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Everything posted by Demiandre

  1. Well I don't see Glys saying to Renarin «you shouldn't speak or write what you see!» and Renarin be «oh ok, I'll stop having fits and be raving while writting on the wall, possibly framing other people at the same time» I think, and am pretty sure, that Renarin could act normally, but someone or something mess with him. It can't be just a question about control of the surges. The why he shouldn't write is not a problem here. The problem is why he can't prevent himself from writting.
  2. That's the point, he didn't see everything in minue detail, he had great powers, could do anything, but he didn't know everything. Else, he wouldn't have messed up with the world and its inhabitant. Something as specific as the spiritual connection of a Feruchemist or Allomancer and how the genetics doesn't enables the two to mix extensively could have escaped him. Another possibility, if he knew, is that he feared Twinborns. Gold/Gold Compounder are nearly unkillable and Atium/Atium Compounder are close to immortal. He might fear other Compounding combos.
  3. I personally think he didn't know of the gene problem. He got a full bunch of information during the Ascension, but there are a lot of things he didn't know. For example, he couldn't do anything other than Kandra, Kolosses and Inquisitors with Hemlalurgy even though he got a thousand years to practice and the Ascension to grant him knowledge of this Metttalic Art. That seems the easiest explanation
  4. This one will be clearer : http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=632#1
  5. A single bead of Lerasium grant all Allomantic power, so it changes the spiritweb into that of a Mistborn, and it will be different than of a Misting. The Coppermind says Atium spike can also steal a human attribute. So stealing the whole spiritweb shoul be possible IMO. That would be interesting to know for sure, I'll dig in the WoB
  6. @Inquisitor #5, @Spoolofwhool yes, I meant a human attribute, but maybe you were just agreeing that it is feasible ? @Eki
  7. Yeah, best be sure you are dehydrated enough before ingesting it The Lost Metal is either Lerasium, which disappeared with Hoid, or Atium, which is kept by Ironeye. Without it, he would die, no ? (I think Brandon said he had the last of it, and used it to stay alive so far). I wonder if an Atium spike could steal the spiritweb of a human. Thus stealing the "Mistborn power" from someone. @Ward, I don't think Hoid ate it. However, he seems to be using Allomancy at some point. Maybe he ate an Alloy of Lerasium, or got himself some nice medallion ?
  8. What if someone/something was messing with Renarin ? He can't fight the urge to scribble on the wall. He has been diagnosed as epileptic, but I can't shake the feeling that there is something amiss with his seizures. Truthwatcher aren't suppose to write or tell of what they do. But Renarin can't seem to help it. Could someone or something "possess" him, forcing him to write down what he sees to sow chaos ? As Vorin tradition goes, it would be bad to have a seer in the most reknown Alethi House. Or it could have been a ploy to lead the Alethi army to wage war, thus forcing the Parshendi to seek power and bring the everstorm. Obviously I'm thinking foremost about an Unmade here. There could be more mobile there, but I think it could match what we have so far, no ?
  9. To travel and have knowledge is not the same. Hoid as a worldhopper knows about the Cognitive Realm, but the specificities of the Realm here might not be known. There are different Expanses. Would he know how and where to go meet the Cryptics ? The Highspren ? And communicate with them ? I don't think so.
  10. I don't think Hoid knows more about the Rosharan Cognitive Realms. He isn't a Surgebinder and not a soulcaster either. Could he get as much information from Sprens as Jasnah did ? Hoid is very knowledgeable with regards to the realmatic theory and probably magic systems and general Cosmere stuff, but he is not all-knowing. I suspect some information Jasnah received will need to be explained/extrapolated by Hoid. So I believe we will have some interaction between both. But as mentioned, that could be related when Jasnah meet other KR and explain their discovery (after all, so far, what Jasnah learned is useless because Urithiru has already been found, but she could have more which she doesn't understand yet)
  11. Well if you can forge steel (higher melting point), you can probably melt Aluminium. The true problem would be accessing sufficient quantity of Allumin.
  12. Oh right sorry ! It's not really a typo, but an editing error. I copied, pasted, rewrote and so on.... Originally, I meant F-Alluminium makes the bearer able to use the Feruchemical Charge of the Bands. It's true that I contradict what I wrote just above. Silly me. Why would the charge already be Identity free ? That would mean that the person storing the Charge (For Connection, Weight or Heat) would also be a Trueself Ferring. Otherwise, the medallion would be keyed, no ? I'll also go looking for the theory you mention, that seems interesting
  13. The Bands are made of all Allomantic Metals, and Identity free thanks to F-Alluminium. And I think I remember that the medallions are also made of Nicrosil and other metals (up to four). One for storing Investiture, and the metal for the necessary Attribute to store or tap. The Nicrosil in it enables persons to use Allomancy. And F-Alluminium makes the bearer a Feruchemist, so you're right. That's why it is so powerful.
  14. I remember otherwise, and the coppermind states the same, did it change ?
  15. I think that touch and pain are separate. Actually, we have more than 5 aristotelian senses. The consensus states at least 7. If the nociception is considered an additional sense to the 5 (even 7) main physiological senses, then the LR would have to have a particular Tinmind to store it. (if it is the same in the Cosmere) But setting a trap with molten allumin might offer you an edge to throw an alluminum arrow, or ram him with Alluminum lances/spikes.
  16. Well if the theories about the sun of Taldain being Invested is right, then the water could become Invested during the Water Cycle. After all, the sun makes the water evaporate, which then is diffused in clouds and rain and rivers and so on. With a continuous imput of Investiture, that might tie things together. Or the plants nourrish themselves with the tiny organisms, and using water on it produce an effect akin to sand mastery.
  17. Well the Chasmfiends are mentioned in the same sentence with "but many do not", so logically the Chasmfiends always "carry" Emeralds Gemstones
  18. It's the opposite, the Stormlight is the same, but the result of the Soulcasting depend of the type of gem (like a funnel). It's like Alchemy. In each case you transmute matter into another thing, but the raw materials defines the results, not the energy source (Stormlight = Investiture). And in a Highstorm, I suppose a Soulcaster ought to have some gems on him/her and let them infuse while they consume another. That would help with the Magic. Maybe the capacity to Soulcast improves with each Oaths, and at the fifth, some restrictions falls. According to the WoB quoted above, the third is the most likely. It is a powerful ability, no wonder it has further limitations than the other surges. However, the Gemhearts have been said to be needful for the warcamps because of the usefulness in Soulcasting, and IIRC, it spoke about food with regards to those gemhearts. But do we have the type of gem these gemstones are ?
  19. Looking for something is a purpose in itself. That should count indeed. Maybe Intent and Expectation are tied here. If you think the distance is great or that you have to walk for a while to get where or what you want, you end up "stretching" your travel time to some extend in the CR for yourself.
  20. Indeed, I don't have all released parts in mind, and I'm pretty sure the thing with Jah Keved specifically refers to himself in the end... But I still think other people might disagree.
  21. Yet, to whom does the "you" refer ? Anyone with enough ambition would interpret it as meaning it applied to themselves. After all, we don't know if Taravangian was adressing himself or somebody else when he was writting the Diagram, no ?
  22. Didn't I ? It was on my mind for the whole conversation, but in the end I edited my post so many times before posting that I might have ended up deleting it all :-/ Presumably, Yolen is locked, and Scadrial was formed after the Shattering. So the map would be made after the Shattering by people who can't leave the planet, no ?. Indeed @jofwu, Intent is a pretty valid explanation, it has been necessary throughout the Cosmere for some time, why not be applicable for something that is bound to Investiture... I'm not really versed in non-Euclidean geometry, so I don't really grasp the possibilities. After a quick search, I understand that they "get rid" of an Euclidean postulate concerning the parallels, but how would it translate (roughly, mind you, I'm interested in physics but am not a graduate in that regard) in this case ?
  23. Indeed it might, but I have strong feeling against it. As I mentioned, location without enough sapient thought don't have a reflection in the CR. Here we have a star map. Or unless mistaken, there is no life on the sun (Investiture doesn't count ), so normally there will be no reflection in the CR. (well, there is one described by Shallan during her trip there in WoK, but it might just be the representation of the idea of their sun that is refleted. Would that by the way make it a cognitive shadow ?) So for me it woud be more like a cluster of planetary system than a star chart. So for me if there is a CR aspect on this map, it is stylized on a PR star chart. Now that I think a little more on the Shadesmar map, I don't see how you could access any of the expanses. A planet is round, so there are no corners. If you go in any direction corresponding to the expanses, you end up in relatively the same spot (or there is a large chunk of the planet who doesn't have a reflection in the CR. Poor fishes... Does that mean that expanses are parrallel ways ?
  24. I really don't think it is a map of the CR. Or it is an artistic licence in Astronomy. Here from the copperwiki : So the planets should be closer to each other. It wouldn't be equidistant, but if this map is of the CR, there are far more cognitive functions on a lot of planets.
  25. If you wait half a year, you might see some of those constellation. The earth spinning and orbiting around the sun "moves" the constellation in the sky (I know, it's the other way around). Anyway, you don't need the same stars or the same configuration and point of view, you just need to know what you are looking for and making the necessary lines to connect the wished constellation. I just meant that Silverlight created this star chart. But the constellation on each planet will be different, as you say. But two people on Silverlight could come up with different charts. I don't necessarily see Silverlight as a far away and remote place, but definitely not someplace that is in the middle of the Cosmere. Even if it is a place and not a planet, in the Physical Realm, you can see the night sky and so project constellation. So for someone to be able to see so much Shardworlds in a glance, Silverlight should be on the outskirts of the Shardworlds. If not, the planets would be dispersed in the star chart and it would be a 360° picture. Anyway, for me Silverlight must be on the sides and the Shardworlds toward the middle. I don't know if I make sense, maybe I should make a sketch
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