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Everything posted by baby

  1. I believe a user tweeted a question to Brandon asking if a full-feruchemist and misting or full mistborn and ferring was possible and Brandon said yes. I'll try and find the pic but it's on twitter. EDIT:Typos EDIT 2: https://twitter.com/BrandSanderson/status/639570875935645696 - there's the link if interested. Now he said they're possible, but we don't know if they exist(yet).
  2. I'd totally buy Sanderson's guide to the Cosmere and Realmatic Theory and its applications. Any other ideas for side books like this?
  3. Why would you want a plane that's gunning you down heading straight towards you and it's going faster than before? That's why I said that pushing them back would be better. EDIT: Nvm, he is a steel misting/iron ferring.
  4. Ah. I meant to say that iron as a pulling metal isn't suitable at all for planes. Using iron to store weight and push would be better.
  5. Iron compounding doesn't increase power, it just gives you more pulling time. Also, you'd be propelled towards the airplane instead of you being able to push it because it weighs more than you. So, an iron twinborn would be more effective here. Since compounders are rare, and because you wouldn't want to pull the airplane towards you in the first place, Wax's crasher set would be best (iron misting, steel ferring)
  6. https://twitter.com/BrandSanderson/status/595633096092954624 Can't wait till february.
  7. baby


    Bleeder wasn't a steel compounder though, right? She just had that one spike she was storing speed in for however long she had it, which is why she ran out at the end. Steel compounders just have that kind of speed for a long time, they're not faster than normal steel ferrings.
  8. baby


    I just felt that with all the discussion we're having on compounders, there ought to have been at least one more. If you look at it, gold was an "I win" button too right? I guess it's just how the story needs it, but it'd be more interesting to have a few more.
  9. baby


    Is it just me not noticing something, but have we only had one natural compounder so far? (Miles)
  10. Firefight Spoilers I guess, don't read if you haven't gotten to firefight yet
  11. Could feruchemy be used to store other forms of investiture like Stormlight or breath?
  12. baby

    David's Powers

    I , uh, actually didn't post the whole prologue. "I've witnessed the fearsome depths. I was in Babilar, Babylon Restored. New York City. I stared into those depths, and knew--with no uncertainty--, that something inside me had changed." That pretty much screams David to me, though I could see it being Prof. Not Megan though.
  13. "The depths had claimed me as one of their own. And though I've pushed them back, I still bear their hidden scar. They insist that they will have me again." ​ So as we can see in the prologue for Calamity, David still "bears the scar" of Calamity. This probs means that David will be a full blown Epic sometime in the book. Any thoughts?​​
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