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Everything posted by bdoble97

  1. I agree with you 100% he had to of been dping somthing behind the scean.
  2. When Shallan was doing her unbelievable cool Stormlight creations to me it almost seems like Radiant and Vail manifest into or evolve into their own beings I don't think this actually happened for a while I was thinking that well thinking that I pictured Donna from That 70 show as radiant in the main character from She's All That as Vail also. I could not find a good photo for Dona as a redhead dad in the book I was looking for. Does anybody have a good voice for pattern I sometimes think of Sheldon from The Big Bang but I don't think that's a good voice
  3. Sweet dude thanks man. Ill be lookung into that book. Gope to do even more drawings tomorow
  4. You sound very smart tbat was very interesting to read thank you
  5. @The Sovereign is Ashyn on aby of the star charts the was released earlier this year in the short story collection book so I can't remember the title of that book right now
  6. Ok thank you so did i toltally miss that when reading Oathbringer. If so I feel really embarrassed asking hahah
  7. In case I miss something while reading oathbringer do the ancient Dawnchant or Dawbsingers say where the voidbringers home planet is. I always feel like I understand these books but then I come to these forums and now listen to shark chull on YouTube and feel like I know just the bare minimum of this series even though I love this series in these characters . Could the voidbringers home planet be where the shards originated from or that happened much earlier due to the fact that the individual shards were already on roshar. I have been thinking that all the humans and all these different plants originated from the same planet before the shattering right.
  8. I definitely think it's a foreshadowing I should have said that good point on you. Imagine all the archers that could be on that just raining down arrows to the parshendi army. Or chard bears with chard bows could be like missiles down on the enemy Infantry
  9. Well there's an army of them so I'm just going to keep on adding my shell heads parshendie Warform. I would love to try to do a fuse but I don't think my drawing skills are at that point some of you may think my drawing skills are horrible I don't know hahaha. It's also just a cheap excuse to try to get more people to look at my heart if I keep on posting them
  10. bdoble97


    From the album: Rlain

  11. When we get to see the drawings of the lack for a better term flying ships that Navani was having designed I started think of all kinds of amazing epic battles scenes of flying ship armadas Riding the Storm into battle against the fused. I very much think we will be seeing these in the future books
  12. Very good points. I was thinking in the lines of if there could be a new order of KR that could bond a oath Gates friend could one of their abilities be instantly open a teleportation device with just Stormlight kind of like the portals in The Wheel of Time just thinking bit now but the way that Brandon Sanderson use the portals in the final battle in Wheel of Time was epic and would love to see something like that later on in the series maybe in the back 5 books. But with saying that I don't see Sanderson doing something that he's already come up with especially when it was in a different book series he's too smart to do that in my opinion
  13. Do you guys think the two oathgates spren could be bonded and if so would that create a new type of knight radiant I just have the feeling that we're going to see all kinds of newer things that were never possible in the past for the KR . I feel like for it the Desolation to not be completed we're going to have to see evolution of the KR and the singers.
  14. bdoble97


    From the album: Rlain

  15. bdoble97

    Venli bust

    Love the marble skin. Whish I could do tbat with my drawings.
  16. Thanks so much going to go follow him now on YouTube
  17. bdoble97


    From the album: Rlain

  18. @hoiditthroughthegrapevine badass thank you. guess this is Parsh shellhead
  19. Thanks man I'm so new to this stuff so any suggestions or critiques are more than welcomed
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