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Everything posted by DreamEternal

  1. If Gavilar believed the Parshendi would be necessary to bring another desolation he should probaly know more about ther connection to desolations than he lets on, and more about their gods too, and if he didn't know, why involve them in his plans? Also, about Listener Radiants, Brandon so far has said that in universe, everyone would say they cannot exist, but refused to speak any further about it.
  2. So THAT is why Urithiru looks like it was sliced by a shardblade.
  3. This also raises the question of where the investiture channeled throught the external metals goes, directily to the target or first to the body of the allomancer, and then to the target
  4. Yes, but the shards have no choice about this either, it is just passive interaction.
  5. The magics are actualy born from the passive interaction between shards or splinters and the world itself, so Shards have only limited control over how they manifest. Roshar is unique because it was once touched by Adonalsium, who left some of his power there.
  6. Actualy it is just a fringe theory.
  7. Actualy, Venli convinced Eshonai to try out Stormform by pointing out that there was a surgebinder among the human armies.
  8. I think Realmshifter would be better than hopper, since they aren't realy changing their location.
  9. Sorry to nitpick, but Jasnah is not a worldhopper, at least yet.
  10. As far as I know, sociopaths have lack of compassion and inability to form interpersonal relations that do not directily benefit them, so unless my psychological knowledge is horribly misguided I can't see Kelsier being a full on sociopath, only maybe a low degree sociopath. Please, feel free to correct me if I said anything stupid.
  11. Their gods are the Unmade. They are suspected to be some kind of powerful voidspren by the Diagram and most of the forum, and one of the listener songs calls them "splinters of a soul", wich fits what we know about spren, but Rlain says they were born of the souls of listeners who gave themselves to destroy. I suspect that they are both: souls of listeners fused with splinters of Odium. Brandon said that they have a fixed number, but it isn't ten.
  12. That is if Nin continues his old agenda. He told Lift he was hunting her because he believed surgebinding would cause the start of a new desolation. Since it already started he could very well be willing to stop hunting them until it ends.
  13. He can supress his divine breath, as he explains in the end of the book. Doing this also makes the divine breath stop counting as a breath towards his heightening count and makes it invisible, so if his only breath is a supressed divine breath it is as if he had no breaths, since he is a drab and can't use it to awaken without killing himself.Supressing it also keeps it from being given by the "By breath to yours." command.
  14. If I remember correctly he was actualy referencing his supressed divine breath, wich would guarantee an instant fifth heightening.
  15. A "Dragon" is a term to discribe the most powerful servant of the Big Bad. He was not literal.
  16. Or maybe lighteyes need to say more oaths before their eyes change.
  17. I know how if feels, always make the same mistake. I would have taken this over the Kaladin/Shallan/Adolin love triangle. So much potential.
  18. Vasher was created originaly for The Way of Kings, them adapted into Warbreaker, so I hope Zahel will be relevant to the main plot, perhaps as much as Wit.
  19. For purely scientific purposes, may you tell me what are you smoking sir? Just joking, but Brandon said many times Hoid isn't a shard, and his power seens to be just regular magic, and using interactions between different sistems for great effect. Also, what is an AntiShard?
  20. Maybe he has the key, it is his family's palace after all.
  21. Unless you are an Radiant. Them, you can stop him. Death is only a delay. No one can stop him.
  22. Hoids friend is a non-intervencionist, who seeks not to disturb what he sees as a greater design, while Hoid is always intervining. Hoid's friend didn't seem to have any desire for vengeance, only annoyance at what he sees as foolishness and pride.
  23. Unlikely, Hoid's friend from The Letter in Words of Radiance seems to respect, or even worship Adonalsium, and previously in Way of Kings Hoid was asking him for help against Odium. I don't think they would be so open to talk if Hoid had shattered Adonalsium
  24. The Sons of Honor (Restares, Amaram and probably Gavilar) want to bring back the Church by starting the True Desolation, hoping the Heralds will also return. The new Skybreakers, led by Nin, wanted to prevent the desolation by killing radiants, but their plans may have changed now that it has already come. We don't know for sure what the Diagram thinks about the radiants, except that it says that their oaths can't be stoped and they should look for them, so it can be guessed that they see the radiants as an obstacle, but maybe it is just because they were using a truthless. The ghostbloods don't seem to be against radiants, but we know nothing about their goals. EDIT: damnation autocorrection set to portuguese.
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