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Posts posted by AngelEy3

  1. 5 hours ago, NamelessThirteenth said:

    Ahhhh I finished Memories of Ice and I'm grieving...

    After Memories of Ice is when I realized how amazing Malazan was/could be. Which is a good thing cause I really struggled with the first 1/4 of House of Chains. Turns out that was just me being dumb cause HoC is really good too. 


  2. 2 minutes ago, Del-light-full said:

    They don't offer sick time off? It's not the law? 

    .....do I need to get mad at America again?

    It's gross subversion of what the law is...We accrue paid time off (pto) that is to be used for whatever days off we may want to take for whatever reason. The problem is that it's lumped together here in one "pool" and they (the company) mandate that it be paid out in cash every September, disallowing anyone the chance to save it up for when it might be needed. So if one was to miss a couple days of work and go to the Doctor, one would miss out on around $200 of pay plus have around another $100 in clinic bills. 

  3. Just now, Del-light-full said:

    I had a really bad panic attack at work I think theyre gonna fire me, I want to quit but need money, I'm exhausted, hugs please?

    Sorry to hear that. I'm having issues with my job as well. I'm really sick but have to be here cause they don't offer sick time off and don't have a reserve pool of employees to cover shifts. Went through the same thing in September with a broken foot. Had to work through it. Never even got to take a single day off my feet. 

  4. On 12/28/2017 at 4:17 PM, King Cole said:

    When you play League of Legends with a person named Honorsprenn and freak out

    I lost a duel to Torol Sadeas in Black Desert Online the other day. My character is Navani. 
    Edit: That's actually Navvani with 2 Vs cause there was already a real one. I'm like a knock-off version. Hoping perhaps the real one sees this post.

  5. 27 minutes ago, Kered said:

    Just finished up the Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King. I've read a few of King's books. IT, Shinning, Dark Tower, The Mist, and my favorites the Green Mile and the Stand. Besides Dark tower which is fantasy'ish, Eyes of the Dragon is his first full on fantasy book. And it is awesome. I highly recommend it, and it's smaller compared to his book, only about 450 pages. 

    Finally finished the Demon Cycle as well. The Core was a great ending to the series. I have a few issues with it, but overall it was great from start to finish. 

    Eyes of the Dragon is my favorite Stephen King book. 

  6. Just now, Sunbird said:

    I got to see a real live Snowy Owl in the wild on Saturday!!! Got photos too :D

    6 photos in the spoiler:

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    This owl has been hanging out on an Amish man's farm in rural Ohio for several weeks now. The farmer has been very welcoming to anyone who wants to come see it, and the owl doesn't seem to care either that lots of people have been coming to gawk at him/her.



    He was so relaxed that he spent most of our visit (my mom and me) preening on top of this silo while we watched from our car scarcely 50 feet away.





    It was such a magical experience! :wub:



  7. @NamelessThirteenth oh no! Not most delicate and delectable Kruppe, surely? Modest Kruppe assures you that mirth for him shall grow as robust as, well, most magnificent Kruppe! Care for some cakes?

    I used to hate Kruppe too and now I smile from ear to ear every time he's on screen. 

    Rake/Whiskeyjack/Toc... 3 of my most favorite Malazan characters all one sentence. 

  8. @NamelessThirteenth Fear of him is my best guess for why Pust wanted him fed to the Azath. There is much yet for you to learn about Icarium and Mappo's history, so to avoid any potential spoilers, RAFO.

    I believe the chronological order is:

    Midnight Tides

    Gardens of the Moon 

    Deadhouse Gates/Memories of Ice (occur simultaneously) 

    House of Chains 

    (Midnight Tides in publishing order) 


    Reaper's Gale

    Toll the Hounds 

    Dust of Dreams

    Crippled God 

  9. 2 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

    So, there's this cute short girl at work. And I'm trying to figure out what I should do. Here are my thoughts:

    I don't want to get into another relationship. 

    She's cute. Maybe I could ask her to prom? But first it might be smart to actually ask for her phone number. 

    Could it be that I'm projecting my lingering affection for my ex to another short girl? Or do I just have a thing for short girls? Should I do anything at all? 

    I'm with @Darkness_ on this one. If you like her ask for her number or ask to buy her lunch or something and see where it goes. 

  10. With the exception of Midnight Front by David Mack which releases at the end of January, I'm not leaving the world of Malazan until I finish everything I haven't read yet. To those of you who have read it, should I move from the IcE books into Kharkanas or Dancer's Lament? Do they spoil each other at all? Other than Kharkanas being a gazillion years in the past? 

  11. @Truthweaver There's always somebody in charge who obviously shouldn't be. Been that way everywhere I've ever worked or gone to school. I used to work at a state run prison facility. There was a horrible flood in town back in 2012 where the water was higher from the lake and river than it had ever been in the history of it having been recorded. A full 1/3 of the town was inundated with flood waters, including the grocery store and food banks. Houses on the shoreline were completely underwater. Bridges to the South, East, and North were submerged leaving only uphill, to the west, open for a way in or out.

    The state locked us inside the prison, which being on the high ground had open access to unflooded roads, and refused to let anyone leave for 4 days. They also cut off the outside phonelines, disabling us from warning our coworkers of the trap they were walking into, or getting any info to or from  families about their/our wellbeing. One of the gate guards, after the 2nd day, let out a small group and threw down his keys and badge outside the main gate. They were the only people to get out for the next 48 hrs. Meanwhile the state forced the rest of us to allow their pitiful excuse of what they shamefully called "professionals" to protect our homes. They weren't protected at all. My wife spent that entire time alone in her car parked on a hillside.

    I never forgave. And I never forgot. My last night at work there was about 3 years later when my chance finally struck home. The officer who had been in charge of keeping us imprisoned during the flood needed to leave at 3am for a family emergency. Guess who was on gate duty? Guess who didn't make it thru that gate until shift change 4 hrs later? Guess who quit that day? The single most satisfying act of vengeance I've ever taken and I've never lost a wink of sleep over it. It almost scares me. 

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