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Posts posted by Miyabi

  1. I wouldn't say she was even twice as strong as normal during a normal burn. Probably about 1.5x as strong as a normal person. Think, if your ribs could withstand a blow of 150 lbs/in^2 then if you were casually burning Pewter they could take 225 lbs instead. Which doesn't seem like a lot when you put it into numbers like that, but in reality it is a huge difference. I would say normally Burning the metal is probably depending on the persons innate ability with Pewter somewhere from 1.25 - 1.75 times their normal strength, while Flaring it is most likely somewhere from 2 - 3. With a Durallumin fueled Flare.... well..... That just depends on how much Pewter you have in your stomach. Haha.

    So normal burn I would put a person around 75 - 105 and Flaring around 120 - 180. An easy way to decide where to put someone on this scale would be roll a d50 to decide if they're closer to 1.25 or 1.75. Then roll a d100 to decide if they're closer to a 2 Flare or a 3 Flare.

    You have to remember that Allomancy is genetic and thus innate ability is a factor. Though I would probably put those at approximately the numbers you see.

    Someone like Ham however, who has burned Pewter for a long time and is a Misting who only has this ability and isn't just constantly Burning it and uses it in a tricky way would probably be more along the lines of 1.75 - 2.25 baseline and 3 - 5 Flaring.

    Then you have Savants like Spook. Let's say he burned Pewter instead of Tin. You would probably put him at a 2 - 4.5 baseline and a 5 - 10 Flare.

    Hope this helps.

    Note: I've played LOTS of PnP RPGs... lol.

  2. Let me correct a few misconceptions here.

    1. Szeth hid the Stone.

    2. The Stone is described as having a penumbra, not a black glow. They are different. A black glow would imply that there was more of a light coming from the Stone, whereas a penumbra is more like it's leaking a shadow around its edges.

    I feel like this is potentially either a way to access a power we haven't scene yet, or something which is either complimentary or oppositional to Stormlight.

  3. This doesn't explain Kaladin. Sylphrena has already stated that he is a Wind Runner. He only has a single spren bond, and he is on the second ideal.

    I didn't explicitly state an explanation, but it was inferred. There are a few options which may describe this:

    1. Kal could be Binding to a Spren which he can not yet see, but Syl can, and thus she knows which Order he would belong to.

    2. Kal is someone who would bind only to an Honorspren, forging an extremely strong connection with Honor.

    3. Perhaps one must gain some credence within the Order in which they are going to become a part of before this second Spren appears, so maybe he won't see or this Spren won't be around until he makes it to the Third or Fourth Ideal.

    4. Perhaps the type of Spren which makes him a Windrunner is either too small to see or can't be seen. This could be one way to describe why Szeth can use Windrunner like abilities, but can see no Spren. Even though Syl states that she is the one that Binds, perhaps she isn't talking about Lashing, but rather talking about Binding him to Honor as well as another Spren, and subsequently one of the Orders.

    One of these things is most likely what a Windrunner is, but until we get more information from the next book we won't know.

  4. I have always read that passage to say that the Blue KR is almost certain that Dalinar will become a KR, but he can't force a Spren to bind to him. The KR saw that Dalinar was being honorable in defending the people around him as best he could despite the fact that the odds were stacked very very against him. That is an honorable thing. The KR most likely assumed an Honorspren would bind to Dalinar, if not an Honorspren perhaps another Spren would, which would allow him some level of Knighthood, but not to "level up" as it were. This KR would have probably known all of the 40 or so Spren which could have Bound to Dalinar and had a few in mind which if an Honorspren didn't most likely would. Whether it be "love" due to how he protected his family. "Determination" because of how strongly he fought, or any number of other potential Spren which could form a Nahel Bond. So perhaps he wouldn't be a full Knight, but most likely a Knight to some degree.

  5. You're all overlooking a very important detail that STRONGLY affects weather. The fact that Roshar has multiple moons. The effect these moons would have on the levels of the waterways would cause huge variances in how much water evaporates during the day, which is what makes the clouds and rain for the Highstorm. The light reflecting from the moons changes the temperature of different parts of the planet depending on where the moons are (though by only perhaps a couple of degrees this can be hugely significant in weather patterns.) Also the fact that the multiple moons spinning around Roshar cause its rotation on its axis or axes to be very different than what we are used to here on Earth. Roshar could very well have a set pattern of seasons, it just may be so far spread out before you go from beginning to end that no one has been able to establish the set pattern.

    If this pattern hasn't been truly discovered it would make it really hard to know which season was coming next or how long it would last. Without being able to really know what season you are going to be in, it's even harder to tell what season the Origin would be in and how much water is evaporating every day to create the clouds necessary for the rain, or if there is a proper cold or warm front coming to bring the Highstorm in.

    We have very advanced technology and only one moon to worry about and we get the weather and how long or how severe our seasons are going to be wrong all the time. Imagine a world where predicting these things is borderline heresy and technology is much much less advanced then what we have now, and then throw in a couple more giant spheroids to spin everything in unexpected directions.

    The amount of physics it would take to determine how Roshar and its moons effect each others angles towards the sun is far too advanced for me.... I'd have to ask Chaos to do the math. xD

  6. Brandon has a really bad (maybe good) habit of only talking about things in detail if it is important. The fact that he always mentions Tien's fascination with rocks means something. What? I don't know yet, but it is important or Brandon wouldn't have mentioned it in as much detail as he did as often as he did. He's not one to use a red herring very often. Generally description/consistency = important.

    I can provide a lot of examples:

    The fact that at the end of TFE Vin's earring is mentioned a TON of times. She put it back in before the fight, it gets ripped out, she puts it back in, she then thinks about it a few pages later.

    There was a scene in one of the Alcatraz books where the shoes are mentioned and then again later they are mentioned, but are different and it ends up being a different person.

    I'm too tired to think of any more off the top of my head, but this is something very consistent within Brandon's writing.

    I have NO IDEA what the rocks mean, but they mean something.

  7. I believe that every one of the KR had an Honorspren as well as a secondary Spren. This could be supported by the Ideals. Everyone has the same first Ideal:

    "Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination."

    Life before death

    The Radiant seeks to defend life, always. He never kills unnecessarily, and never risks his own life for frivolous reasons. Living is harder than dying. The Radiant’s duty is to live.

    Strength before weakness

    All men are weak at some time in their lives. The Radiant protects those who are weak, and uses his strength for others. Strength does not make one capable of rule; it makes one capable of service.

    Journey before destination

    There are always several ways to achieve a goal. Failure is preferable to winning through unjust means. Protecting ten innocents is not worth killing one. In the end, all men die. How you lived will be far more important to the Almighty than what you accomplished.

    This is an extremely honorable quality to have. Now as we've seen with other people, a Nahel Bond with an Honorspren isn't required to make other Bonds. Though in order to gain the Powers which are granted to the KR through their advancement in their Ideals you must first make an Oath to the First Ideal, which is impossible without an Honorspren. This creates a direct link between the KR and Honor.

    The other 4 Ideals would be things determined by the other Spren with which they have bonded. The important thing is to be connected to Honor in order to have a more direct link to his power.

    Now Nohadon speaks of not all Spren being as discerning. The VB would have needed a base for their Surgebinding abilities and a way to access larger amounts of power. Perhaps the Voidspren we saw in the sample chapter could create a similar Bond as an Honorspren that instead creates a connection with Odium and allowed the Unmade and the VB to access Surgebinding powers with the same strength as the KR.

    I feel like a primary connection to one of the two is necessary to go past the first level or so of Surgebinding of any kind. So let's say that Shallan gains a Bond with an Honorspren, but Jasnah doesn't, it wouldn't be too long before the Soulcasting abilities Shallan gains would outscale those of Jasnah's by miles and miles. The other bond, which would allow connection to Odium would cause a similar effect as to someone who is not connected at all to either of said forces.

    Perhaps another type of Spren could also be used to connect to Cultivation? I'm not sure, I guess that would depend on whether or not Cultivation wanted to be a part of the fight between the two. Though the histories only talk about two factions so I am inclined to believe that isn't possible.

    This could also help to explain the names "Knights Radiant" radiate the light of Honor and purity and the "Voidbringers" are focused on causing hatred and demise, which are generally thought of as dark bottomless emotions, like a Void.

    EDIT:: There could also be an additional case here in which a person is only Bonded to an Honor or a Void Spren and instead of having two semi-weak bonds, they would have one HUGE Bond. Which could be what make the Unmade and the Heralds who they are, because they have this overwhelmingly strong Bonds to their respective Shards.

  8. I always felt, when reading, that the Thrill was a separate ability from the others. I always felt like it was something that was brought on by a heightened emotional state which then allowed Odium to influence you to create hatred within you to cause destruction and death in order to create more hate and disdain, which would in turn provide him with more power.

    EDIT:: I want to also point out that (I'm pretty sure) when Dalinar is fighting with the poker he thinks about drawing on the Thrill, which would mean he doesn't need his Plate or Blade in order to access it.

    I feel like this is why Dalinar has been getting sick when he accesses the Thrill, because he is becoming a very honorable person and it is potentially a side-effect from the beginning of a Nahel Bond starting.

    I don't think the "Thrill" which Dalinar feels at the Battle of the Tower is really the Thrill. I think it is a form of Surgebinding, the same which Kaladin felt. The problem here, and Shardlet used a similar line of thought when saying Kaladin wouldn't know to call it the Thrill, is that Dalinar doesn't REALLY know what it is. To him the closest thing he has ever experienced is the Thrill, therefore he calls it that assuming it's just a little bit different than normal.

    This could also explain why Kaladin is now immune to the Thrill, because he is now bound to an Honorspren, so Odium's influence can't affect him the same way it used to, or the same way it can with Dalinar.

  9. I really like this theory and I'm going to expand on the "two Spren" part.

    Isn't it said that everyone has two qualities? Whether it be something like 'intelligence and artisticness' or 'honor and devotion.' This could provide a way for two Spren to bond to a single person. One of which would become the KR's Plate whilst the other became their Blade. It appears, by the way she acts, that Syl will eventually become a set of Plate for Kaladin.

    Perhaps we will similar properties to the pre-Recreance Plate and Blade. Perhaps Syl will be able to still be herself except when she wants to become Plate for Kaladin, but then is stuck as a set of Plate until he releases her.

    This could allow for her to instantly become Plate, because it's of her own will. Perhaps the ten heartbeats that are common now to the summoning of Blades are a punishment, the only way a Spren can fight back. They make them wait ten heartbeats, one for each of the abandoned ideal, and perhaps one for each broken promise (the promise part I'm pulling out of my butt, because I couldn't think of 5 more things for heartbeats to represent.) Or perhaps 5 for each of the ideals each of the two Spren stood for since the Plate seems to always be corporeal and not vanish like the Plate does, so the Blade Spren takes out both of their frustrations on the Bearer?

    I like the idea that the Recreance was due to the fact that the Spren informed the KR that the Oathpact had been broken. This could cause a LOT of anger among a large number of the KR, and so they broke their Oaths to the rest of the world, leaving their trapped Spren saying, "You do it, we're done."

    Is there any place where in one of Dalinar's visions a KR dies and his Plate and Blade stay corporeal? Or is that just in modern times? Perhaps this intentional entrapment of the old Spren is why Syl hates them so much. They are prisons for her friends who had been trapped by the Order who abandoned them.

    Perhaps there is a way to release the current Spren from their Plate and Blades? Perhaps not. If anyone figures it out though it would be Jasnah.

    I feel like Spren trapped within the Blades could have inspired early research into Fabrial sciences.

    I'm rambling now....

  10. I'm going to agree that Cultivation is probably the Nightwatcher for a few reason.

    1. There is discussion of it being a "pool," but also the fact that it has an at least somewhat corporeal form. We have no idea how long this is after we interacted with the other Shards. Perhaps Cultivation has matured to a point where s/he has a corporeal form attached to the "pool." There is also the chance that this form isn't very .... solid, which could be why people mistake the Nightwatcher for a Spren.

    2. I'm going to assert that Cultivation is an end-neutral power. As was said earlier in the thread when you Cultivate something you have to put a lot of work into it and you lose things too. (i.e. Nutrients from the ground which have to be replaced before you can grow more of the same type of crop.) This would make the Blessing/Curse balance make sense. The Blessing which is given to you can't come from nowhere, therefore the thing which is lost is something from your own body. This would be much like how Feruchemy works, which is an end-neutral power, you have to lose one thing before you can then gain that same amount back. Though it appears Cultivation can take anything and change it to something else, providing a Curse and a Blessing at the same time.

    3. Perhaps these strange ailments have some use we haven't seen before. Maybe seeing upside down was just someone making a consequence up, perhaps that will provide an alternative view on something later that is important.

    Whereas I can't explain all of the reason Cultivation would do what it does, I do feel that this theory has a lot of credibility to it in the way that Cultivation should work and the way that the Nightwatcher works.

  11. What type of system are you using for this RPG of yours for combat? There are many ways you could implement someone Burning Pewter. Allow an avoidance roll with every attack, in order to take into account the agility and dexterity provided by the Pewter. Perhaps these would require a bonus for Burning Pewter, or perhaps the fact that they are happening at all makes up for the fact. Then when it comes to checking for whether or not the enemy is doing damage or how much damage allow the person Burning Pewter to roll an extra d4 with their primary roll (or d2 if your system is closer to a d10 instead of d20.) If they are flaring make it a d6 or 8 instead. Do something similar for when they are attacking. Add extra stats or an extra die when you check for them hitting the opponent since they have an agility and dexterity advantage. Then when calculating damage use an extra d4 or 6 depending on if they are just Burning or Flaring.

    If you're not using a dice system I could maybe come up with another way to implement a "Pewtercheck."

    Using this kind of modifier will save you from a lot of math or other headaches. Burning Pewter? Just add dice.

    I feel as if this sized dice would provide a fairly analogous relationship as to Bruning Pewter while playing a d10 or d20 based system.

  12. Do we have any instances of a Lurcher Misting Pulling  on two anchor at the same time? I recall WoA, Vin swung a an iron gate into a Koloss and she felt that Pewter was the only thing keeping her in one piece. There is only so much stress the body can take and 150 lbs pulling on your center mass to the left AND another 150 to the right might have disastrous consequences.

    The fight between Kelsier and the Inquisitor. He was Pushing and Pulling dozens of pieces of metal all at the same time, so he was Pulling on more than one piece at any given time for sure. So it is possible to achieve Pulling in this manner.

    I think a better approach would be a launch ramp which is lined with metal bars on either side which you could use to pull yourself on, flaring your metals using the subsequent metal bars to increase your speed, then you launch off the end of the platform after one final pull aided by someone burning Nicrosil to give you one last HUGE push with your metals. Then you down another vial on your way to where you are meant to land, which hopefully has some chunk of metal high enough in the sky that it could be used to cushion your landing.

    This would be something that could be used for fun, but not very practical.

    As far as an actual like "Lurcher highway" it wouldn't be THAT hard to either build a really long kind of wall-less hallway through which a Lurcher could Pull themselves through or hang larger pieces of metal on a wire (like telephone poles) that a Lurcher to grab onto as he falls then grabs the next set of metal anchors.

  13. This topic has blown my mind. The only times I really paid attention to the "music" part was the note when Soulcasting, which I attributed to the boulder changing form, and the use of the bow against metal to create a musical note to show the forms of the cities made of sand. (Which it doesn't look like anyone mentioned yet.)

    I don't think that the Soulcaster bit is so simply "all lesser Soulcasters have only one gem and greater have three." I feel like it simply depends on what it was originally needed for as to how it was made.

    Taking into account the fact that we know that Jasnah and Shallan enter Shadesmar in order to Soulcast object. I imagine that her hand sinking into the boulder was an effect of her interacting with the cognitive form of the object and some form of temporal displacement between the two realms.

  14. Perhaps the Blades are of Honor instead of Cultivation. That could explain Syl, and HONORSpren's, disgust at someone who has not proven himself to possess a Blade. Perhaps she is also referring to the fact that, I assume in a similar way as the Plate isn't what it used to be, the Blades are not either. Perhaps she feels that in order for the Blade to be a good thing it needs to be .... "awakened" in some way. Perhaps by someone wielding it who has climbed to a certain level of being a KR.

    Is it specified anywhere exactly when in the process of becoming a KR they get the Blade and Plate? It's at the very end isn't it? After they've completed everything they need to do? I vaguely remember that being said. So even Kaladin who is what Level 2? Wouldn't be ready for the Blade. Perhaps that's why he rejected it at the time that he did. Perhaps he had an innate knowledge that he wasn't "at the right level to equip this item." (lol)

  15. Right, that makes sense. I was just trying to find a way to stab at them both being out and about the world and fighting wars.

    I didn't necessarily mean that Dalinar was added to the Kholin family in order to keep the house going, but more just as a form of "gift" to his best friend who had grown to be like brothers.

    I'm not sure on that last part if you misunderstood what I said or I misunderstood what you said. xD Either way it's clarified now.

  16. I don't remember if I ever shared this little tidbit with you guys.

    One time while I was at a signing with Brandon I asked him:

    "Now, we see that people use gemstones to power their Shardplate and the gemstones glow like the old Plate used to. If someone were to put the entire set of Plate out in the Storm would it become infused with Stormlight?"

    He gave me a typical EUOL answer and said:

    "No, but that doesn't mean they don't have Stormlight already infused with them."

    EDIT FOR CORRECTION:: I found a post by Phantom where he found the exact question and answer:


    Q: If you left Shardplate out in a Highstorm, would the Plate itself, not the the gemstones used to power it, become infused with Stormlight?

    A: No, the Plate would not become infused with Stormlight. Now, you can take that to mean it can't hold Stormlight or that it already has Stormlight locked away inside it.

    Now in my mind this allows for two possible major implications:

    1; The Plate and Blade are created through the Investiture through some form of Stormlight manipulation.

    2; Or that there is someway to release the Stormlight that is infused with the Plate in order to achieve the Plate we see in Dalinar's vision, whether that happens because of the glyphs he sees or the glyphs are a side-effect of the Stormlight leaking from the Plate I have no idea.

  17. With this little theory I'm going to accept my theory that before the abandonment of the Oathpact Urithiru was located in Shadesmar, then found its way to the physical world when the Heralds' power no longer held it there. Perhaps these craters are the entryways the 10 kingdoms used to get to Shadesmar and Urithiru. This would put them just a short ways from the city and would make landing stations for large number of people to come at once. Perhaps these craters are just how this rifts or entryways manifested themselves when they entered the physical world.

  18. A few things here:

    Shardblades - We know they are items which have some level of Investiture in them.

    Nightblood - We know it was created through Investiture.

    Perhaps Hoid latched on to Nightblood hoping it would be a good weapon against the Dawnshards once they returned. He obviously can't be tromping around Roshar carrying a Shardblade. It would become known too easily. Also, Nightblood has to feed on Investiture. So far we've only seen it eat Breath, but perhaps there are other ways.

    In another topic I discussed the use of storing Investiture into Nicrosil in a Feruchemical fashion, then burning it Allomantically. Hoid is a known Feruchemist, and we know he took a bead of Lerasium. Perhaps this is how he intends to fight against Odium? By feeding Nightblood, an item of GREAT Investure with Investure he himself creates using an Invested item created through the power of one Shard and feeding it with the power created by another Shard?


    Also, since every other description shows it as silver I feel it would be highly likely it was a typo or he was hiding the fact that it was silver for some Hoidian reason.

  19. I was hoping this topic was more based on the fact that the Shardblades change form to adapt to their owner. lol.

    No I feel that the stances are probably something every Lighteyes who wears a sword learns and they are then adapted in order to work better for a Shardbearer. In fact, and I don't have my copy of the book atm, I recall someone making a passing note of it. Just like one sentence about how it's different with a normal weapon than a Blade. Perhaps when Dalinar picks up the poker to use as a weapon?

  20. I didn't see a thread regarding Truthless I wouldn't have to necro so I'm going to make this new one.

    It talks in the past about there being 10 kingdoms and that each kingdom had someone sitting on a throne within the halls of Urithiru.

    We also know that the Shin people abhor violence. This leads me to believe that whoever their "Truthless" is, is the person who takes up the mantel to be the Shin representative within the Halls of Urithiru when the KR and the Heralds return.

    The Oathstone, I would imagine would be a thing which was given to the Heralds so as to keep the Shin person from simply running in fear of their religious persecution for killing and walking on stone etc...

    Said person would be Truthless, because whereas they are to represent the whole of Shinovar, they do things that no Shin would ever do. Therefore their station in Urithiru lacks even an ounce of Truth.

  21. OK, so I have a theory that is.... quite far out there.

    We know that Dalinar has used the Old Magic in order to forget something, this apparently happens to be his wife.

    I'm going to take this further. I'm going to say that at some point in his life Dalinar wished, "To not remember the things which hurt him so he could be happy." Because the pain of losing his wife was SO great he doesn't remember her. Other instances, such as the death of Gavilar are different whereas the turmoil and mess caused by him not remember Gavilar would cause more trouble and pain than just not remembering him. How the Old Magic decides these things is beyond me, but that's what I'm going with for my theory here.

    Now I'm purposing here that Dalinar is a Herald and that's why he worded his request to the old magic the way he did. This would allow him, as he lived on through the millenia, to forget old lives he took up and be happy and forget his betrayal of the Oathpact.

    Now, in regards to Gavilar. How often does a royal family send both their sons out into the world to fight and explore in dangerous hunts of giant animals? Not very often I think. I purpose that at some point Gavilar and Dalinar met whilst both of them were trouncing about the world. They then became friends and did all of the amazing things they did together together. After a certain amount of time Gavilar (or even Gavilar's father) adopted Gavilar into the Kholin family, making him Gavilar's brother.

    The visions, which are now coming during Highstorms, are the power of the Oathpact trying to fight its way past the Old Magic. The Highstorms are supposed to be when the Almighty is out and is strongest. This could be why these visions only happen during the Highstorms. The Almighty and the Oathpact magics are slowly breaking through the power of the Old Magic in order to demand Dalinar take up his place as the Herald he is supposed to be. Perhaps the Old Magic itself is allowing these things through whereas remembering these things now will create the least amount of grief in Dalinar's life as he returns to Heraldship.

    This would add to the symbolicness of him giving up his current Plate and Blade where, when he takes up his mantel as Herald, he will then be gifted with his Dawnshards once again.

    I may have forgotten a few things, and I'm sure there are holes. What are your thoughts on this?

  22. It has been noted (Though I can't remember where) that the number 10 will play a very significant role in Stormlight. 10 Heralds, 10 books, 10 levels .. etc. I feel like this may be something similar to the "level up" system we saw in Warbreaker, though instead of needing a large number of breaths, someone simply needs to have attained a certain level of .... their aspect within their Order.

    I feel that when Kaladin said "I will protect those who can not protect themselves." He was given a small portion of divine inspiration and knowing what he was saying and truly meaning it caused him to gain the strength that he used.

  23. The "swordlike symbol" you talk about is a letter or glyph. It's part of the Alethi (or some) language from Roshar, though we currently don't have any way to determine what it means. As I understand, Brandon had Inkthinker create these symmetrical sword letters for use in language or glyphing of some form.

    I feel that as we continue we may see things change in Roshar and Shadesmar, whether it be things being affected by the other or things moving from one to the other I do not know.

  24. Perhaps the interaction here is that he is trying to make himself seem like the good guy. I got the feeling that he forced her to commit these murders. Which could lend credence to both of the aforementioned theories as to who the monster is. It could have a dual meaning. Him being a monster for forcing her to do it, her being a monster for doing it. Perhaps that's the only connecting that keeps her connected to him is that they're both monsters in this situation.

  25. I think that TWoK (and while I'm on the topic, Mistborn trilogy and Warbreaker) all suffered from pacing problems. I didn't notice this while reading Elantris nor during my re-read of the Mistborn trilogy but I am noticing it while re-reading TWoK. Don't get me wrong; he writes great climaxes.. but it's like everything leading up to the climax is empty.

    Anyway, I'd be perfectly content if Brandon's ONLY major issue was pacing which I'm sure is something he'll improve on. And while I suppose I can understand his praise towards other major authors, the only 'epic' series I've read have been the SoIaF books out. And I just.. lost interest hard in them. It's slow, the plot is going nowhere, Dany hasn't even met any major characters, and her Dance chapters were a joke. As a reader I really cannot take SoIaF seriously anymore. But that's obviously just my opinion. It's nice to discuss it with others from time to time. Eesh this became a big tirade.

    This my good friend is known as the Brandon Avalanche. It's a problem he has had for a long time, though over the last .... 8 years has improved significantly. One day you should try to get a hold of Dragonsteel through an inter-library-loan. That book has quite the avalanche.

    As far as "everything leading up is empty" one of Brandon's philosophies is that a book and characters are written well when you are happy reading about their day to day lives. We see that through a large chunk of TWoK. Just people and their day to day lives, leading them into a grander story to come.

    I think I'm most excited to learn more about the magic systems... I'm a sucker for them and how they work and I just want to know everything RIGHT NOW. xD

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