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Everything posted by mail-mi

  1. Breath. Those are pretty op when you get up there. Would you rather know what the rest of the Hemalurgic spikes steal or know what the rest of the surges do?
  2. Hey, you got Deathwish v Impact. That was awesome.
  3. Hooray! 100 pages of rants and bad da-- ...oh.
  4. I think I can do better: Epic Name: Cantelope Primary Power: Can, with physical contact, turn any inanimate object into a pile of cantaloupes. Secondary Power: Can prevent people from getting secretly married who do not have permission to get married by their parents or guardians.
  5. But the Horcruxes are living beings--or, at least, inanimate things with living things inside of them. So couldn't the Avada Kedavra kill the soul and yet leave the object intact?
  6. I know this is from a while ago, but I do have a thing on this: Brandon told me that there is some type of relation of how Investiture-rich a planet is to how easy it is to use off-world. More investiture poor, like Scadrial, easier to use off world. More investiture rich, like Roshar, harder to use off-world (like seriously how are you going to get Stormlight anywhere else?)
  7. Sounds a lot like Quicksilver in the Dalles.
  8. Granted. You may now have the entirety of the internet in your mind and break from information overload. I wish i could get my homework done.
  9. Problem: how do I bring all my textbooks without it being as heavy as storms when I'm a senior in high school that is on college campus for all classes, and because of that the high school won't let me have a locker? (They have good reason for it; the entire high school is a hallway. There's not enough lockers for the seniors who are on campus all day. )
  10. I learned today that my full backpack weighs enough that it turns on the "Please put your seatbelt on" beeper when I put in the passenger seat.
  11. ...do I know you IRL? EDIT: Sorry, mistook you for someone else.
  12. Tulir's characters are NPC's now, right? Also, Reader's a big fat slontze as always
  13. BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP “BusDriver, come in. Qucksilver needs you in his office pronto. Event Horizon out.” BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BusDriver, Head of Transportation, jolted awake after yet another night of restless sleep plagued by nightmares of his past. BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP “BUSDRIVER! WAKE UP! QUICKSILVER NEEDS YOU NOW!!!” BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP Shaking his head to try to force the memories back, BusDriver reached over and turned off the Calamity-cursed alarm and pressed the “talk” button on his radio. “What the sparks Event?! Don’t you know how sparking early it is?!” “The sun rose a half hour ago. Stop being old and get down here.” Click. BusDriver groaned and began his tedious morning routine. Sometimes, being old really sucks. A half hour later--a surprisingly short amount of time for him--he was all ready and headed towards Quicksilver’s office. The door was cracked open slightly, and there was surprisingly no one waiting outside or standing guard. Deciding to just get it over with, BusDriver pushed the door open a bit more and stuck his head in. “Event said you wanted to see me, boss. What do you want to tell me off for this time?” To no one’s surprise, Arsenal’s proposed “house arrest” didn’t last very long. Of course, the part about being watched by guards 24/7 was still in effect, but that was always true. Reader was much too valuable to be left unguarded. And, since the hecticness of yesterday and his own kidnapping, his guard had not only been doubled, but tripled. He was surrounded on all sides by new, special green-uniformed men assigned to specifically guard Reader and Reader only. I’m going to have a lot of fun with them. Of course, there was one other thing that yesterday made change: Jack Hayter. The “Epic” that had requested that his weakness be used against him if he went too “crazy.” The one that didn’t live up to his true potential just because he might get a little murderous every now and then. The superhuman that isn’t very Epic. All those things combined to put Reader where he was the morning after the Panda attack: Standing outside Stormcage, waiting to be called in to Read Jack. “...and you must hate the way she snores non-stop every night, don’t you Jerry?” Reader said, finishing a quick Read of the guard in front of him. His nose pulsed with each word, reminding him that he still had to get it set. Even more from the look on Jerry’s face than from Reading him, Reader could tell that his guards didn’t view their “promotion” very highly. As he was opening his mouth to start insulting again, the door to Stormcage swung open. A female guard peeked out the door with a bored look on his face. “Reader, they’re ready for you.” “Of course Sherry.” Reader began to walk into Stormcage, followed by three of his guards. “Oh, and, Sherry? Your efforts to exercise more are not going to help that waistline.” Fuming, Sherry lead them through the halls of Stormcage to where Autumn and Vapor Snake were waiting. She and the other guards stayed posted outside the door as Reader was allowed in. Autumn and Jack had been looking at each other, but quickly and almost furtively turned their heads to the door as Reader slauntered in. “Oh, I’m so sorry!” Reader put on a mock face of surprise and guilt. “Did I interrupt you two? I ruined the ‘moment’ didn’t I. I’m so sorry, but, you know, work and all. Gotta do this Reading.” Both of their controlled expressions contorted into glares. “Oh, Vapor, I see you’re still rocking the full-body covering.” Reader leaned in close to Jack’s ear to whisper. “You know, from what I’ve heard, Autumn really likes it when her partners show a little affection, if you know what I mean.” Glancing at Vapor Snake’s arm, Reader began to roll up Vapor’s sleeve, and watched him visibly cringe. Reader smirked. “Don’t worry. I promise, this is completely necessary for my Reading.”
  14. Fatebreaker, that was an awesome post.
  15. Introduce yourself! 8 17th Shard Discussion 3 The Coppermind Wiki 8 General Brandon Discussion 10 Events and Signings 10 Interview Database 10 Cosmere Theories 10 Mistborn 6 Elantris and Emperor's Soul 10 Warbreaker 8 Cosmere Short Stories 10 The Reckoners 10 (includes both Firefight and Calamity boards) The Rithmatist 10 Alcatraz 10 Other Stories 10 (includes Skin Deep board) The Wheel of Time 10 Writing Excuses 8 Reading Excuses 16 TWG Archive 8 General Discussion 10 AMAs 7 Entertainment Discussion 12 Tech Discussion 6 Creator's Corner 10 (includes Sanderson Fan Fiction board) Role Playing 10 (includes Inactive RPs) Mistborn: The Inquisition 10 Reckoners RPG 18 Social Groups, Clans, and Guilds 9
  16. Have chromium and nicrosil been discovered by the Alloy of Law era?
  17. Introduce yourself! 8 17th Shard Discussion 8 Tech Support 7 The Coppermind Wiki 8 General Brandon Discussion 10 Events and Signings 10 Interview Database 10 Cosmere Theories 10 Mistborn 9 Elantris and Emperor's Soul 10 Warbreaker 10 Cosmere Short Stories 10 The Reckoners 10 (includes both Firefight and Calamity boards) The Rithmatist 10 Alcatraz 10 Other Stories 10 (includes Skin Deep board) The Wheel of Time 10 Writing Excuses 8 Reading Excuses 13 TWG Archive 8 General Discussion 10 AMAs 7 Entertainment Discussion 12 Tech Discussion 6 Creator's Corner 10 (includes Sanderson Fan Fiction board) Role Playing 10 (includes Inactive RPs) Mistborn: The Inquisition 10 Reckoners RPG 14 Social Groups, Clans, and Guilds 9
  18. Cool poem/quote, though I have no idea what it is. 8/10
  19. And my first post with Dragoon, setting up a meeting between him and Blackwave and the Destructors. I hope I did okay...
  20. Dragoon had just finished strapping on his travelling gloves when Journey and Affinity reappeared from their meeting with Blackwave. "Perfect timing," he said, throwing the end of his scarf over his shoulder. "Did we arrange to meet with the pirate?" "Yes," Affinity said. "We're meeting him in the regular meeting place." "Excellent!" Dragoon said. "Let's get going the--" he cut himself off as he realized something. "Journey, would you be a dear and find the other three Horsemen? I believe they'd want to meet with our allies as well." Journey saluted with one hand, but with the other hand reached down and pinched Affinity on the bottom. She yelped and turned around to slap him, but he was already gone. Dragoon tittered softly at the exchange, then held out his foot with an untied boot on it. A maidservant quickly ran to him to tie up the laces, making sure to tie it extra tight. Moments after his boots were done up Journey reappeared with War, a skinny lanky-looking guy whose looks really hid his true power; Precience, a short husky man with short brown hair that was extremely well kept; and Blight, an older man that could almost run as fast as if that was his Epic power. "Well, now that everyone's here, let's be off!" Dragoon grabbed onto War's hand and all six were transported away to meet with the pirate Blackwave. ---------- Rodrigo had tried to live as normal a life as possible when Calamity showed up. That was proving to get more and more impossible. Like, for example, when an array of vehicles plows into town, and one of the doors opens up to let out a really muscular-looking man, who then proceeds to rip off his door. Rodrigo jumped in shock as one of the cars next to him exploded. "Where does Dragoon meet visitors?" the muscular one said, looking around at the small crowd of vanillas. "Th-that way, sir. His regular meeting place is over there," Rodrigo pointed down the street. "Just turn l-left up there sir." "Thank you," the muscular one said, and then he started sprinting towards the place. A flood of people came out of each car and followed after him, probably intent on crashing whatever party Dragoon was probably hosting this morning. Rodrigo shook his head and got back to work. Sometimes, "normal life" in a post-Calamity world was just impossible.
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