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Everything posted by JustinB

  1. I say it should happen sooner rather than later. I was at the TOM release party at BYU, and there were hundreds of people, all there because of Brandon. if it was expanded out to all his books, more people would come. I think if we started out at a small venue, planned for a 2 day convention, and charged $50-75 a person, It could work.
  2. The only question I have is: When are we having a Brandon Sanderson-con?! A Con dedicated to all things Brandon and would be EPIC!
  3. I noticed that the most members on 17th Shard at one time was 5Dec11, the same day that I joined. There must've been some sort of contest that day?

  4. welcome Yamato! From a fellow 17th Shard newbie, I just started posting myself.
  5. yeah, let me know. If you guys already have a full group, that's cool. I'm still reading the manual on how to play, so it might be best if I wait a couple of weeks to get fully informed on how to play. Sounds good, I'm looking forward to theorizing with the rest of you. I changed my display name to 'BLU3' but you can still call me Justin. -Please don't double post. If you're trying to reply to two people, use the multiquote button. -Rubix Instead of double posting, please use the edit button. Thanks! -Rubix
  6. Just wondering if anyone has heard if Brandon is going to New York Comic Con this year? I'll be there this year again and want to harass him if I can.
  7. I hear that you have a group that plays the new Mistborn RPG. I am interested in playing, but have no one to play with. If you are able to let new people in let me know if that works for you.

  8. Thanks guys! I appreciate the warm welcome.
  9. I have an iPhone 4s that I use constantly for everything; Facebook, Twitter, internet browsing, reading nook books, Goodreads, email, etc, etc. I also have a Nook Color that I read a lot of books on. I didn't think I would like it as much as I do when I first bought it, but I hardly crack a book anymore. I have all of Brandon's books in hardback, signed and on display, but I read them on my Nook. Same with WOT, I started a re-read, but have been reading them on my Nook.
  10. Just introduced myself on @17thShard Hope to meet some cool people.

  11. Yeah, so um, I'm Justin. I like Brandon's books, and uh, I think he's really cool. Seriously though, I live in West Jordan, Utah so I get to go to alot of Brandon's Utah signings, so much so that I think he thinks I'm a weird stalker dude. Because everytime I go he says "Hey, I know you" (but I think he says that to all his fans). Most recently I went to the Mistborn RPG signing on Aug 3rd, and got the hardcover. Now I need to learn how to play a non computer RPG and find the right crowd to do so. So if anyone out there who knows a group I could get started with, please let me know. I'm a total noob at RPG so you'd have to be patient with me (sorry!). Anyways, I've been registered on 17th Shard for awhile, but I think this is my first post. I'm looking forward to getting more involved and getting to know more of you guys. Thanks!
  12. I love contests! Especially Brandon Sanderson contests, though I never win anything. If we get to pick, I'm eying the Alcatraz series ('cause I already have signed copies of everything else!)
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