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Bryce Carmony

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Everything posted by Bryce Carmony

  1. A chasm fiend is 50 feet long and eats rock buds which are about the size of a man's head. And those are sparse in the plains. When you're cells are killed stormlight regrows then every chasm fiend is always starving to death at all times which is why they evolved gem hearts.
  2. All shell beasts survive on Storm light. Why do you think chasm fiends eat almost nothing yet are 50 feet tall
  3. Even if they die of just old age they will disrupt the crem distribution. It's why there are islands in the reshi sea.
  4. well.......outside of the cognitive realm in the physical realm it'd be cool to flare tin while holding stormlight and be a 10th awakening person while watching a laser show set to Pink Floyd music.
  5. it'd be cool if to conserve stormlight people figured out how to use gliders so they can lash into the sky and then just glide until they need to lash again. could be super useful.
  6. every sense is just your brain. sight is your eve balls and your brain, taste is your mouth and your brain, hearing is your hears and your brain. so if you burnt the metals in your body while in shadesmar I don't see why they wouldn't work.
  7. they moons would have to move in the sky since Taln's Scar moves in the sky given that people claim to be able to divine something about a persons personality given the position of Taln's Scar on their 7th birthday. so the planet at least moves which means the positions of the moons can very well control high storms.
  8. so if you were really drunk and went to shadesmar you'd be sober?
  9. yeah I just did multiple searches through my e-book and it looks like the closest I can find to details is that some coins are bits... and they appear to be golden. kinda a let down
  10. yeah if the world is just sedimentary rock from crem deposits it seems that magma heat from the planets core wouldn't be a major part of the world. but maybe I'm missing something I'm not a geologist just an armchair fantasy reader.
  11. Not to mention the moons are described as having Green, blue, and violet light unlike our moon which is just boring old white
  12. they only circle the planet at the same interval which means that their orbit is 20 hours long. it doesn't mean they go in a perfect circle. Pattern uses the positions of the moons to reason shallan's behavior change (even though that was exact) so they don't hold 1 position 500 days a year.
  13. you burn the metal before you soulcast over so your casted self is effected
  14. the energy goes underneath the omni beast. the reason waves happen is because they can't go under continents.
  15. if I could lash which way gravity pulled me I'd "fly" feet first to me it would feel more naturally than falling head first plus I think my feet would make a nice wind shield for my face. makes me think of ender's game "The enemies gate is down"
  16. What heats the water of the horneater peaks? Roshar was formed by crem deposits so the mountains are just large piles of crem not dormant volcanoes what geothermal energy heats the water on their tops or is it something involving stormlight?
  17. I think it could be a cool character quirk. Earthlings handedness comes from an asymmetry in our brains. Maybe alethi brains have 10 spheres so they just get a dominant finger
  18. But I want to really study the place not just get their. That level of perception my eyes are like electron microscopes
  19. Title should read "in Roshar" not "is Roshar" using phone to write.
  20. The reason high storms are predictable but not regular is because they're based on the movements of the moons, each moon has it's own orbit and they only line up every 500 days once on light years they line up on the far side of the world on Storm years they line up mid weeping
  21. There are no earth quakes on Roshar because there are no plate tectonics because the omni beast is above them
  22. All of Roshar is the result of crem deposits which is why there's only a single continent. Why do islands exist you ask? Tai-na collect crem on their giant backs throughout their long long lives. Eventually enough crem Is on them that they drown and they sink to the bottom of the ocean where more crem builds up until it breaks sea level.
  23. I think it'd be awesome to flare tin while being on the 10th level of awakening WHILE hosting a mouth full of stormlight AND being rioted And being in a cadium slowing bubble. That's how you travel to Shadesmar for a good time.
  24. There aren't many tides so they aren't huge like the moon of earth but they determine the high storms so they must contain giant amounts of investiture so they must be made up of mostly gem stones The moons are also described as having different colors. Salas - Smallest and dimmest of the moons, violet light. Nomon - the Middle moon, has blue light Mishim - the final moon, is described as a "small green disk" Blue, Green, and Violet. sounds like gem colors.
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