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Everything posted by SnakeBlood

  1. It could have something to do with Rashek's Terris breeding program. Rashek did want to hide the fact that he was Terris and making them a different ethnicity then him would be a good way to do it.
  2. Perrty much this, I don't think Feather is treating death with the weight it deserves.
  3. The exact quote is I don't know about you but that sounds like voluntary to me, and were did you get the term "round up".
  4. Maybe he's trying to talk Idashwy out of whatever she's trying to do. Also I was not expecting the terris people to go amish.
  5. I always thought it had something to do with unbinding the voidbringers so they would become parshmen.
  6. I wouldn't be surprised if Tan worked for the Set.
  7. You have to remember the context Wax stop investigating Tan after he dead and Marsh only intervened when Wax found out about the Set. Now I'm not saying Tan has nothing to do with Hemalurgy but he is not the reason Marsh got involved.
  8. Sorry I didn't explain that vary well. Kaymyth is correct. Given that Bloody Tan has been dead for months and Wax just found out about the Set I think it's obvious who it traces back to. I like theory on what you think the Set is doing.
  9. It has been over 300 years since Kelsier destroyed the Pits of Hathsin so atium should be coming back soon.
  10. Based on the fact that Marsh gave Wax that book we can assume The Set know about Hemalurgy. Now the Set are a smart group, if they just wanted to make Inquisitors they could have just spiked any misting or ferring and be done with it. So why kidnap those specific women? Simple, the Set are going to turn those poor women into Inquisitors. Why you ask? Well it's as Marasi and Wax feared, they will be used for "breeding" but not for an army like they suspected. The Women will be be used to breed the second Lord Ruler.
  11. I'm a long time lurker and I finally decided to get a account.
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