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Everything posted by bdoble97

  1. Chapter 29 No Backing down was the best chapter yet in my opinion. Reading Shallan Adolin abd Renarin descending down this dark borrow stone staircase with so visual to me I could picture all that so well in my mind's eye. To me there's nothing better than a group of people exploring a deep dark ancient Hall. To me it was so creepy that they were chasing after this being the way Brandon Sanderson describes it as a dark tar made me think of that movie The Thing I've actually never seen it but the trail is from the 70s. I don't know if that's a good representation for what I was picturing but I just picture this monster that could devour everything it was so exciting. When Adolin charge towards it I yelled yes!!!! And did a fist pump it was so intense and exciting for me to read perfect time to come out to yesterday during Halloween for such a creepy chapter again in my opinion. When Shallan confronted it it made me think of this scene of Gandalf in the extended edition Desolation of Smaug when he fights Sauron but ten times cooler the white light of the stormlight people again the dark tar monsters it was just so so good. I also have been struggling since the beginning of the series of what Renarin looks like but when he was facing that black tar I instantly picture him as a younger Ezra Miller don't know why but now it's sticks. I wish I was a better artist cuz I want to draw this scene so bad hahahha
  2. How amazing is this books art so far. Brandon Sanderson just outdoes himself with every stormlight book. We haven't even seen any of the art inside the book yet. I hoping for some sketches of Dalinar anf Adolin in thier uniforms. The Herald that looks like a king in armor is awesome
  3. And this is just the first two pages of the inside cover oh my God it's beautiful this book is going to be absolutely amazing so much art.
  4. So this isn't really a spoiler for orthbringer but the dust cover is amazing. After looking at it multiple times it came to me what could be on the other side of that dust cover a epic painting of all the characters together that's my hope.
  5. Ok good points i kind of hope there are alot of subspecies of Listeners.
  6. Are the new Parshendie that Kaldin is with A different race or subspecies from the Voidbringers.
  7. I am absolutely loving reading these chapters every Tuesday I don't think I've ever been in my phone as much. Well that's a lie cuz I'm obsessed with my phone. But well reading Shallan chapters she and when she's talking about her art I keep on hoping is going to be some new art do you guys think we will not get any art until the actual book comes out I kind of prefer that. What about everyone else
  8. I would hate Adolin to die. But It would change things up. Kaladin getting mixed up in the rebellion makes me think of Star Wars hahah. But I wabt him back with Dalinar as so as posibel. Syl and Pattern fighting would be cool to see. Shallan gaining the knowledge that Kaladin killed her brother will hopefully end any idea of them getting together. Im a sucker for a good lovr story but do not want Shallan and Kaladin to ever be together. Shallan and Adolin need to be together in my opinion. I want Shallan to be the only one Adolin tell of what he did at the end of WOR
  9. @Figberts Syl and Pattern fighting makes so much sense to me but never thought about it I vaguely remember them sensing each other in the arena during the duel I believe that could visually be so cool looking even though I know it's a book. Maybe Shallan could drive because it would be so spectacular looking. @Iridium Savant Odium transforming humans into Sunset bird freaky monster sounds excellent something new and different than the void Bringers Maybe this could lead into the leader five books at the KR and voidbringers have to unite to fight them.
  10. I have been thinking about Dalinar in the latter books. I think the KR will be able to live for a long long time. It would be cool if they can live well into thier 100s.
  11. My thoughts exactly I cant see Dalinar dieing between book thats such a crap way for my favorite charter to go out. If he die it will probly be in the climaxes od book 5 and I hope it fing glories epic death. Dalinar has bevome my favorite charter in all fantasy I just love the dude.
  12. Is it going to be two separate desolatiod. It's a 15-year gap between the two books correct I can't see it being two separate desolations I have never been mad when a character dies in a book but I think I'll be pissed if Dalinar dies .
  13. Hmmmm with Renarin as a flashback character in the later 5 I wonder if his flashback scenes would be prior to the original five books or between the two sets of 5. It also gets me worried that the last set of five going to have all basically brand-new characters I know we've met some of them in the previous five books but I love these characters and don't want them all to die and have new characters in the second half of the series
  14. @maxal who are the 10 flashback characters so for ee have had Kaladin, Shallan and now Dalinar next book is suposed to be Eshonia right.
  15. You guys are on another level then I am. When I read these comments you guys seem to know so much more in-depth stuff and I do. I love this book series so much but sometimes I feel like I'm so in the dark compared to the knowledge that some of you have.
  16. No its a cool idea. I dont hate the idea i would just hate the thought of Kaladin mother being a part of that group. If it was his father it would not bother me as much
  17. I would hate ine of Kaladins parents to be part of the same group that Shalla mother was. It would be devastating if it turnd out to be Kals mother. I think Jasnah will be fightingoff voidbringers but I like the idea of her getting info about the ghostbloods. Adolin will probly have a confessions ro his father and then they Dalinar will be force to proceed with the the law abd banish his son. That will be one of the hottest things he's ever had to do. Having assassins hunting Adolin is a great idea More forms would be cool. I would like to see another form like a monster form or somrhing like thatA A parshendie vs parshendie war would be epic. I think we are going to get that %100
  18. Yea lets hope he was just so upset about it and coyld not get over her dearg or somthing. Vivian is wicked good character so lets hope. This such a cool idea. I want this to happen now
  19. @The One Who Connects what are Dawn shards. When reading topics in comments on this website I constantly read things that I like how did I not understand this or how did I miss that in these books because I have no idea what I dawn shard is
  20. After reading so many about Dalinar possibly being involed with his wifes death I dont want ti fund out anymore That would be a cool twist if Kaladin has lighteyes blood. I wounder how he would deal with that. Adolin is going to go through alot of messed up stuff I think. I would love Zahel getting yelled at by bright redheaded Vivian. That would be so good.
  21. Always coming up with excellent points this would be such a pivotal plot point for the three of them. Dalinar realizing how much she loves his sons. Renarin seeing that he isn't worthless and truly can help the cause. And Adalin seeing that his younger brother may be more important than him
  22. Dalinar being the prime suspect is a great idea. Love love the idea about Kaladin and his parents. I realy hope somthing like this happens now. Hoid and Jasanh interactions should be great. Navani finding new tec along with Shallan has to happen in my opinion
  23. You are correct I apologize. Of course he's a POV character each one of his POV chapters has the Shard plate in a dueling stands. I guess I'm just tired and wasn't thinking properly. But I still don't want him to become a assassin I want him to be his father's right-hand man next to Kaladin. I want Adolin and Kaladin to be back to back in the thick of the battles. I want to see a whole Arc and him awakening his shardblade and discovering things about the spren and shardplate.
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