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Everything posted by Stark

  1. I had totally forgotten that. Thanks!
  2. Just musing here. We are seeing the existence of a pre-shattering force in the revelation of the Wind. Something created, either with intent or by accident due to proximity when Andonalsium built the planet. We do not know the Wind's purpose, it's intent or goals. I don't think it is something malicious like Ruin was, whispering to Kal to free it. That said, why would it be the only pre-shattering force still on Roshar. The Wind moves and changes pretty fast, so I could see it be the first to wake, or the one most adapted to communication with humans and singers. But on the other side, we have the Shin. Who are very serious about staying in their valley with earth and grass, protected from the highstorms. Who refer to outsiders as stonewalkers. We have Szeth, in the very first prologue talking about the horror of walking on bare stone. If I remember correctly, one of the original working titles for the Szeth book was Stones Unhallowed. We have Windrunners, who maybe can interact with the Wind. And on the Knight Radiant chart, they bracket the Bondsmiths, the most powerful and smallest group. The other bracket is Stonewards. Wind and Stone bracketing Bondsmiths. Wind is talking. So again, just musing some garbled thoughts, but if Wind is a thing, why on rocky Roshar would Stone not be a thing too?
  3. Stark


    Seeing as Brandon subscribes to the rule of cool, I think he would allow it. This is awesome.
  4. I was not aware of that, and it is an excellent point. I would counter by saying that not having designs outside her own planet does not preclude making sure the biggest external threat to her planet is taken off the board. Rayse would have eventually come to Nalthis to stir up trouble. Having a plan to make sure he doesn't so that she can maintain her sandbox and plans for it is definitely possible.
  5. What is neat, to me, is that all three glyphs evoke a head on dragon's face. Rasen and Koravari more than the Tanavast sword. But there is a dot placement that makes me think eyes, and the lines extending horizontally make me think of the whiskers on traditional dragons.
  6. When you find out that
  7. I also thought Listener. Eshonai was often described as 7-foot tall in her plate. I think this might be a Skybreaker Listener.
  8. I don't see this turn as surgeon lasting long, at all. It is not at all what Dainar meant him to do, and it is not benefiting the army. I think Kaladin is going to get assigned to go with Shallan and Adolin into Shadesmar for a bit.
  9. It may not be as hopeless for the humans as you think. Zahel has given us this - And the fused have been around much longer than Zahel has. So rather than seeing it as the Fused going mad over time, I think it may be more accurate to describe it as their will being subsumed by their Intent. And as they are cognitive shadows bound by Odium, Odium's Intent has to factor into theirs. We also saw in Venli's chapter that certain Singers no longer return, because they are not stable enough. So yes, the fused are reborn endlessly, but the toll of all those deaths is not negligible. And every fused that is lost to madness is irreplaceable. The attrition goes both ways - eventually the human will run out of trained soldiers, but the fused sanity has a limit as well. The question should not be 'How long can the humans survive without changing the face of this war?' but rather 'How long can this war persist before irretrievable damage is done to both sides?'
  10. It seems that the metals affect the spren, not the effect the spren has on the world. So maybe you would use brass on the spren in a spanreed, so it doesn't overdo, and zinc in a heating fabrial, to get a stronger source? I could see a copper cage make the fabrial less detectable, and brass be used to clear up fabrial signals over long distance (again spanreeds, increasing the communication range?) Ummm, Iron and Steel.not sure about those. I want to know though. It is so weird, I am more excited for the realmatic theory in the epigraphs than the rest of the chapters.
  11. Wait, what, you use emotional Allomancy metals to either Riot or Soothe the Spren, and the pairing works the same? SQUEE! Squee.
  12. I am so glad someone is asking about this on reddit. I have been asking about it on the Tor site with the beta readers. Maybe the wound is supposed to be leaking (or bleeding) voidlight, not actual blood. But either way this needs to be clarified, because a shard wound should not be bleeding actual blood.
  13. Different metals affect the captured spren in different ways?!?!?! Allomancy cross-over into Fabrial tech?!?!? Yes please. Now to go read the actual chapter. I didn't make it further than the epigraph before my gibbering commenced.
  14. I remember way back when in Oathbringer that Adolin might become Highprince, and need to take a Highprince title, I joked about him being Highprince of Fashion. Seeing him give fashion tips to Syl has me Want to bring that supposition back... I loved that little moment.
  15. Dalinar mentions the Shin invasions, which would imply that they are recent enough to still be remembered in history - so more recent than the Desolations, and if my theory holds true, more recent than the Recreance. It is an off-hand, one line mention when he is talking about other conquerors, like the Sunmaker - about as small as the references to what Ishi was doing before we 'knew' he was Ishi. This is exactly what we were discussing in the linked post - Alethkar is geographically the furthest from Shinovar, and is the historic homeland of the Radiants - so they would have had the highest concentration of discarded shards,and the Shin would have been at untenable levels of extension by the time they reached that far. It is further supported by the non-canon original Szeth chapters that can be found that have some details about a militaristic lifestyle in the Shin homeland, as compared to what is shown to the world. I am very attached to this theory, was very proud of myself for coming up with it, especially seeing as no one could shoot it down. I'm even more happy that other people are connecting the same dots completely independently from each other. It lends more weight to the potential veracity of the theory.
  16. You and I tend to agree: The Shin have the most My Theory runs along the lines that the Shin self-appointed themselves the guardians of the abandoned Honorblades, and later, after the Recreance, they further appointed themselves the guardians of the abandoned shards. I further believe that they used the Shin Invasion as a cover for the collection of as many abandoned blades and plate that they could.
  17. A Canadian signing? In Toronto? Not ideal, but closer than he has been in a while. Might be able to make it!
  18. Yes. All of these. Small moments that hit just as hard as the big moments.
  19. Yeah, most of Kaladin's chapters in the middle of WoK are hard to read. Makes me wince when I do a re-read knowing I have to go through his pain again.
  20. I was reading Brandon's live tweets from New Years Eve, when he was showing progress on the last scenes of Book 4. His update four, below link, mentioned a scene that was painful to write. Update four This got me thinking of scenes that were painful to read - where they hit the feelings hard. The obvious one is Elhokar's end. But that's not the one that hit me hardest. For me, it was a scene just after the fall of Kholinar, when the main team had escaped to Shadesmar. I don't remember the exact location, so I can't give a full, proper quote, but it was when they were looking for a method of transport across the sea of beads, and Shallan was looking for the right cognitive representation to help them. One of the ones she discarded she described as 'a piece of trash that still thought of itself as a child's toy.' That imagery, of a discarded/lost toy in a sacked city, with no idea of what happened to the child who had loved it, that hit me really hard. What small moments got to you? And how many do you think are coming in November.
  21. It was the highlight of my Tuesdays. I hope they do this again. The downside was that when the book came out, I had to force myself to re-read those sections to have them clear in my memory as I went into Part 2... So who knows?
  22. Yeden and Dox could work. But picking characters who die, in a series where very few women with lines survive (Tyndwyl, Shan Elariel as examples) feels problematic. Swapping the gender from male to female for a character who is affectionately called Dox is even more so. This is why I gravitated towards characters who survive the entire trilogy. Ham, who is important for moral and ethical reasons, who provides guidance could be really fun swapped. My worry is it would echo Ais in Whitesand too much. Spook is a key character, who has their own arc. And maintain certain character beats would allow for more of the LGBTQ representation that has been missing. Marsh... Marsh could work as I said. THe older sister, female Inquisitors, all of it would be fun. I'm not sure I want it though.
  23. I would have swapped Spook and Ham. Both are characters that survive the trilogy, and both make for interesting changes. Ham is part of the mercenary military, making money to support his wife and children. I don't remember clearly, but I don't think there were many women in the military. If Ham was a woman, then you have some interesting dynamics - the guards and military placing higher value on having a misting than on sex. You have the Wife and mother who goes and does the risky work to support her family. And the conversations between Ham and Breeze have some additional perspective differences. Spook has bigger change implications for the future, based on the aftermath, and may not be possible. But Spook being female adds some other elements. You can argue for an LGBTQ angle with the early infatuation with Vin, and later in the third book. You can have a mirror of Vin, as they are both young ska women who grew up as thieves - but in vastly different environments. And you can play with the Kelsier hero worship. And then you have the whole Lord Mistborn thing. The only other character that could be interesting to swap, in my opinion, is Marsh.
  24. I have one on my shoulder of a shield, divided into three sections. One of the three sections contains the Atium symbol.
  25. Just got mine in the mail in Montreal. It is beautiful. Did not see a Nalthis essay though, had thought that was going to be included. My leatherbound/anniversary edition shelf is getting filled out.
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