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Posts posted by Miyabi

  1. So, I was thinking that it would be fun to have a weekly video podcast similar to Weekly Marmot / P.S.T. Where these would be posted bi-weekly or weekly depending. The way I'd like it to work is like this:

    week 1: General discussion about a topic.

    week 2: Answer questions people have about the topic from previous weeks.

    week 3: General discussion about a topic.

    week 4: Discussion about annotations for a few chapters from a book.



    Now I would be willing (and hopefully able) to do the recording and talk on camera every week, though I'd need some help deciding topics and making sure everything I say is... well, accurate.

    So, I ask you, what topic should I do for week 1?

    (note: This is only something I'm thinking about and will hopefully be able to do, though it might fall through in the long run.)

    EDIT:: I was thinking for weeks 1-3(or 4) going over general Cosmere information.

  2. I guess I should introduce myself to the people who are here and have been here while I was gone.

    My name's Miyabi, I've been a part of the Brandon community for a long time, longer than most I'd like to think. I know most of the admins and mods as I was involved in the beginning of the forming of 17th Shard. I had to take time away from the community though.

    I look forward to seeing yous guys around the forums.

  3. I met Brandon at a signing for Elantris. I had no idea who he was, but I just happened to be in the mall that day. I read Elantris and fell in love. The book was my favorite of his books for a long time. (My new favorite is one that comes out next year.) I soon made my way to his forums (this was back when he was still able to post on his forums) and began to chat with him. Over time I kept buying his books, and started going to release parties. Over time I've managed to get my name in the acknowledgments of Way of Kings and The Rhythmatist when it comes out next year.

    I have not read, but I did buy, the WoT books he wrote.

  4. My first three semesters of college I went to ISU and was working on the computer software development technologies associates program. Then I decided to change schools and went to UAT and majored in computer sciences with an emphasis in game design. I did this for two semesters and did very poorly because I was dealing with a lot of bad life stuff. So I stopped going to school.

    Now, I'm getting ready to move back to Idaho and go back to ISU and finish up the CSDT program I was in before.

    My long term goal is to double doctorate. I want a PhD in computer sciences and an MD is brain and neurological sciences. Then hopefully work in the field of virtual reality focusing on full immersion VR.

    EDIT:: I've also always wanted to minor in theology or biblical studies, even though I'm one of the least religious people out there. I can't help but love the parallelisms between almost every modern religion and ancient Egyptian religious worship of the stars.

  5. Nah, I really would have been around more, but I had a lot of life happen the last year or so....

    Had two close friends die on separate occasions. Spent some time in the hospital myself on suicide watch. Moved across the country.

    Plus some other things. So, hopefully I'm back now and life will be more calm.

  6. I really thought more people would know what that was.........

    Guess Mi'ch and Josh might be the only ones. haha.

    Gorilla in a phone booth is when something happens that is out of place and you end up thinking about it instead of paying attention to the other things and miss something important.

    MIIIIIIIIII'CCCCCHHHH!! =D Well... I did make my account like a year ago.... but I wasn't around too much then... so idk.

  7. It was me attempting to make a cleaver entrance and to say hi to old friends, because I assumed most of yous guys would know what the gorilla in a phone booth is and respond.

    HI KCHAN! =D

  8. A little but about myself. I was born long ago in Roswell, New Mexico. I've spent my life near top secret government installations (I now live in Nevada). I have a background in Anthropology, which I'm hoping to use as a writer.

    You sir, must be an Alien.

    ^.^ It'll be fun to see you around I'm sure.

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