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Everything posted by mail-mi

  1. And when he didn't feel like searching for anything terribly tragic in anyone's background.
  2. Timeport. Timeport does not have a sad and tragic backstory, was kind of a terrible person (he was a diagnosed sociopath, and his friends were trying to help him control his sociopathic tendencies), did not have anything tragic happen, he started worshipping Calamity because of a misunderstanding.EDIT oops.
  3. Don't give up so quickly. If you decide that you suck and are going to fail well then yeah you probably will. But if you work hard and try, maybe you can only pull out a B- but hey, it's better than failing, and maybe you'll even do better. You can do it, just keep on persevering.
  4. Oh, and Edge, I have a pretty good icon for vapor:
  5. Maybe it will. No, he moved his arm when he ripped it out of Autumn's grasp.
  6. I'm actually not sure. Basically, I have to decide if Reader's powers do work that way, or he's lying through his teeth for the sake of getting Jack shirtless. (come on, give reader a break, he just wants a little fan service. )
  7. Perfect, Edgedancer, you're just in time. I just wrote Reader's post, and I think a Hayter response is needed.
  8. With fury not unlike that of an enraged Minor Epic, Autumn seized Reader's wrist before he could reveal anything more than a couple inches of skin. He met her glare, though, while hers was backed by anger, his was backed by his own superiority. "We all know it isn’t necessary, Reader," she said in a whisper that made even Reader hesitate--only slightly, of course. "You have never once demanded someone take off their jacket or their shirt to Read them, and unless your powers miraculously changed five minutes ago, there’s no reason for it now. Now. Take your hand off of Jack’s arm, and keep both of them to yourself." Reader didn't move, choosing his next words carefully as he Read all he could off of Autumn. "We may not be using cameras for this interview," she continued, so quietly Reader was surprised that Jack could hear. "but Vondra will hear every bit of it. He hears you purposely antagonized Jack, it’ll be your word against mine. Hands off." Reader waited for just a moment to let the room dissolve into a silence similar to that of an intense shoot off, then pulled his trigger. Unfortunately, his still unset nose betrayed him, leading to a poor start. "I'll haf you know, Mrs. Autumn Not-an-Epic Sthparkle, that my powers did not miraculously change in the last five minutes, but that they've always stayed exactly the same. Meaning, that they've always relied on sight. The more I see, the more I know." He ripped his wrist out of Autumn's grasp. "And, if I'm not mistaken, Vondra asked for a full Reading of Mr. Snake over here, and full means learning everything I can about him. Everything. Do you know how long that will take?" Not letting her even start an answer, he answered himself. "A lot longer than you want to be locked in here with me, that's for certain. However, if I can see more of Mr. Snake, it will go much, much faster." Reader drew up to Autumn, close enough to kiss her, though he was planning much the opposite. "So," he said viciously, "Jack can either take off his jacket and shirt for me, or we'll all be in here a lot longer than we need or want to be."
  9. I'm sure one of their writers did at some point.
  10. Chasmfiend, simply because that means that I have a shardblade now! Would you rather step on a lego while flaring tin, or stub your toe as a Reod Elantrian?
  11. Oh, but you simply must watch the rest of it darling!
  12. Funny joke, and nice use of smileys. 9.8/10 Also, relevant:
  13. Dragon. What, you never said it had to be a real reptile. Favorite smart phone brand?
  14. I don't think Edgedancer, Kobold, and Twi want to be associated with them in any degree whatsoever.
  15. It's awful! When it comes to her with anything whatsoever, logic gets thrown out the window. "Yes, mail-mi, the reason she's partnering with another guy for PE is not because she wants your terribly socially awkward friend to not have to talk to someone else, but because she definitely doesn't want to be with you right now and you should feel really really bad about it."
  16. Brain. Why don't you listen to logic? It doesn't mean anything whatsoever if she's storming talking to another guy. Ugh.
  17. The half-angle identities. SO FREAKING USEFUL for integrals. Favorite math concept?
  18. I, uh, totally know what it looks like and definitely won't come up with something right out of my head when we actually get a scene with him in there.
  19. And you don't even mention phineas and ferb?! Except that's over now too. A big fat 0. I was about $2200 in debt to my parents for car repairs and a school-planned but self-paid trip to Spain. For my birthday that year the only thing I got was a complete reduction in that debt from $2200 to $0. Favorite international money sign? ($, €, £, etc.)
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