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Everything posted by Vortaan

  1. The point being the "permanently seared into your memory" idea doesn't work. After the copper burns out, you are going to be at your default state unless you store the enhanced state.
  2. The problem is that Allomancy is temporary. You get a lot of health in one shot but unless you store it again, it's gone when the metal goes. Same with any compounded ability. I actually can't see this being all that useful since after your copper is gone, you'd have to restore the memory or lose it forever. The thing I could see happening is actually hallucinating that you are in the memory for as long as you burn copper. That would let you remember everything like it's happening (the most perfect form of recall I can think of), but you'd lose the memory of the experience entirely unless you stored it. This could actually be pretty cool, since what you could store in a coppermind would be this experience, so you'd be able to create and live in extremely vivid memories of some of your most important events.
  3. You have me wondering if the Final Desolation could be a red herring in relation to the Ghostbloods. Maybe they are focused on something entirely different. Hunting down people who manifest KR abilities, for example? Although that doesn't explain why they would be endorsing Shallan's father.
  4. Actually, Shallan and Jasnah are also using Knights Radiant abilities (Soulcasting). So Kaladin isn't alone, although he is the only darkeyes depicted so far. I guess that's another similarity to Vin.
  5. Huh. That... is pretty good. So Kasbal's questions about faith, showing the Almighty is a test to see if Shallan is Ghostblood material? That would kind of indicate that he thought so, since he tried to feed her the transmuted antidote jam at the end. Next book will be very interesting to see if she is contacted by them again. I have a suspicion that either Sadeas or Amaram is a Ghostblood, so seeing if either of them contact her would be very interesting.
  6. Wouldn't the fifth category be Spontaneous Biochromatic Manifestation in a Non-biological host? Not sure how such a thing could occur, but... Nightshade is arguably alive. If he became unAwakened, it's concievable, maybe, that he could Return? Seems to fit the requirements a bit more than just normal people, as he would still require Breath to survive.
  7. It's actually kinda relevant. We only see two examples of Shards at less-than-full power who are not, you know, dead. Preservation and Ruin. Out of the two, only one of them was in full possession of his consciousness: Ruin. And he was literally a broken Shard, in that his power was split off into atium and the rest of the Shard. However, I guess if Rayse had split off a chunk of Odium IMMEDIATELY after receiving it... it might work. However, not sure if that works, the more I think about it. Or Odium is an extremely strong Shard. Otherwise killing 3 Shards seems a bit... crazy.
  8. It's supposed to be a small amount, on the scale of Ruin and Preservation. And honestly even without atium Ruin almost destroyed the world, so... how much of his power could it contain? If it's the greater bulk of it, Sazed would like be more Ruin-y than he is now. So assume a third... and each bead is therefore a tiny percentage of that bulk. Who knows how many beads it would take to offset the power Preservation gave to humanity. Maybe just enough to keep a certain Inquisitor going?
  9. I'd agree with this if Kaladin had done anything Vin-like, in the whole "Oh, by the way Allomancy can be powered by the mists and I can pierce copperclouds" vein. Kaladin has, so far, only done things we've seen Szeth do, albeit in a different manner. You've got me thinking about the Odium's champion working out for Honor though. Why would it benefit Honor if Odium chose a champion? The best example we have of a Shard choosing a champion is Vin (who is really more of a successor)... and Marsh. Marsh could easily be said to be Ruin's champion, and look how well that worked for Ruin. It almost leads me to believe that there is a subtle theme that people can only be pushed so far inherent in the champion idea. As though a Shard can only push someone so far into their intent before the person pushes back. For every Push there is a Pull... Anyway, I find this kind of unlikely, but we'll see.
  10. Actually... I hadn't considered the Shadesmar connection. The mere existence of Shadesmar probably throws some serious theological issues around. I might well kill Jasnah just because she knows about it. If that's the case, Shallan is probably in their sights too now.
  11. Duralanium and chromium... could you make it so that someone can't replenish their metals for a bit? If so, a nicrosil-chromium team would be potent anti-Allomancer defense.
  12. I can't recall anywhere where Navani says that a soulcaster has truthspren inside of it. As far as I know, they don't know how to recreate Soulcasters. Fix them, yes, but not recreate them, which might be because they don't know about truth and honor spren. That said, it's as good a theory as any, although Szeth's oathstone doesn't appear to be a gemstone. So that would mean you can make fabrials out of normal rocks, which I kind of doubt.
  13. Granted, but she can't be the only atheist in the world, just likely the most prominent one. That said, her order of scholars seem like people who would be able to discover this kind of stuff, if not easily than with some kind of inevitability.
  14. But if that information is out there, why hasn't it been discovered already? Someone would probably notice after awhile that scholars who research ancient history and the Voidbringers end up dead.
  15. I'd almost say gold/electum would be more dangerous. A Miles that doesn't run out AND can see if you are going to trap him? Not sure how you'd stop that guy.
  16. So where is Derethil's in the timeline, do you think? Post, prior, or concurrent?
  17. I did mean allomantically, sorry for the confusion. I like the idea of a super strong copper cloud. The time metals are interesting because you'd burn them all up in a second or so... so to use Bendalloy, would you compress a five minute worth bubble into one second of real time? That could be crazy. Cadmium would be kind of the reverse, you would burn the whole slow time, but experience it as a second. You'd be even more helpless, but it might might things like the Miles trap way easier to pull off.
  18. There's not much evidence that reducing the power of a Shard increases the wielder's ability to remain themselves. Ati had a large portion of his power stripped away as atium and didn't seem to suddenly not want to Ruin things, or even associate himself as Ati. That said, I kind of like this idea as it could explain a connection between Shardblades and Odium. Weird question though. Do Shards think of themselves as the people they were or the Intents they hold? And if it's the second one... does that play with their memories of themselves, pre-Shard?
  19. So anyone have any idea what theses duralanium combos do? Duralumin +Copper Duralumin + Electum Duralumin + Malatium Duralumin + Nicrosil Duralumin + Bendalloy/Cadmium EDIT: I mean allomantically for all of these, ie if a Mistborn would burn them
  20. So the question I want to ask, and that it seems no one has made a thread on yet, is what Jasnah is actually doing that the Ghostbloods are trying to stop by killing her. The obvious answer, researching the Voidbringers, is kind of flawed, for three reasons. 1) Jasnah has made copious notes. Even if they could be sure to get all of them, the suspicious death of Brightness Jasnah Kholin would surely invoke some kind of investigation. Someone would probably write a biography about the famous heretic, and the work she spent her last days discovering would likely be brought up again in the biography. At most, they gain a few years. 2) Jasnah is the daughter of a king, the sister to the current one. You don't kill royalty lightly, because they know people with big big armies and short short tempers. So what is Jasnah doing that the Ghostbloods are willing to go to war against the most powerful (second most powerful?) war machine in the world to do it? 3) Shallan showing up actually makes either option one or two a more ridiculous reason to assassinate Jasnah. If Jasnah dies with a ward underhand, that ties another house to being interested in knowing how she died. Also, there is now a girl bright enough and persistent enough to impress Jasnah floating around, who might also get curious. For these reasons I think that Jasnah's death is important to the Ghostbloods not for something she found out already, but for something her research is leading her to. I don't have as many ideas on what that is, but some suggestions: 1) The breaking of the Oathpact/location of the Honorblades. How they'd know that, I have no idea, but 4000 years is a long time to keep a secret. 2) Tanavast's death. Again, no idea how they know, but someone probably does besides Hoid and Dalinar. 3) The next Desolation is coming. I have a pet theory that the Ghostbloods and the storm wardens are connected somehow, and that the predictions of the highstorms are actually calling them someway. Seems a little far fetched though. So that's my thoughts. What has Jasnah learned, will learn, or could learn that requires her to die now? I'd love to read some discussion on this.
  21. It may have gotten garbled over the years. Random idea: what if the actual upshot of this voyage is the creation of the Knights Radiant? We know that it's post-Desolation, but do we assume the Knights Radiant were there for -every- Desolation? Or were they formed after a particular one? And if they were, maybe the origin that they are talking about isn't the Voidbringers, but Honor's. Actually... doesn't this somewhat fit the parallel drawn between this chapter and Dalinar later? Dalinar at the top of a tower, declaring that the Knights Radiant will stand again....
  22. At the level of technology that had to exist in Roshar at that point? Against highstorms that are going to come every few days and blow you westward, without fail? I'm surprised people can even keep course.
  23. I can't remember if there's a point where Vin is far enough from Kelsier that it might be feasible that they weren't close to each other to be outside each other's copperclouds. Regardless, they weren't both together -before- they stormed Kredik Shaw. How far were they from the palace before they stormed it? If where Kelsier stopped to look at Kredik Shaw is close enough that Inquisitors could have sensed him, he would likely have been burning copper, steel, pewter, and tin. That would identify him as a Mistborn to an Inquisitor and it might be standing orders since Kelsier's first attempt that if any Mistborn is sensed near Kredik Shaw, the Inquisitors would retreat to the Lord Ruler's room to protect it. Flimsy reasoning, but... eh. It's all I got.
  24. ... Good question. From how emotional Allomancy works, I'm inclined to say yes, they stack. Since multiple Soothers can control koloss where one can't, it would stand to reason that multiple Smokers are the cure to the Inquisitor coppercloud piercing. In fact, it almost has to be that way otherwise the skaa underground could have easily been snapped up by Inquisitors just roaming through Luthadel.
  25. More meteor impacts=higher metal deposits maybe?
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