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Everything posted by MacThorstenson

  1. I also like the idea of meta investiture. Whats something new that we could do with it? One thing I thought of was maybe being able to see investiture in use, and temporarily absorbing it/negating it. Like a forgery could be temporarily stopped, but it would resume when concentration was broken. A surge would be temporarily negated, or a awakened object stopped.
  2. This is where Mac learned to Voidmake for those that are interested. I'm not sure that there needs to be a whole new magic system, maybe 2-3 abilities result. Mainly because a whole system can be a pain to mess around with and balance. I also like the idea of it being a reflexive response to the forgery, as that would be something that everyone in the alleyverse would be able to have, just like how scadrians are allomancers and nalthians are awakeners. Finally, it shouldn't be too powerful. I think the idea was that voidmaking was not the most powerful system you could make. It was a counter to a lot of things, but offensively most magic systems are better then it. I think that the new powers should also be kinda mid.
  3. Voidmaking has a specific way it happens, but Its not my system to spoil, so i'm not sure how much I want to say. Again its not my magic system, so I don't want to spoil too much, but any feeling works for voidmaking, you just need to be able to channel it in a large amount. Who has voidmaking? I'm counting Voidus, the Stranger, and Mac? EDIT, I forgot about Sanax and Xanas
  4. There really isn't an anti-void. Perhaps if sudiov got back in the business it could happen? But it wouldn't be that applicable as there have only been 3 characters with voidmaking, and that was the weakest abilities they had.
  5. Thats a fair point. I think the original department was logistics, but there would certainly be room for another department with the same name for relationships.
  6. I may or may not have come up with that alley based off of what I'm craving at the moment. That would be pretty interesting. I gotta think about that. Guys I wrote a paper for the DA.
  7. Don't say his name. I think cannonically there are tons of department heads that are "out for lunch" so to speak. If we wanted we could always create new departments and heads to match them. Wow only the city? Yeah she is insane I'm gonna go through the OP for the Dark alley thread and catalogue all the dept heads in that, iirc there were a lot of them. EDIT: I really like the idea that members of the DA are never dead, they are just on vacation until they return. All the OG's are just out there somewhere, enjoying the tomato basil soup alley.
  8. Listen all I'm saying is that through the tests I've run there is no improvement in hemalurgic strength, texture, and taste from a second bake. The only improvement is a more durable cookie, but we always end up eating them in less than an hour anyway so who cares? Hmm ya know I could see how that would be a slight issue. But its just two friends, they'll work it out It would be interesting to come up with various profiles for department heads. I feel like they would be egotistical enough to have more than just a suite of normal powers, they would all try to come up with a powerful gimmick. They would also likely be so devoted to their department that their personalities become based off of it. I've been trying to workshop a Department Head for the Department of Alleymatics, and its been interesting to draw some inspiration from whisper's view of the dept heads.
  9. I've been trying to think of a reason why the DA would turn against itself. The best I can come up with is that some upshot baker decides that a second round of baking for A-iron cookies isn't necessary, and this disagreement rocks the DA to its very core.
  10. It would be interesting if there was some sort of magic revolving around a true sight, or a grounding in reality, or detecting of investiture or something like that, that happened as a result of everyone existing in the forgery. Like peoples spiritweb responded after the forgery as a defense mechanism and developed this new ability.
  11. If I recall correctly the city was nuked because when everyone invaded and pissed off the DA they realized that was the best way to stop the fighting. The DA didn't nuke it, the invaders did it to stop the retaliation.
  12. yeah considering theres a canon cap on the amount of sleepless there are, its likely they just wouludnt be allowed to exist.
  13. Yayyyyyyy... . . . Nothings more fun then updating the index...
  14. Ronald sprinted away from the hospital, his normally calm façade slowly slipping. He held onto his briefcase and bowler hat as he stumbled toward the nearest alley. BOOM! Ronald glanced back in a panic, his eyes having the same wild look as a fleeing animal trying to escape its predator. The sound came from near the entrance to the hospital. What was going on? Why is there an earthquake? The doctor lady said their shouldn't be one whats going on oh my void why is this happening why am I here can I get a cookie why were so many people looking for these files who is Allie what is the DASU what are they doing oh voi- As his panicked mind continued rambling at a break neck pace his body made its way to the nearest alley and ducked inside, running to the back and pressing himself against the wall. He needed to be calm to navigate the alleys he needed to relax he needed to be in control he nee- A hand rested on his shoulder and a gravely voice, partially in his mind, partially in the real world spoke "Hey kid, you want a coo-" He needed to run, to flee to hide. Reflexively he let out a little yelp and jumped, metaphorically flinging an alley in front of him. He only noticed in passing the grey clouded sky merging into the dark void of the alleys. He also only noticed in passing the things that were in his alleys. He just ran, keeping his eyes in front of him as the world bent to his fear. The adrenaline pumping in his veins gave him strength, and the alleys responded. Moving quicker and faster then he had ever been able to make them move on his own. Of course nothing comes without a price, and the added strength came at the cost of his control. His Alleymatics were like the frenzied thrashes of a drowning man. They contained a surprising amount of strength, but no direction. This loss of control only served to increase his fear, however, and led him deeper and deeper into the alleys. Suddenly he tripped and fell, not onto concrete, but something warm and boney. Pushing himself up, the floor grabbed his hands and his legs. He ripped himself free, not understanding what he was seeing. It looked like the whole place was hands? Ronald dry heaved, but grabbed his briefcase and took another step forward, grabbing a random alley to catch himself, but instead found his legs knee deep in paint. Buckets of it. He took a deep, shuddering breath. He needed to calm down. His shoes were ruined and if he wasn't careful the rest of his outfit would be too. That was something he could focus on, not hands, or being lost in the alley's, or mysterious earthquakes that reminded him of fighting gods. His suit. It was there, and he needed to take care of it. He took another breath. And with his heart pumping he reached out for the alley outside his office. As if offering up different appetizers at a party, the alley's responded with suggestions of the closer, and easier alleys. But he pushed through those, gritting his teeth at the effort. He had been lucky that he was still here. Running through the alleys aimlessly was nearly suicidal. While its true that there was an infinite number of uninhabited, safe alleys, there were also an infinite number of alleys that would kill you immediately. While in theory, it might be easier to route through 2-3 alleys to get to a destination, he wasn't good enough to tell which alleys were safe. He only followed the standard routes, but there was no route that led to where he was. Forcing himself to be calm, he carefully slid the alley in front of him, and took a step forward into the familiar sight of his office building. He breathed a sigh of relief as he made his way up the elevator, dripping white paint off the left leg and blue off the right. The elevator opened its doors to a receptionists desk and a door labeled Ronald Darsen behind it. He mentioned to the receptionist that he needed the DA cleaning department to take a look at his shoes and pants, then stumbled into his office and locked the door. What had he gotten himself into?
  15. People tend to just browse the forum, and the RP section of the forum is pretty active. While its not everyone's cup of tea, I think there will be new members. There's also a big problem of bloat, and gaining a ton of members really fast isn't ideal, it causes a lot of stress on the character approval system, as well as RPing. With 50+ people running around, trying to stay on top of things is difficult.
  16. I think we are chill with letting people discover things naturally. Last time we RP'ed a lot, the intro threads became a battle ground for offering cookies to other people. Unfortunately the Admins took notice and told us to stop, and keep things inside the subforum. So unfortunately thats what we gotta do now.
  17. He came to the AV because of his criminal past, and a strong desire to get away from the IRS. Rumor said that this was the biggest and best tax haven in the world. When he arrived, it made sense. The only city on the planet was in ruins, their infrastructure destroyed, and while everyone was reeling in a moment of momentary peace, the only group that was even slightly able to pay his wages was the DA. He got in contact with them by nearly ingesting a cookie, but then convincing one of them to let him into the accounting building. While cutthroat, it didn't bring the other more disturbing parts of the alleys into his face. He worked his way up the ranks, not stirring too much. He kept the books clean, and would infiltrate places for them when they needed to draw in funds from outside the alley verse for whatever reason. Whether it was for the slave trade, acquiring blood, or copious amounts of wheat sugar and chocolate, they would occasionally need funds. His job was to ensure that they had apparently legal amounts of money available to them, and to ensure that no one would be able to trace the purchase of goods to a interdimensional illuminati. Throughout all of this, he remained isolated from the more typical DA members, and viewed the company as a resource to use rather then be used by. Now however, he was being forced into more interactions with typical DA members, and was slowly realizing that he was out of his depth.
  18. emergency exits should still exist though right?
  19. idc. I prefer Mac though. Not that big to be honest.
  20. mmm but some of us are young and spry.
  21. Its okay, take a seat and I'll fetch your walker.
  22. Ahh yes. Life time trauma and insanity.
  23. Its both. Its generally the place of the guild headquarters, as well as a general thread for people in the guild to do things, as well as occasionally an out of character place to discuss the guild as well.
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