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Posts posted by mattig89ch

  1. 1 minute ago, anna said:

    That's correct, it just has to be compiled for ARM.  Mine all run Arch, and I've heard you can even install Windows on them *shudder*

    I've heard that too.  Its the version of windows w/out the UI though.  Just the CLI to mess around with.  Now the question becomes, why would you want to use only the CLI of windows?

  2. On 10/23/2017 at 6:00 PM, The Voiceless One said:

    I use Debian with LXDE.  I can't stand the new UI on the raspberry pi.  Is there a way to change it to something different while sticking to the Raspian OS?

    I thought you could use any OS you wanted, on a raspberry PI.  The only requirement was it needing to be compiled a certain way.  Is this not the case?

  3. On 10/23/2017 at 8:14 AM, anna said:

    I'm an upstream developer (and one of the NFS filesystem maintainers), so all my code goes directly to Linus Torvalds before trickling down into the distros. 

    Is he still working on his kernal?  I thought he hated Linux, because of all the fame fans of Linux give him.

  4. On 10/11/2017 at 8:10 AM, anna said:

    Linux kernel developer here.  I promise you that we're not collecting data and sending it to giant corporations :)

    Other thoughts:

    • Web browsers have "do not track" options these days.  Check your settings and turn them on!
    • Viruses sometimes hide themselves in online advertisements, so running something like Adblock Plus could be another layer of security.
    • Check for webpages using https in the address bar when they ask you to log in.  It's more secure than http.
    • Only install software from trusted sources, like app stores or package managers.

    Neat!  What distro do you develop for?

  5. I've um...acquired, the 2 seasons of the badlands.  And I'm rather enjoying it.  I watched the first season in a day, so I'm trying not to burn through the second season so fast.  2 per day is what I'm aiming for.  Thats tough though, only 2 per day...I want to know what happens next!

  6. On 10/13/2017 at 4:11 PM, ryshadium90 said:

    Fathers are great. My dad's wisdom is:

    Me: does something stupid

    Dad: That was lame.

    Me: Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

    Dad: Not this tree.

    He actually uses the term lame?  Thats awesome

  7. 2 minutes ago, Briar King said:

    Have noticed the change in Kings style in bk 5? This was after he was hit by car.

    A little, yea.  But not a great deal yet.  He's still answering with a silent stare, still lying to his companions and the civies he's trying to protect.

    Honestly, he keeps saying the entire party might not make it.  I'm kinda hoping Roland doesn't.  I like the other people in the party, but Roland bothers me.

  8. Just now, AngelEy3 said:

    They may not know they are being manipulated? Cause if you know, then is it really manipulation? I seem to recall it being from Rolland's pov as well. Been a loooong time though


    They know, at least in part.  When they ask a question, and he responds with silence.  Or he lies to them, and they find out later that he lied to them.

    This all happens a fair bit in the story.  And the characters just seem to shrug and go along with it.

  9. Reading the Wolves of Calla, part of the Dark Tower series.  Really don't like the Rolland character, and his willingness to manipulate his party-mates to achieve his ends.  I get why he does it, but it annoys me how willing they are to just simply shrug and accept the manipulations instead of calling him out on it, and voice objections.

    But then, this series started in the 1980's.  So I figure maybe there's a reason I'm not aware of (being technically a millennial and all).

    Still, the series grabbed me up to this point.  If this book goes the way of the others, I imagine it'll keep me entertained enough to want to pickup the next novel in the series.

  10. Ok, so I'm a fellow privacy nut with a degree in computer networking.

    Elenion gave some good advice.  You need to determine what your goals are with your computer.  Do you game?  Do you surf the web?  Do you watch videos?  If so, where do you watch them?

    Simply put, everyone will collect all the data they can.  Ostensibly (might have spelled that wrong) this is to tune their services to better advertise to you, in hopes they can convince you to spend more money with them.  That said, there is no reason to believe they aren't simply tracking you as well.

    As much as I hate to say it, privacy is dying (if its not dead already).  Unless you keep your computer not connected to the internet, and only use it w/out that internet service, you are going to be tracked.  If you have a cell phone, you are being tracked.  If you have one of those amazon echo's, you are being monitored (no joke btw, those things record all sounds 24/7, and send them back in mp3 form to amazon's servers).

    Now, you might be able to lessen that tracking/monitoring somewhat.  But, in the end, your going to be tracked.

    In order to make some suggestions, I need to know what you use your computer for.  Keep in mind, you will need to do a lot of research on your own.  And keeping whatever left of your privacy, is going to be a full time job.  Its not a simple program you can install, or switch to a different operating system.  Its going to be complicated, time consuming, and frustrating.  But, if this is important to you, we might be able to give you some directions to look in.

  11. Hm, favorite characters.  I like the leader of the anarcs from Bloodlines.  Lets see, who else...John Geary from the lost fleet, Roland from the dark tower deserves an honorable mention (some times I love him, sometimes I hate him.  but he's never boring), Admiral Adama from the new BSG (the epitome of speak softly, but carry a big stick), Crowley from Supernatural, The Joker, Fey from the Vince Lombard Series, that's all I can think of off the top of my head.

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