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The Swan Dragon

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Everything posted by The Swan Dragon

  1. What's an important location Firebrand would've attacked? I'm not sure how much of current relevant infrastructure transfers over to RP relevant infrastructure. EDIT: There's a refinery of some sort near Sherwood. I think that would work well. EDIT 2: Also, what is the current official answer for how much someone is enhanced merely by being an epic? Not talking about the superhuman strength/speed people, but just in general, are epics stronger/hardier than maples?
  2. That's a fair point. @Drake Marshall Do you have any problem with me using Firebrand attacking some significant location as an intro for Phytomagnet?
  3. @The Young Pyromancer Some of us have been doing this for quite some time, especially within this world. Just remember that we're all here to have a great time creating a story, and good writing isn't a requirement for that. As long as we can understand what's happening--which is almost never a problem--the story will move forward. Don't worry about quality (That doesn't mean don't try to improve, mind you!), but instead focus on what you want your character to do, to say, to be. If you want actually writing tips, I have a folder full of ones I've found that I could share.
  4. I was referring to the last part for Rachel. On my first read it felt like there was a lot that had been going on that I, the reader, had missed. When I read it a second time I was able to understand what Rachel was talking about.
  5. Alright. I'll make that a bit more clear on the timeline. And I'll get started on a flashback. Thanks!
  6. Alright, Phytomagnet and Ironwood posts are up. Coma, your intro looks great! The last part was a bit hard to follow, but I think I've got it all after a re-read. Headshot, love the style, great setup. Do you guys want me to do a more "entering the city" post for mine rather than a "character introduction" kinda thing? I'm down to write another if you think it'd be useful to have. @Kidpen You don't have to, but it does look nice.
  7. Phytomagnet "Yeah, that's good." Joel Gilbert, better known as Phytomagnet, turned away from his newest sculpture, surveying the area around him. Two of Ironwood's 'trees' stood at a safe distance behind him, ready to leap at Phyto's command. The gifter himself would be somewhere nearby, out of site. Phyto thrust out a hand, pulling his shield towards him. Turning his back at the last second, he sealed the plate of enhanced bark against his jacket. One of the 'trees' spoke up. "Mr. Phytomaget, Sir, where to?" Ignoring him, Phyto set off towards the functional portion of the park, the area dedicated towards food production. Time to check in on the farms. *A few minutes later* Phytomagnet walked through the rows of plants, lost in thought. I'm still not sure why Epoch even put me in charge of this place. Yeah, I can manipulate plants, but he should've put someone who could make them grow, not fly, in here. Wait. That's the carrot patch. Mouth watering slightly, Phyto pulled a carrot out the ground and watched it fly to his hand. "Ironwood, it seems this patch is ready for harvest. After a final inspection, of course." "Indeed, Master," Ironwood replied with a straight face, though a small chuckle--which Phyto chose to ignore--escaped through his lips. They expect this of me at this point...but the carrots are just so good, Phytomagnet thought to himself, crunching on one of the delectable orange spikes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At Some Other Time That Really Doesn't Matter So We'll Say It Was 3 Days Prior Ironwood Sparks, sparks, SPARKS! I gotta hide! Ironwood's thoughts raced as he frantically looked for a suitable location. There! He sprinted towards a small cluster of trees, lying down between them. "You DARE challenge ME?!" Ironwood curled up even tighter at the sound of his master's deep voice. "I am in charge here." Why do these epics still expect to be able to kill him, just because they think he doesn't have some sort of invincibility? Ironwood focused, keeping the bark armor surrounding his trees and Phytomagnet stable. The challenger--some new arrival to Edmonton--laughed, a crazy, maniacal sound. "Yes, a true ruler. An epic with no power other than pulling plants towards him. Soooo scary. I'm quivering in my loafers right now!" Ironwood peeked out between the trees, and stared in wonder as the new epic began to shimmer like a mirage. Before Phyto could react, a blast of superheated water exploded towards him. The wave washed over Phyto as Ironwood watched, chuckling to himself. "This is the best you've got?!" he roared, sliding his shield in front of the stream of water. Ironwood noticed that Ethan has positioned himself directly opposite Phyto, behind the water epic, and removed then replaced part of Phytomagnet's armor, their agreed signal. Right on cue, Ethan flew forward, extending one hand like a spear. The blast of water cuts off with a shout of pain as Ethan impaled the other epic. Ironwood stepped out from his hiding place as The Boss lowered his shield, strolling over to his fallen challenger. "Plants," Phyto said as he kicked the prone figure. "Are quite effective, wouldn't you agree?"
  8. Wow, so I'm gone for 4 days and holy crud that's epic, literally. Storm you Brandon for that joke. Love the time-perception gimmick. Coma you are a god among epics
  9. I second Blade's comment, no rush. I'd rather wait a little bit longer and have something really nice versus get something less well written sooner. (Besides, I'll be away at camp all weekend so it's not like it would matter to me if it's done tomorrow :P)
  10. Hmm...I suppose with how you wrote the summary we really only need two of them *cue evil laugh*
  11. I like where this is going, Coma. Out of curiosity and for the sake of clarity, is this the Reckoners cell that also wrote the status summary of Edmonton?
  12. Quick note on this, as far as I know, secondary powers are not required. If you feel like it adds to her character, go ahead, but don't feel forced to.
  13. What thoughts do people have on early character interactions? I know for the most part our first posts will be introducing our characters (and to a degree ourselves), but what next? The main draw that this RP has over just writing a story is the depth of interaction between not just characters but also writers. I have a couple ideas for what we could do, but I want to see what people are thinking of. It doesn't have to be a fully thought out plan--honestly, those wouldn't work anyway. What would be cool though is to start figuring out what's gonna happen.
  14. I'm fine with writing either, I just need to make sure I'm paying attention I'll stick to past tense unless I have good reason to do otherwise.
  15. Yeah, I dunno why I said anything about 2nd person lol. Would you like me to rewrite that part into past tense, or just remember that for future use?
  16. ((Sorry about the multi-post xD I wanted to keep each of these separate)) Phytomagnet Intro: ((Welp, tell me what you think. I intentionally wrote them in different tenses, so please let me know how it worked for you. I don't know why I had said something about 2nd person here. It's late at night I guess xD. Also, Ethan is mentioned in Ironwood's bio. I'll give him a maple bio soon. He is the sole surviving member of Ironwood's original forest.))
  17. For the intros (this isn't just to Voidus) I recommend one or more of the following (plus whatever else you think of!): Character arriving at the city (if they're a recent arrival) Some major action the character has recently made An example of one of the character's daily activities A fight demonstrating the character's power(s) (if applicable & reasonable)
  18. Reckoners File YEG - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Re: Phytomagnet's Plant Structures Phytomagnet has used his powers to uproot and distort large portions of the Sherwood Park Natural Area. He appears to have been able to use his ability to pull plants to pull only portions of them, and it resulted in many rather unique sculptures. There are even a few places where entire trees have been uprooted, flipped upside down, and locked in place on their head. How his powers were used to do this is unknown, as I haven't been able to actually watch him construct any of the structures. Attached are a couple of quick sketches of two of his creations. [NTD - Here ya go! I treated this somewhat as a field agent scouting the area, seeing the incomplete report, and adding his/her details. Feel free to rewrite this however you'd like to fit into the initial summary, and let me know if you have any more questions.]
  19. Coma, I dunno how much you're planning on writing for the intro. Would you like us to do additional intros for our characters?
  20. Imma toss in my two cents. Last time, this RP moved glacially slow. I'd like for this one to at least move like a surging glacier instead. I'm down for aiming to have at least major character intros posted by Friday, or have that as our goal. Incidentally, who will make the thread for What Happened In Edmonton?
  21. Awesome. That makes the most sense to me. Do you have any thoughts about where they would go in Edmonton? We haven't actually started the RP there yet, we're still worldbuilding.
  22. For the plausibility, I just know that different people have different feelings about what is plausible and what isn't. Whose definition are his powers limited by? Say for example someone is super jaded to epic powers versus someone whose never even seen one before.
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