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The Swan Dragon

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Everything posted by The Swan Dragon

  1. When he lifts stuff up, does it stick together very strongly or does it still act like normal ground? Does believable/plausible refer to Obsidian's definition or the target's definition? And focused on what?
  2. Neat ideas! Do you think you could expand a bit more on Obsidian's hallucinative powers? And what are the limitations on what is considered "earth" for Earthraiser?
  3. That's fine, they can be a bit tricky to figure out. Feel free to post your epics here. We do have a few guidelines on epics, in order to allow a better story, so we like to look at them as a community before adding them to the roster of epics.
  4. It's never too late to join! What I would recommend is reading the past few pages of this thread (maybe 5 or 6) to get an idea of what we're doing. After that, ask whatever questions you have and a bunch of us will be here at answer them If you'd like, I can also link you to a Google doc to help make your first Epic. But you should read a bit first.
  5. Welp. Any questions? We're thinking about having one of the factions be primarily a gifter with their canon fodder. They'd be mostly NPC. That sound about right, Drake?
  6. If we wanted, I could spin off and rewrite Ironwood to be the NPC gifter. His power would work really well for that. Edit: Just saw the proposed gifter above, like his idea.
  7. One thing I do want to stress is that Phyto, while plant-based, doesn't actually manipulate the growth of plants. If you guys think that that's an important part, I could add to his profile that enhancing a plant also enlarges it or something. I very intentionally did not make him your standard "grow faster" epic.
  8. Alright, new epic proposal. I'm gonna go eat dinner, then I'll check on any responses for him.
  9. Right. That makes sense. Hmm. Forgetting the idea of Lurchers, and assuming he is pulling from his center of mass, would it work to have something on his back so that he would basically zoom forward in a long jump? Not saying it would be comfortable, but would it work? <Sigh> I'm taking advanced physics next year, but it's been a couple of years since basic, and we honestly didn't cover that much, so my knowledge is annoyingly lacking.
  10. Okay...so I've been doing some writing, and I was reminded of a question that I always had about Mistborn. In the books, lurchers had to pull themselves up using metal on the buildings, right? Well, since the Pull was from their center of mass, why couldn't they simply place a metal sheet underneath them and pull it up in order to lift themselves? I realized that if this worked, it would be a key part of Phytomagnet's powerset.
  11. What is the opinion of the masses on having characters in multiple factions? ex., One character under Epoch's rule, one in the MEE. EDIT: I'm down for real deaths and writing more characters, as long as we keep a few core characters, or provide suitable replacements. EDIT 2: If anyone has suggestions for the epic profile outline I wrote up, let me know. I've already made some tweaks to it as I work on my second epic. I'll shoot in a maple (xD) after that probably.
  12. So I couldn't find our previous Official Unofficial Epic Outline so I made a new one if anyone wants. Could someone pin this somewhere relevant? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U6_BXVZ-zse-rJneErkmv06vlCHBLrBH9EfO4xTZPbQ/edit?usp=drivesdk
  13. Having Phyto be in a place with a plant themed name would't be a requirement of his, even to appease his Epic sensibilities. I haven't had a chance to look through the map, I'll do that soon, but anywhere like a park, large garden, etc., would appeal more to him. Something with plants nearby that could be fortified either solely with plants or enhanced by his plants. EDIT: Just looked at the map. Sherwood Park (the residential area) wouldn't be ideal...but the large natural area RIGHT BELOW IT would be wonderful for Phyto.
  14. Someone had mentioned the light bubbles/ghostly flowers before, I liked that idea. It's not exactly unique, but it is different.
  15. @Voidus That's a neat idea, using the mists to explain the time dilation. Would the citizens and epics just be so used to the mists that... And I got ninja'd. Well said Blade.
  16. I'd be fine with that. Would make sense that he'd want to settle somewhere big. He could manage Sector 5, that's greenhouse right?
  17. EPICS! Well, I guess only Epic, singular, but hey it works right? Lemme know what ya think or if I missed something.
  18. In regards to Epoch: 1. Love the double pun name 2. Is light affected by the time dilation? And is it affected in the same way? I would quite enjoy going on a long (totally not pointless) discussion about the physics of this?
  19. If what we write doesn't fit into the canon, then we could simply say it's one of Megan's alternate realities. However, I do agree with Coma that pre-Calamity will be more interesting to write.
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