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Status Updates posted by Blaze1616

  1. Surgery today, went fairly well. We'll see how recovery goes...

  2. I've noticed that my writing capabilities fluctuates day by day. Sometimes I'm very eloquent, and my prose seems really pretty when reading later. Other times, though, it's very rugged and even painful to read again. Makes me want to practice more to be more consistent.

  3. I didn't get nearly as much reading time as I'd have liked yesterday, so I still haven't finished Calamity. It's really hard not opening spoiler tags when I /really/ want to talk about the book!

  4. Barnes and Noble yesterday was a great trip! I grabbed Wake of Vultures (for some non-Sanderson fun) and Bands of Mourning, and happened upon the paperback version of Firefight and the awesome hardcover of Steelheart with the new cover (and it was signed, which I'm torn on)! Turned out to be a better trip than I thought it would be!

  5. That feeling when you get a notification saying someone's posted in a thread you follow, but then you go to the thread and the post isn't there, because it was deleted.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Edgedancer


      That time when you see a post but by the time you reply it has been deleted.

    3. Blaze1616


      That's actually never happened to me. I wonder what would happen if you quote the post...? That would be weird, especially since 17S doesn't include a filler of "This post has been deleted" or something of the like.

    4. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      You can quote posts that have been deleted, but trying to follow the quote link to the original source will take you to an error page.

  6. Yesterday was a quiet day on the Shard, it seems. I only had 35 notifications this morning. I usually have over 100.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WayneSpren


      Oh, wait. Is that when you follow a topic and they send you a bunch of e-mails? I did that once and my Yahoo was overflowing.

    3. Blaze1616


      Yes, but you can choose to have it notify you on the site with the two buttons up by your profile pic at the very top, as well as e-mails. I personally have my emails off, but the site notifications on.

    4. WayneSpren


      I generally just look at My Content.

  7. Life's a happy song when there's someone by your side to sing along!

  8. I've officially removed Hercules from my unbreakable tie-breaker for best Disney movie, meaning it now rests at number 3. Tangled and Beauty and the Beast are now the only members of the tie-breaker. It's a bit sad for me, since Hercules was my uncontested number 1 for so long until Tangled came out, and then my rewatching of Beauty and the Beast...

    1. WayneSpren


      OH YEAH? What about a little thing called...STAR WARS?

    2. Blaze1616


      To take your joke comment completely seriously (XP), "Disney movies", in my mind, generally refer to the movies made by Disney Animation Studio, and as such would not include any of their live action movies, nor any Pixar movies. In addition to this, Disney has yet to make a Star Wars film, as the three currently on the market were made by Lucasfilms way back in the day.

      What do you mean there are 6 Star Wars movies? You might need to lie down...

  9. Getting a new car today. I'm super excited, it's exactly the car I wanted.

    1. Curious Anamaximder
    2. Blaze1616


      It's a 2015 Malibu. I'm loving it so far.

  10. Watched Bolt again last night. It's such an underrated movie. I still laugh out loud when I watch it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blaze1616


      It's so good. I'm glad I'm not alone in its appreciation.

    3. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      I LOVE that movie. When I first watched it a few years ago, Bruno was on the sofa. When it got to the scene where Penny hugs the understudy Bolt instead of the real one, Bruno jumped off the sofa and barked at the TV.

    4. Blaze1616


      I hope you rewarded that genius dog!

      I always cry at the end. Makes me miss my dog.

  11. I'm currently a little discomforted by the new user Mr. Cosmere. He's got a near identical profile pic, he's copied my member title of "Cosmerenaut", and has proceeded to friend 3 of the 5 friends on my list...am I being replaced?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Blaze1616


      Hah, maybe I should.

      If you never hear from me again, just remember that I EXISTED! DON'T LET THE CYBERMEN WIN THAT EASILY!

    3. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      We will remember you! (Unless we're the next to be replaced.)

    4. Quiver


      Replaced is such an ugly word. I prefer upgraded.

  12. Having one of your favorite authors say thank you in the form of a tweet is a HUGE confidence booster. https://twitter.com/howardtayler/status/596390809617846272

  13. Happy Birthday!

    1. Comatose


      Just saw this now, haha. Thanks!

  14. I wonder what an Obliteration led sermon would be like?

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      It'd be a blast!

    2. Edgedancer


      Him quoting the book of Revalations while he kills everyone?

  15. What's the best way to show someone you appreciate them? I'm currently struggling with this...

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      Remove their brain and install it into an immortal mechanical shell.

      Failing that, just telling them how awesome they are usually works for me. ;)

    2. Blaze1616


      If I had a machenical shell to put it in, I'd take your advice, but unfortunately I don't.

      I also find my words, when spoken, are much less...refined than when typed online? If given a minute I can come up with something good to say, but otherwise it tends to come out "Yo, you're pretty cool." And that's not quite what I'm aiming at here...

  16. I'm back! SAE was actually really insightful, which surprised me. I had heard rumors of how boring it is, but I found it quite enjoyable.

  17. As an engineer in Michigan working for a company that is involved in the Auto Industry, I will be attending the Society of American Engineer's Congress this week. As such my activity across Tuesday, Wednesday, and possibly Thursday will be diminished, if not outright nonexistant. I apologize for any inconvinience this may cause you.

    1. Blaze1616


      In my haste to write this, I wrote that it was the Society of American Engineers Congress. In actually it was the Society of Automotive Engineers Congress. My embarassment is quite high right now...

  18. Holy virtual reality simulation Batman! Perfect State was a great read!

  19. Sanderson Newsletter today had a Calamity chapter 1 segment in it. It was really cool. Makes me worry about what happened to the St. Louis crew though...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Blaze1616


      No problem. I emailed him thanking him for writing books that blow my mind all over my room. I also said that I wasn't looking for a response from him, I just wanted to tell him how great it is to be able to buy his books and to get my name added to the mailing list. If you don't get it, I can give you a short summary of the chapter if you'd like via PM.

    3. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      Thanks a lot, but it's the chapter itself I'm interested in. So unless forwarding the newsletter to someone who was too short-sighted to subscribe to it isn't as illegal as I assume, it looks like I've got a piece of fanmail to compose.

    4. Blaze1616


      I understand. Brandon asks that the newsletter exclusive be kept...exclusive, so I don't feel comfortable outright giving you a copy. Sorry. I'm sure he'll send you a copy if you ask for it in the e-mail you send him, just like he sends copies of White Sand/Aether/etc. to those who ask.

  20. Finished Firefight last night. It was very enjoyable, though I felt a little let down with the ending. It climaxed, but unlike most Sandernovels it never gave me closure. It climaxed with no resolution, which is fine when you consider there's a third book coming, but it is still a feeling I don't want to be having upon finishing a novel.

  21. I hate being sick. I really, truly do. I've legitimately gone through an entire Kleenex box since 8am this morning...

    1. the winter system

      the winter system

      Take an e-hug! That sucks.

  22. I have a disease that makes me write walls of text when discussing topics I'm interested in. It's a bit of a problem...

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