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Everything posted by vineyarddawg

  1. Ok, then! Smart girl with a drinking problem.
  2. Brandon Sanderson actually invented the perfect magic system a really long time ago, but we just call it "the laws of physics."
  3. Regalia said that Calamity promised that David's powers would be "thematically appropriate."
  4. Well, Regalia was not a High Epic (as Tia specifically stated in the book), so her weakness didn't matter. Her powers were not protective or preventative of death, so you could just shoot her and she'd die. Or, you know, slice her up with a sword. EDIT: Tia stated it, not Prof. Also, it depends on whose definition you use as to whether or not she was a "High Epic." The lorists seem to only call epics "High Epics" if they have what David would call "prime invincibility." Either way, though, the point is if you could just find her body, you could kill her using any method that would kill a non-epic.
  5. I just finished the book about 30 minutes ago, so I'm still not sure where I stand on the "Is David an Epic or not" question. I can see it both ways, and I'm not sure which I want to be true. If David is an epic, I think his powers are not stealing other Epic's powers, but rather being able to detect Epics and also being able to manipulate other people's emotions. (So, in other words, he can do things both a seeker and a soother can do. And what about working the sypril so well? Coinshotting, anyone? OMG DAVID'S A MISTBORN!!) But I think it's just as likely that David is an idealistic kid who's working his butt off as a Reckoner, and that devotion and work ethic makes people respect him. And the fact that he had studied epics so intensely for the better part of a decade means that he just inately knows what to look for in an epic's mannerisms, so he can usually figure out who the (non-camouflaged) epics are. I can see it either way, and I can't wait to see how it all works out in Calamity.
  6. Yeah, Obliteration definitely didn't get... um, obliterated. As DataLore said, he touched David and thanked him before teleporting away, and it was that touch that burned David. We definitely haven't seen the last of Obliteration, I'd imagine.
  7. Wow, Nightblood feeding on Stormlight! That's gonna get... messy.
  8. There are many ways to be spiked, but yes, that is one.
  9. There's nothing wrong with starting with WoK, but if you're brand new to the Cosmere, I'd recommend starting with Mistborn or Warbreaker first. It might ease you into the world a little more easily.
  10. Welcome! Don't accept cookies from anyone on the forum!
  11. Yes, it's a reference to the Mistborn stories, where a hemalurgic spike is sometimes... ahem... "cleverly" hidden or otherwise placed surreptitiously so Ruin can get to them.
  12. Indeed there is... in this forum post. It's tied to the number of upvotes you get. As for favorite story, I'd have a hard time nailing down just one. I'd say probably settle on WoR as my favorite novel, and Defending Elysium as my favorite short story (even though it's non-Cosmere).
  13. I wouldn't take that cookie... (It's a spike! Instead of a cookie, you're going to get spiked!)
  14. I was actually trying to think of Goradel's name, but could only come up with "Galladon" in my head. I hate it when I get my Cosmere wires crossed.
  15. Tevidian? EDIT: nevermind, I didn't read your clue correctly.
  16. Well, his part is minor in that book... Kelsier?
  17. I just listened to the audio, as well, and I agree that's what Brandon said.
  18. "Heroes" for David. "Turn Down for What" for Nightwielder.
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