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Posts posted by mattig89ch

  1. 1 hour ago, Claincy said:

    I know what you mean, a fairly large number of AAA games feel pretty shallow or formulaic. But with that said I think there were always a lot of bland/formulaic games, we just don't remember them much. I think there are considerably more interesting, deep and wildly diverse games coming out now than any time in the past. (Though there is certainly a lot of garbage coming out too of course :P )

    I do wish there was more innovation and risk-taking amongst AAA studios (though I understand why there isn't) but there is a wealth of it amongst AA and Indie devs.

    Edit: I can recommend a pile of games from the past few years that are particularly good (or interesting) if you'd like?

    Always willing to listen to game recommendations.  I can't make any promises to actually buy them ofc, but I'll give them a look.

    And what deep games are coming out now?  I must be missing them.

  2. Has anyone else fired up an old game, and realized how much soul it had compared to a newer game?

    I'm playing freelancer atm and its just astounding to me, how much time, effort, energy, and creativity that game has.  Then compare it to another game of modern make, and the newer game seems to homogenous and/or bland by comparison.  The newer game isn't bad, but it doesn't take as many risks, or have to overcome as many challenges in creative ways.

  3. Just picked up Swing Style, Vol. 3 off amazon.  And its really good.  I do find myself liking Electro Swing more and more.  Only trouble is, most of the time, I get bored of it rather easily.  So 3 weeks later, I'm done with the album.

    Even still, every once in a while, a few songs keep me coming back.  Bright Lights and Late Nights by the Speakeasies, Shoot Him Down (Parov Stelar Radio Version), Is That Too Much to Ask? (feat. Nina Zeitlin), being just a couple of examples.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

    think about it.....

    eh screw it.

    the answer is footsteps

    This one is easier and has multiple answers

    You can catch me but cannot throw me

    I would have never gotten footsteps, but I guess it makes sense.


    5 minutes ago, Delightful said:

    A cold. A bus. 


    Now I have to suggest one...

    Ok this is one of the few riddles I actually know. Your hint is, it works best said aloud.

    One day as I walked down Mulberry Lane
    I met a man doing the same

    He tipped his hat and drew his cane
    And in this rhyme I've mentioned his name,
    What is it?

    Drew! I had to read that one a few times to get it.

    You've heard be before, and you'll hear me again.

    Then I'll die, till you call me again.

  5. 1 hour ago, Delightful said:

    I'm trying to work out where I can get both from.....I might have to look around.

    Doesn't that make your shake salty and gross though?

    I don't think so, no.  It does make your fries a little soggy, but thats the only downside.

    I'm not a fan of fries in my shakes, but I've tried it before.  Its not bad, and def something everyone should try at least once.


    For my odd fact about myself.  Lately my sexuaity has come into question.  All my life I've been only attracted to women.  But lately I've had a physical attraction to 2 men.  1 last November, and another about a month ago.

    I talked to my friend, who's engaged to his boyfriend.  And he gave me some advice that I'm trying to follow.  Listen to your body, it knows what it wants. And its ok to look, being the 2 things I took away from that talk.

    So far, I've been looking at men and women.  The same strait adult entertainment I've enjoyed all my life is making me feel sick to my stomach, while male-only adult entertainment is also making me feel sick to my stomach.

    Not as cut and dry as I'd like it to be.

  6. I actually picked it up, and was enjoying it for a bit.  But my god, those stun soldiers are anoying.  But I have to give it to advent, they are effective.  That combination of stun soldiers and mind controller guys are very effective, and wiped my team between them a few times.

    After that rage, I put it down for a bit.  But I am planning to pick it back up again.

  7. I recently re-installed freelancer.  Remember that game?

    It was a pain to get running on 10, I had to use the old no-disc crack.  But it runs!

    I had forgotten how awesome this game is, and how much effort went into story telling and universe building.  Lots of showing instead of telling, and some interesting log reading.  And lots of very awesome cut-scene animation, and voice acting.  Especially from Jennifer Hale, and Captain Sulu.

    Anyone still play this game?  Or is it only me?

  8. I'm actually considering this idea for an old piece of crap machine I have lying around.  Dual core, 4 gigs of ram, 200 gig IDE hard drive.  I use it for...*ahem* surfing.  And its gotten loaded down with all manner of unpleasantness over the years.  I was considering using a live disc, to save the data, and just wipe the thing.  Throw XP back onto it, restore the files and go from there.

    Hard to belive, but I have a phone more powerful then that thing is.  But it'll probably outlive the phone.


    Anywho, I have a preferance for windows.  And I'll tell you why.  I'm a PC gamer, its just what I like to do to kill time and have fun.  I can only play 1/3 of my steam library on Linux, and maybe 1/8 of my GOG library.  So its either windows or nothing for me.

    I had a dual boot going for a little while, but since I had very little use for linux, I just stuck with windows, and remove the linux partition.

  9. On 9/19/2016 at 4:55 AM, Pinnacle-Ferring said:

    Ditto. But apart from that, I also have an irrational fear of floating in the middle of the ocean alone because of some unimaginably large creature that might be lurking beneath. Not necessarily malevolent, just...so big it doesn't even notice when it crushes you to death or drowns you.

    Me too!  Though its not just the ocean for me.  Any large body of water, where I can't see whats below me.

    I live on a freaking island too, surrounded on all sides by water.

    I think because of this, I hate the ocean.  I want no part of it.  I don't like seafood and I don't like swimming in it.  Seafood reminds me of aquatic insects (exoskeletons, feelers, large colonies of things).

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