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Everything posted by pdash

  1. I agree I don't think it will do Taravangian much good to keep track of the death rattles. It seems that the source of the death rattles is one of the unmade, then doesn't that mean it is ultimately Odium's desire they be heard (I don't think he wants to help humanity). Then there is the whole Vorin thing with prophecy being evil, prohibitions like that don't tend to be wholly arbitrary. And even beyond that as GRRM would say "prophecy is dangerous ground on which to build". It seems they are likely true, but what real good does that do anyone because in a situation where you only receive a single line of ambiguous text you are forced to create your own context to understand each individual rattle, and consequently often select the wrong context. To me it seems like Taravangian is focused on something that provides a poor guide for future action.
  2. Yes Szeth hates, but what purpose would Syl have in naming him as such. "The one who hates" is a title, Syl clearly uses it because she is afraid of naming the thing she is referring to, and describes him as "the darkness inside" this doesn't seem like something someone would say about a person. Also she says that he is watching; Szeth is not watching he is the one acting.
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