mythological demons, Whisper briefly contemplated whether that was in fact desirable. The entire city joining the Alleys to worship the ancient ones, surely that would bring them back? A few moments late her mind reminded her that Lita's tone generally was one used when people were conveying something undesirable. Baffling though it was to her there were some who would seek to destroy the ancient ones in fear. The fear was understandable but how could it lead someone to attempt to destroy the source rather than seek it out? In this city only the denizens of the Alleys were something even resembling sane. “I would like you to continue to observe these ‘fragments,’ and as you observe them, bring them to me. Do not speak to anyone else about this - not even to those within the Dark Alley. Indeed, I intend for you to watch both within and without the Alleys. Do you understand?” If Whisper leaned in any further she would fall from the chair so she simply nodded in rapid acceptance, mouth curling a little at the idea that she could 'speak' to anyone about this. But this was what she had been waiting for, all those sleepless nights scavenging extra time to track the whispers, the endless hours spent plotting them on maps, looking for lines of convergence, patterns of frequency, some limit to the area of influence. But balancing that with her regular duties was impossible, she knew well enough that if that path of self destruction continued much longer her mind would falter from lack of food or sleep. Understood. She replied firmly and simply. She slipped from the chair on silent feet, an oddly grounding experience that dismissed the last of the whispers in the room. Regretful of the loss she looked into Lita's eyes one more time, looking for some echo of that flash, something that could connect her with that web again. But she saw only piercing green eyes that seemed ready to devour every secret that they beheld. Lita was perhaps close, but her hunger was not that of the old ones. I will send along what I already have. Whisper voiced in a monotone, concealing her disappointment.
  10. Now if one Eldritch god already asked you for a blood sacrifice, and then two more eldritch gods ask you for a blood sacrifice, how many people should you sacrifice? Whisper: *Hand shooting into the air* Everyone! Eldritch gods: *Approving nods*
  11. She's a mute, sociopathic savant that worships elder gods. I think her experience with math class was very different to everyone's.
  12. Sudiov waited in the endless stillness and quiet. The quiet made contemplation easier, the stillness made it possible to see farther than before. But even that sense of stillness could not stop how chafing this false peace was. Theoretically perfect, two opposing forces which could keep the world in balance without proxies needing to play an endless battle on the surface of the Alleycity. No more wars between guilds, scorching of cities and instantaneous desolations. Now the Stranger and Sudiov manipulated a thousand strings of power and fate in a perfectly coordinated discord which miraculously merged into a harmony that was the world. But how that balance irritated him, how vexing that he had no choice but to play into the hands of one of his most ardent rivals. Even at the cost of removing Voidus from the field, Sudiov wondered if it was worth it. "Hello Sudiov." A voice said, a stray strand that blended into the weave. A strand that should not be. "A miscalculation? On his part and on mine." Sudiov commented, eyes sparkling with a bright light that was somehow also a darkness deeper than shadow. "But a problem nonetheless. False peace is better than war." He prepared to gather the power needed to sever this thread, though he watched carefully for the Strangers actions before he actually pulled any in. There was too much of a risk when wielding power like this alone, even a small imbalance could lead to chaos. Should he alert the Stranger so that they could cut this off together? "Speak your business shadow." He said instead, eyes burning with distaste. "You would not be here without reason and at least an attempt to explain why we should allow you to continue."
  13. Well she's either the most polite thief in the world or she noticed the research. Laurelai noted, suppressing a wary smile. But since she reacted that way to this research that can only mean she's looking into the same thing. Which means either she or someone she knows has likely experienced similar effects. "That would be a tremendous help." Laurelai said, giving a smile. "If you don't have any rounds to complete or patients to see. We've gotten a little backlogged recently but keeping up to date on records is important as well so if we can get it done sooner." Can't stall her forever Laurelai. The critical part of her mind noted. What's the plan? She's obviously looking into something related, possibly the same issue. Just then one of her pockets warmed, it took her a moment to recall what that meant and she pulled a pen from the pocket, subtly twisting it in the affirmative and hunching over some of the papers. "Some of these will need updated annotations." She said, as the pen slowly began to twist and move in subtle patterns which to an untrained eye looked simply like idle movement. Rust I should have practiced this more. She thought to herself, devoting each movement to memory and slowly translating the message. ”Status report requested. What have you discovered so far?” Storming little with these interruptions. Laurelai thought. And I must have lost track of time talking to Vivica. "Another person in records room. Looking for similar information. Not hospital staff. Suspect likely experiencing similar-." She broke off mid message as the door opened and was quickly closed once again, a man in a well-tailored suit sweeping into the room with not a care or second glance. "Sorry to bother you all, I just need a few files for legal and I'll be out of your hair." The man said, immediately beginning to make his way towards one section "Marry Edinger, where art thou?" Laurelai spared a brief appreciative glance for the man's pocket square, something far too few wore these days for her liking, especially not ones made from Nalthian silk. But her gaze slid off of the man an instant later. His entire being screamed lawyer or accountant, and she was far less familiar with the administration staff. "Sorry." Laurelai apologized to the doctor and bent down to get her pen. "Door startled me a bit." As she straightened she quickly concluded her message "similar symptoms as we noticed. Another individual now present, one of the administration staff I think but may make subtle information gathering difficult. He does know how to wear a suit though." She wasn't sure if that last comment had been entirely necessary or professional, she had certainly gotten into a comfortable and casual routine with Lita previously but this was a job now. Perhaps worth keeping to the necessary details. She mentally chided herself before looking back towards the papers. "Sorry, where was I up to?" She said, almost as though to herself. @MacThorstenson @ZincAboutIt @Rushu42
  14. Unsure if you're familiar with the character from the Reckoners RP or not
  15. Whisper felt a momentary chill along their spine, a threat that few could level against her and truly mean, even fewer who could actually carry through on that threat. But Lita was one of those few. She gave a small, somewhat more respectful nod of her head this time. Of course. I have attempted to explain this to others but it is... difficult. She voiced. A whisper is not quite correct, it's not a sound. More like a thought. She watched Lita's face with seeming impassivity though she was certain that her accelerating pulse would be audible. No small few had expressed some level of interest in the whispers, perhaps fewer than if someone else had reported it given her history of what others called madness. But this was no researcher from R&D, this was a department head, who had summoned her for this express purpose. Finally someone was actually listening. Certainly it was grating that Lita had dismissed her request to remove those who wore those insufferable masks, but that was an insult she could endure for this. Far better to hold onto that frustration than let it out and have Lita dismiss everything else along with it. Thoughts. She corrected. Fragments of a plan that spans the world over and everyone in it caught in its strands, dancing to the tune. The whispers are those strings which briefly hum with discordant melody before being silenced and brought back into harmony with the rest. As she spoke she looked at Lita cautiously, wondering what had prompted this. As she did so Whisper leaned slowly forward, balancing herself with her hands until she was almost leaning over the desk between them. Her head cocked to one side as she looked not just at Lita, at her actions, but the air around her, the papers on the desk. A faint sense of something. You hear it? She said in surprise, breaking her previous train of comment. Or are a part of it? Different. Singing louder but silenced more harshly? She shook her head. Language was so restricting, a thousand different ways to communicate that you intended to greet someone and no words for what she was experiencing. Numbers were easier, they didn't lie, and while they could mislead you for a time they always brought you to the correct answer in the end. Numbers couldn't be misunderstood.
  16. 'Tis Quota, that most foul and malicious limiter of enjoyment, destroyer of good moods and total killer of the buzz.
  17. Ah, the ancient enemy. It has been many years since last we met.
  18. It really is, half the DA in chat at the same time.
  19. "Well." Neverthere began. "There's a few answers to that question, first and foremost because it's the largest and most currently stable city in the region. Unlike some I have little interest in ruling as the head of a tiny state, becoming a target for every new Epic who wants to prove themselves and having to deal with endless attempts by the locals to unseat you. I prefer a more supportive position, less well known. A provider of information I suppose you could call it?" She smiled at Crystallix, letting that point and the potential offer it contained hang in the air for a minute before her eyes became distant and a little regretful. "And secondly because my previous city of residence and indeed the entire state it was in were reduced to little more than a wasteland. After that the Fractured States didn't quite feel like the place to be, so I hopped across the Atlantic." She said, performing a little hop towards Crystallix herself for dramatic effect before gliding slowly back to the ground perhaps an inch away from him. "So. Crystallix, what plans do you have for the city? Will you lead or will you serve? Or will you carve out a section of the city and be content while others wage war to take the entire thing?"
  20. "Hey Stranger, just finished a new experiment with this universe. I think it might..." *Pops collar* "Spike your interest?"
  21. Popping your labcoat collar definitely feels like a young Voidus/Stranger move. XD
  22. I have greatly enjoyed playing characters in a position of weakness. Always nice to get a fresh viewpoint. And I enjoy being scared of Zinc's characters
  23. We do also have an explicit approval process for such characters and if someone's primarily heading the plot for an era they have leeway to create and authorise such characters if they're needed for plot reasons.
  24. And now you become that source of existential terror for other characters. The AV cycle continues. XD
  25. I've seen all of them in OT videos before so by the third one I just went Wait a second!
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