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Everything posted by LevenThumps

  1. Just looked at the article. It is amazing.
  2. Okay. That makes a lot more sense. Now that I understand, I think Austre is Endowment.
  3. I just finished Warbreaker and am a little confused. Where do they talk about Austre being a Shard? I haven't read WoK yet, so it may be in there.
  4. That's true. If the kandra found out what she was up to, it might escape before she could interrogate it. It's really cool when she finds out who the kandra is.
  5. Just found out on Brandon's website that the second draft of the Wheel of Time is complete. Only about ten more to go!
  6. When the number of books in a series is in the double digits, its probably a good idea to start at the beginning
  7. I forgot about that. There is still some good to come this year
  8. Also, I just started reading Brandon Sanderson. I have finished the Mistborn trilogy (not Alloy of Law) and currently reading Warbreaker. I've read all the Wheel of Time books as well. I hope to finish the rest up soon. He is an amazing writer.
  9. Actually, there are 3 books planned for the Elantris series. I also think that Dragonsteel is planned to be a 5 or 6 book series. That makes the total books 33 or 34. So there still are some other books out there.
  10. I just realized that with this push back, there won't be any new books by Brandon Sanderson this year. Also, were you referring to the revealing of the cover of a Memory of Light? I really hope we see it soon.
  11. I think that there is a good chance it will get released early-mid 2013. He seems to write his books pretty fast, which is great for all his fans. EDIT: It's kind of amazing how far in the future he's planned all his books. If you add up the next 9 Stormlight Archive Books, next 6 books that make up the next 2 mistborn trilogies, the next 2 elantris books and the next warbreaker book, you get 18 books that he plans to right. He also has so many series he plans to write that he hasn't started yet.
  12. I thought the same when I first heard that Brandon Sanderson was finishing the series. I thought the ending would be terrible. I take that back now. His books are AMAZING!
  13. Approximately, I'm from the Central Texas area in a town you have never heard of.
  14. Brandon Sanderson mentions in one of his annotations about the Contract, but I don't remember right at this moment. I know it was book 3.
  15. I've been on these forums for a while, but never actually introduced myself on this forum. Hello everybody.
  16. The WoT wiki does help. It helped me when I first started the series.
  17. The dedicated fans that have followed this series for years will remember the year it came out. I know I will. I love ironic stuff like that.
  18. That's true. I love the Wheel of Time series, but I prefer Sanderson's works over it.
  19. I've heard Brandon is a fast writer, so this push back may be because of how long it takes to edit, and the fact that they got quite a few typos in Towers of MIdnight
  20. Okay. I was unsure of what should be put in. This gives me a much better picture.
  21. Well, I hope its summer rather than fall, but I'll be able to wait until the book is done.
  22. Considering he was already planning for fall of 2012, its only about 3-4 months pushed back. I am also sad that Stormlight Archive 2 is going to be pushed back, but I do want him to do his best on the novel.
  23. Me too. But I may have been too early because I read all of them so fast. Those books had me hooked from the beginning.
  24. I"m the exact opposite of you. I started the series less than a year ago, when all 13 books were released. But I still don't mind the wait, as long as the book is the best it can be when it comes out.
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