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Everything posted by NoiseSpren

  1. Or maybe expand and cultivate it into something much more terrible
  2. What about giving it new thread, like "Is Jasnah Alien?" or "Let's talk about one think from different angles perceiving it as one!!!" And leave this thread untouched by your (ok, inteligent) discussion. Have a picture for better day:
  3. Just small talk, no serious theories, take it easy
  4. I have just noticed, that the Ankh-Morporkian Watch might be in some ways model team fo Bridge four. Grumpy captain from lower class who unexpectably gains power. Funny outsider (Nobby) -sorry, Lopen. Old seregant. Contains minorities. Royal blood member. From bunch of loosers to most elite and feared force in nation... Depressions from loosing people (in Guards! Guards!) And more to find: your job!
  5. S. realm are all times and places in one, it's PERFECTION of existence in some extend. And mr T. was smart enough to use it. He was perfected enough.
  6. We know that the day when mr. T. wrote Diagram was his most perfect day. Because of that, he was very close to his perfect self. And that's s. realm stuff. So I think that he literally saw future in some kind of way. Saw future without access to Fortune. Remarkable. Ideas?
  7. Most cool is Cultivation, though. Imagine her picking also Odium shard. The best Great-Evil E.V.E.R.!!!
  8. Is there possibility that these voices Szeth is hearing is some sort of Unmade thing? Like Thrill, but other one. I can imagine some sort of wicked Skybreaker sort of one. Am I stoopiditious or not?
  9. So, I have already caught you by the title. No shipping, I am sane person. There were lots of Nightblood and Lift interactions so a though occured. I want to see Vasher and Lift interactions because: a. Why not b. They are both hillarious persons c. Zahel is fond of children d. I want simply more Cool-Zahel-The-Returned-Stuff ... And their dialogues would be bombastic... Your opinion?
  10. NoiseSpren


    Such a great piece of art. Folsom says, that it has 17 of 18 points. He is really impressed...
  11. One thing: the ribbon under his arm. There is no way it could be like this. But here is your upvote!
  12. Welcome and take chouta and this pink teddy-bear. Did you know, that Cristins are spiked as well? And look how healthy and good they are. (Yes, fleshstone is spiked in flesh, isn't it?) "...kill them all, young Cristin. Ruin them, destroy, BREAK!!!" Don't worry and eat that spiked chouta... ...become Cristin...
  13. Quwstion is: did they make the pact before they ascended? It would be more simple to break it.
  14. To Gavilar some months before assasination. "Dalinar has Jezrien as drinking buddy, no need for voidbringers."
  15. Kaladin in the middle of WoR. King is Dalinar's Tien.
  16. Imagine: You have an opportunity to meet one single person from SA. Problem is you can tell the person only 10 words. What would you tell and to whom?
  17. Die hard Avatar RED 300 Eragon Shrek Harry Potter Mistborn movie (trailer released 1.11. 2018)
  18. Yes, there is *reasonable possibility*. You are right. But I personaly think it is improbable. At least without Sja-anat or Mother interaction. But considering this option... Mother or at least Nightwatcher would be pleased - Adolin reviving cultivationspren... Yes definitively pleased. So, interaction... Just dreaming. Considering it all: yes it is possible, but we don't know complexity or requirements for such thing.
  19. But they are solid and nonchanging. Yes, they can develop their personality more when bonded or die. But the exact idea of them is not changing. They are born of thought and they live like that, die like that, bond like than and - revive like that. They are spren. As Syl said, spren don't change. They are like rock. Or A STICK. Stick hasn't changed, ever.
  20. Mostly used on building personalities of survivors (or Survivor).
  21. When men die, they become something else. Something is missing. When spren die, they are still spren. I think death is only tearing apart the "human" part of spren. Like personality, memories and mind. But "DNA" is still same. When chinese guy goes crazy and is healed, he doesn't become european guy. He is maybe changed, but only in soul. Ps: not racist, this is the best explanation I found out.
  22. Brandon is not the type that would waste someone on pure tragedy. There is always another secret.
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